"cant this be done by skinning and wat is so good about this , its purple lightning."
Yes, you can do it just by including skins, but you can't avoid the side effects. There are models which uses Blue_Glow2.blp which used by the original MonsoonBoltTarget. You need at least 4 blps and 1 mdx to get this lightning effect.
I have used the smallest number of skins. There are no suitable purple skins in war3.mpq except Purple_Glow.blp.
The same ones of orange and cyan use 5 skins per model.
In fact, I have made orange, yellow, green, cyan, purple, magenta, THIS COLOR, and white ones. I would no longer submit more recolored lightning models. If anyone need them, please send me a PM or a email. If you'd like to get yellow ones, you can get all of them in wc3sear.ch.