Are there any specific conditions your map must meet before a mod will help you upload a map manually, if your map cannot be uploaded via the script/web site for any reason? I understand that a map over 4MB can be uploaded by a mod if you ask nicely.
I am asking as I have a problem with uploading a map. I know if I uncheck the "Remove as much WE data as possible" when using Vexorian's Map Optimiser the problem will be resolved. However, I am very reluctant to do so for personal reasons. If I can ask the mods to upload the map for me, my troubles will be gone (hopefully not at the expense of troubling another).
I am asking as I have a problem with uploading a map. I know if I uncheck the "Remove as much WE data as possible" when using Vexorian's Map Optimiser the problem will be resolved. However, I am very reluctant to do so for personal reasons. If I can ask the mods to upload the map for me, my troubles will be gone (hopefully not at the expense of troubling another).