ok try this, IT TOOK ME LIKE 10 SECS TO FIND OUT, if u have already tried this and it still didnt work, U HAVE A BIG PROBLEM, REINSTALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
anyway, it goes like this;
1) import the .mdx AND all the skins that come with it
2) look at the skin file url (the path that is in the folder but forgetting the folder name, eg. (Demo/)Units/neutral/demo/demo1.blp, but changing all the "/"s to "\"s OR look on the internet at the download page, it will have a list of paths, use them with the correct filename
3) repeat step 2 with all skins
5) (i never have to do this but u might) restart WorldEdit
that should do it, if this is a bit complicated, i will do a demonstration
this is the first model on the list for me so im not picking one cuz i like it
1) download the snake model (
http://www.wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Models&ID=50&sid=e3e691976436810c0964bd50c61104d7 )
2) import the snake model
3) import the file called; Displacer.blp
4) double click on the Displacer.blp info in the import manager
5) change the url/path to Displacer.blp (because it says to in the "number of skins" category)
6) import the file called TeamGlow01a.blp
7) double click on the TeamGlow01a.blp info in the import manager
8 ) change the url/path to TeamGlow01a.blp (because it says to in the "number of skins" category)
9) save
Extra detail, in the NoS (No. of skins) list it names 4, but i only told u to import 2, only import the hilighted ones, and if the file does not include them, then do not worry, they r part of the game
10) reboot World Edit
11) now look at the snake model, it should be completley visible
this WILL
(/should) work, now try this with other downloaded models
if there are any more probs, post them and i will try to help...