Model request

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Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
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Level 4
Apr 14, 2012
Well, the first image i cannot open, but the second i can, with red hair is so difficult, but have this two models that is really nice :3

Blood Elven Arcane Huntress
Human Assassine

I've saw all the models in Hive and WC3campaigns before writing this request. The problem is I need white or red hair + swords on her back and not so colorful and heavy clothes ;C
I need Light dark clothes with 2 long swords (not katanas) and 2 or one sword(s) on her back. As well as the hair color as I said on top of this.

EDIT: I need something like this but with darker armors and to be female with long hair. Why hasn't anybody thought of such cool model till now and why is it so hard to find someone to have the honor to create something so precious. ;'C
I want her swords to be held in hands like this guy not like the Blood Elven Arcane Huntress you sent me. But still thanks for the help.
I'm still searching for help. :(
Level 16
Nov 7, 2011
You might want to take into consideration the difficulty a modeler will have to face to provide an output that can comply with ALL your specific requirements.

So, I would really like to suggest you go with piecing your model yourself. I don't mean this in a rude way.

To explain, you could perhaps use one of the models that already match most of your preferred requirements and maybe ask their owners for permission to do light edits to the model. Maybe, you could ask for someone to retexture it to make it a redhead, since that seems to be the color you like the most. And then maybe, attach the swords to the model's different parts as stated by Astaroth Zion.

And this way, you could also be able to experiment with what other tiny details you might want to add this model. That way, it's like you've become the modeler yourself. :)

And besides, with this method, you could be able to provide variety as well as to explore the different possible versions you can come up with.

Plus, I guarantee it to be a somehow "FUN" experience. :p

In the light of all I had just said, I wish you Good luck!
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