Hi guys
Im in a great need of a female version of this royal captain model http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource_images/7/models_6177_screenshot_tnb.jpg with few changes if its possible.
I just want her eyes to glow a bit and just that her belly will be exposed also i want instead of the swords and shield to hold two medium looking swords(So the armor wont be a full armor like this model)
also i want another male version of a royal captain without sword- and shield and with a little different helmet if that is possible.
Also i want an icegard kind of tower maybe i will draw a concept to show to you how it should like and a last Ancient kind of Altar thats all for now
Im in a great need of a female version of this royal captain model http://www.hiveworkshop.com/forums/resource_images/7/models_6177_screenshot_tnb.jpg with few changes if its possible.
I just want her eyes to glow a bit and just that her belly will be exposed also i want instead of the swords and shield to hold two medium looking swords(So the armor wont be a full armor like this model)
also i want another male version of a royal captain without sword- and shield and with a little different helmet if that is possible.
Also i want an icegard kind of tower maybe i will draw a concept to show to you how it should like and a last Ancient kind of Altar thats all for now