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Model mdl problem

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Level 3
Apr 26, 2015
I have a problem with my campaign , after i download a model , imported and all , follow all of the instructions that are in the link above the download button i get a green square instead of my crossbow man model that should replace the rifleman , and the same with other arthas models . I tried doing this many times but the path in the object editor transforms always from mdx to mdl after i click ok .

Can somebody help ?
Level 21
Aug 13, 2011
It's fine how it shows the model's path as mdl in the unit editor, since it does that for everyone. It sounds like you just need to restart the editor or save your map before using the model you imported. Technically imports don't exist in your map until you save it, and you have to restart the editor if the models are already showing up as green boxes.
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