well in the original Water War - Submerged, you will get messages about units on the other side of the map being attacked all the time, and maybe hit space only to have your screen stuck at the top/bottom of the water/land area
also it could be interesting to be able to have the full minimap up at all times, maybe keep track of allied/enemy hereos better?
it would be a feat to actually do that, but there are pros and cons whether it's part or all of the minimap.
with the half map in Water War - Submerged though it is
really damn cool to go up and down to see differently shaped fog of war and larger/smaller land masses where islands are
so here's what i see as good/bad for both sides
pros for whole:
keep track of heroes better
keep track of progress on both halves
ping areas on both halves
cons for whole:
minimap could seem too small or too cluttered
you can see both sides on the minimap but only have access to one (could be confusing or annoying )
double vision :?
pros for half:
minimap is bigger, and as such less cluttered
would be wicked awesome if everything was right
cons for half:
heroes that dive/surface on land/water have a chance to get away (good for some, bad for others)
pings on other half show up at top/bottom of minimap
minimap may be streched out, creating a
TI effect (when TI graphing calcs are set to xmax10 xmin-10 ymax10 ymin-10 ur graphs get distorted and don't look as pretty
