hmpfrr, lets see.
You will have a map with a small arena.
This arena is surrounded by walls or cliffs so units can not walk out of it.
At cliffs/walls should be an option to CREATE units.
Well if u have that area u can start.
Each player starts with the same unit and the same hp/mana.
EACH new level/game gives the unit a random spell. (blink, divine shield, evasion, ..) Anything that could help the protection against attacks or the game. (Make sure u balanced it).
Each new game spawns (random) units on the cliff, which will fire are random directions.
U can make it a mortar, catapult, demolisher, ...
Another option is to spawn HH with it that are just throwing spears randomly into the area or grypon ryder (hammer hit = jump), ... U can find alot of variations.
Another idea is when a game is started again, a ball will appear and will bounce from everything it hits, making the one who took the hit to take damage.
Make a leaderboard which shows then wins of each round that has been made.
The host should be able to pick how much rounds.
The winner should be the last man standing.