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microrunnertd 1.1.4

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Reactions: Oli and O.Elayadi


A map by Cokemonkey11

* Introduction
* Screenshots
* Races
* Version Control
* Changelog
* Credits
* Contributing


microrunnertd is a tower defence map that draws inspiration from Gridlock, the once
popular map by Envious. In this two-player map, players build towers along a labyrinth
area that creeps can walk through. Where this map differs from traditional tower defence
maps is in the path that creeps follow: in microrunnertd, the player controls a fragile
runner which must evade the creeps while guiding them to their towers.

There are 42 waves in total, including, among other special rounds, boss and spell immune
ones. If, during any round, both players runners are killed, the game ends in a defeat.

Utilize shared income and agreed running routes to boost your chances of winning, as this
is a highly team-dependant game. However, do consider your first match as a practice run.
The game becomes more difficult in hard mode.








Spirit: The spirit race specializes in magic and spell damage, but has a healthy
mix of all damage types. Spirit has powerful crowd control and healing abilities. Spirit
does exceptionally well against boss levels due to their Runner's Storm Bolt upgrade.
Their ultimate tower is the Spiritlizard, which has global attack range.
Wasteland: The wasteland race specializes in piercing and siege damage, and
generally has a lot of brute force power. Wasteland has some healing capabilities and
exceptionally powerful anti-armor due to their Runner's Bristleburst upgrade. Wasteland
has multiple high-tier towers that have additional attack attributes, making them more
resilient to armor type variation in the late game. Their ultimate tower is the Windforge
Harpy, which has a tri-attack.
Metal: The metal race specializes in normal damage, and in particular is designed
to have few, high-power towers. Metal is generally an expensive race, and has the most
difficult early-game, during which it depends on the basic tower. Metal's Runner has a
strong armor type. This race has the strangest mechanics of the three, including an aura
tower that can prevent towers from killing creeps. Metal has a tower that can gain power
indefinitely. Their ultimate tower is the Leviathan Well, which summons the Leviathan to
fight for you.
Beer: The beer race focuses on flavor over damage, and is otherwise a fairly basic
race of simple towers. What the beer race lacks in surprises, it makes up for with a few
exciting towers and runner upgrades. The beer race is quite vulnerable with the Unarmored
armor type. The beer race has a strong support ability. Their ultimate tower is the Witch,
which deals over 1500 chaos damage.

Version Control

All iterations of this map are maintained in a public git repository at


1.1.4 7 Mar 2021:
  • Fix Level 42 model, broken by reforged.
  • Fix Goblin Tinker and Alchemist Haste abilities, broken by reforged.
  • Enable wurst optimizations.

1.1.3 6 Mar 2021:
  • Fix Executioner Haste ability, broken by reforged.
  • Fix random-race select button, broken by reforged.

1.1.2 20 Jun 2019:
  • A collection of regressions related to 1.31.1 have been fixed.
  • Two towers with disabled abilities in 1.1.0 have been re-enabled.

1.1.1 15 May 2019:
  • [patch] spirit race's priest heal has been fixed.

1.1.0 8 May 2019:
  • A new race has been added - Beer.
  • Bandito Masterino (first boss) now casts divine shield when attacked.
  • [blizzard bug] the wasteland tower that uses GetUnitArmorType has been reworked.
  • [balance] The bristleburst (wasteland) ability has been reworked to be less effective.
  • Tooltips for summons improved.
  • The wurst standard library dependency has been updated to wurstStdlib2

1.0.2 7 July 2016:
  • The map is now written entirely in Wurst
  • A new race has been added - Metal.
  • Added a new "run away" sound.

1.0.0c 16 June 2014:
  • Fixed one bug
  • Made minor tweaks

1.0.0b Date Unknown:
  • Changelog lost.

1.0.0a 30 May 2014:
  • Initial Version Uploaded to hiveworkshop.com as part of Mini Mapping Contest #9. See
    the thread here: http://goo.gl/yPlMmy


Special thanks to JesusHipster for the Wisp model. peq, Frotty, and others, who developed
Wurst. Shadow Daemon for the Button Manager tool, used to generate icons. Envious, who
made the classic map Gridlock, which micorunnertd is influenced by. Matt1965, who provided
valuable playtest feedback. Disney, who provide a soundbyte from 'The Lion King' Valve
Software, who provide a soundbyte from 'Counter Strike: Global Offensive' Blizzard, who
provide this wonderful world editor and sound bytes from 'World of Warcraft'
JetFangInferno, for the custom crushing wave model. Marcos DAB, for the lizard, leaf, and
crystal icons. dhguardianes, for the White Ring effect. morbent, for the mephisto icon.
CygX1, for \"Burning in Hell\". Vortigon, for the Wind Egg Model. Vildhjarta, for the
thall. Talon the Mage, for the negev missile. -Grendel, for the Crypt Mother model.
Tarrasque, for the Tidal Lord model. asailant, for the Whiskey Bottle icon. The_Silent,
for the Speeding Tire icon.


I will merge atomic, well-formed pull-requests if they are consistent with my design
policies and issue tracker.


microrunnertd 1.1.4 (Map)

Level 6
Dec 9, 2010
Hey Cokemonkey,

Wow, nice map! Just got done playing it with a friend, and I have to say that it's a unique take on a TD. I hope you continue working on it.

One suggestion if you continue to update it: Have you considered making it 8 players, with 4 teams of 2? Not only would this incorporate more players per game, but you could add elements through which players can interact with each other's games. You could have PvP modes where you try to be the last team standing, or even a co-op where you can aid the other 2-person teams, etc. Something to keep in mind if you keep working on it.

Overall 4.5/5, .5 taken off because there are only three races, which makes it limited atm.
Hi Mech_Warrior,

Thanks for the comments, I appreciate that you took a minute to give me your thoughts.

Hey Cokemonkey,

Wow, nice map! Just got done playing it with a friend, and I have to say that it's a unique take on a TD. I hope you continue working on it.

Thanks! I'm glad you guys enjoyed it. I suggest playing on hard mode next time if you think you're up for it ;)

One suggestion if you continue to update it: Have you considered making it 8 players, with 4 teams of 2? Not only would this incorporate more players per game, but you could add elements through which players can interact with each other's games. You could have PvP modes where you try to be the last team standing, or even a co-op where you can aid the other 2-person teams, etc. Something to keep in mind if you keep working on it.

I'm always happy to hear suggestions, because in my experience there's rarely a "bad idea". I have a plan/desire to make the map support more players. See:


My idea was to have 4 different maps (kind of like what you see in mad balls arena elmination tournament), but with a twist: two of the maps are mirrior image of each other. Teams of 2 players each pick their map to play on. If they pick the mirror image maps, they race to win first!

I thought this could be fun for another reason: the nature of this map is that different terrain has a big impact on the way you play/run.

Do you think this could be a decent take on your idea?

Overall 4.5/5, .5 taken off because there are only three races, which makes it limited atm.

Yes, I understand, ideally I would have 8 races, but I think for now I could only plan to ever have 4. The metal race took me around 50 hours to make!

Don't forget this map is a public resource, so if you have some ideas for a race, you could always hack it in, or let me know what you think :)

Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
That's a good and quite original TD game! I don't need to stand and watch my towers killing creeps all day thanks to the idea of having a runner to control. However, here are some points I want to discuss with you, starting with the most important ones:

- I played all races and I must say Spirit race is underbalanced under a few aspects. Some of the starting towers deal magic damage, making them very weak against medium armour. I had hard times getting through the first waves, not to mention when the dryads' wave came. The only two pierce towers were the Archarcher (what a cool name XD) and Dorran the Archer. The former couldn't use her special skill and the latter was weak. I had to run around for one entire minute to kill them all. I wouldn't be saying this if I had had such problems with the other two races which were relatively easier to play. However, I don't mean it's impossible to win the game with that race. To balance things out, I suggest you change Archpriest's and Archarchpriest's (lol, another cool name) damage to pierce
- 3 races are insufficient, but considering that there are only 2 players, it's fair. However, I believe this map can sustain up to 4 players and more players = more races. Think it over
- When I kill the two Quill Mastahs, the round ends even if there are summoned boars on the ground. You should fix that
- The race Metal is a bit off the mark. Most of its units have nothing to do with metal/machinery so I wonder why its name is like that. The stats of towers are all right, nothing wrong with them, though I'd recommend changing the models and names of those towers into something more metal-like. Frankly, when I picked this race, I expected to build things like tanks and robots

That's all I can say. Map approved with a rating of 3/5 !
That's a good and quite original TD game! I don't need to stand and watch my towers killing creeps all day thanks to the idea of having a runner to control.

Thanks for the review! I should remind you that the runner concept is not my original idea. Credit where credit is due: this is the work of Envious.

I played all races and I must say Spirit race is underbalanced under a few aspects. Some of the starting towers deal magic damage, making them very weak against medium armour. I had hard times getting through the first waves, not to mention when the dryads' wave came. The only two pierce towers were the Archarcher (what a cool name XD) and Dorran the Archer. The former couldn't use her special skill and the latter was weak. I had to run around for one entire minute to kill them all. I wouldn't be saying this if I had had such problems with the other two races which were relatively easier to play. However, I don't mean it's impossible to win the game with that race. To balance things out, I suggest you change Archpriest's and Archarchpriest's (lol, another cool name) damage to pierce

Thanks for the comment. Right now I Think the wasteland race is the most powerful one, since they have so many features that ignore armor types. Yes, in solo mode Spirit probably has some difficulty in the start of the game.

A couple more comments:

* The game tends to be much easier (with any race) in solo mode.
* The game should be balanced towards hard mode, which is only available with two players.

3 races are insufficient, but considering that there are only 2 players, it's fair. However, I believe this map can sustain up to 4 players and more players = more races.

Yes, as mentioned above, I would like to add 2 more players - but not directly into the running area. I have some other ideas that are more ambitious. I don't know if I'll ever make time for that though. Same with races. Making a race is a drafting process, and the Metal race took a number of days to finalize.

When I kill the two Quill Mastahs, the round ends even if there are summoned boars on the ground.

Good spot! I had noticed this, but never added it to my tracker. See https://bitbucket.org/Cokemonkey11/microrunnertd/issues/28/quill-mastah-round-should-not-end-until

The race Metal is a bit off the mark. Most of its units have nothing to do with metal/machinery so I wonder why its name is like that.

The race is referring to Metal music/lifestyle. It's meant to be humorous (like archarcher etc ;) ) Black metal often has undead/ice themes, and technical metal often has badass/monster themes. I'm sorry you didn't catch on :)

Thanks again for the play-test.
Level 21
Nov 4, 2013
Thanks for the review! I should remind you that the runner concept is not my original idea. Credit where credit is due: this is the work of Envious.

Yeah, you said that, but it's fine if you do that. Concerning Warcraft, it is something original.

Yes, as mentioned above, I would like to add 2 more players - but not directly into the running area. I have some other ideas that are more ambitious. I don't know if I'll ever make time for that though. Same with races. Making a race is a drafting process, and the Metal race took a number of days to finalize.

I'll be waiting for that!

The race is referring to Metal music/lifestyle. It's meant to be humorous (like archarcher etc ;) ) Black metal often has undead/ice themes, and technical metal often has badass/monster themes. I'm sorry you didn't catch on :)

Aaaaah that explains it. My bad :/
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
General Review notes:
-Good-looking and clear loading screen.
-The short cinematic in the beginning also perfectly clarifies exactly what you are supposed to do.
-I was automatically dealt spirit after a pretty short delay. I'd like some more time to choose.
-The little village you run around in is beautiful! Minimalistic with delicate placement of doodads. The ship in the north-eastern cornor was questionable but ok. :)
-I really like the concept.
-Good, clear coloured text.
-Fun audiable messages in the beginning of each wave, and proper sound effects.
-Maybe a bit too little time after each wave. I felt a bit stressed. Perhaps increase it with like 10 seconds and give the option to skip to the wave when you are ready? (this felt better later though. no need to change)
-You gotta be careful so that you don't split the group of enemies around the island you focus in the beginning, forcing you to be more of a tactician. Good.
-Fun tooltips on towers. "Powerful drug dealer. Deals powerful drugs." :D
-Ranged chasing units aswell! Good twist that keeps the game feel more dynamic.
-Actives on towers is nice too. Can give you a nice advantage if you are good at micro-controlling.
-"Bandito Masterino"! After this wave I started lookingat every creep name.
-Given the new design of the creep lanes, it is not that obvious where your most powerful towers should go, which is nice. Gives you mroe creative workspace. :)
-Ah fck. I became sloppy at level 9, messed up and died. It was a little bit sad to have to restart the game from scratch then. Perhaps a few more lives would be nice?
-Being able to skip the start cinematics. This maps seems to have no loose ends.
-Skeletal runner for the metal race? Feels like something more fitting could repalce it.
-"Archarcher" :D ...Your mind must be one of the best places in the world!
-Maybe possible you could make the runner run forward automatically when it spawns. However, the reaction time you have plays a small role in your general success, so maybe not.
-The cow caller was not very strong for its cost.
-I died at level 11 again this time with the spirit. This time I was smart enough to save, but loading the game crashed Warcraft :/

Easter eggs I found:

-The exploding frog kinda shocked me when clicked. I was about to complain that it was in the way of my building, but nope. :D
-The startled lady in the south-east.
-...and that she turns into a jumping acolyte.
-The flying boat in the north-east?

Clarity is key, and this map has it.
The concept of this map is outstanding! I've really never encountered anything like this before. In most other tower defences you have nothing to do when the creeps start rolling in, but here you have a completely new task at hand: escaping them!
That also allows for a non-linear and new way of creating the "creep lanes". You've also made sure using smart tile placement and doodads that one can not just mass towers in one little aquare and just run around that.
Really, the base concept is the best part of the map, which is an awesome fundation.

I usually have lots of things to say about improvement to be made, but I found very little in this map.
This is a solid well-made map, with great concept and fun factor. I rarely rate maps 5/5, but this is one of them.
Thanks for the review!

I was automatically dealt spirit after a pretty short delay. I'd like some more time to choose.

Okay, there's a timer dialog during this period, but I agree this is a problem I've seen in past. I've created an issue for this: Bitbucket

It was a little bit sad to have to restart the game from scratch then. Perhaps a few more lives would be nice?

Interesting! My experience was that the game seemed to get a bit too easy, but I suppose that happens when you test your own map a hundred times.

What if [in normal mode - not an option in hard mode] after dying, you have three lives to try again - but the catch is that you lose out on any gold from the creeps that you failed to kill. This will make it easier to advance/finish the game, but increasingly more difficult each time you die.

Skeletal runner for the metal race? Feels like something more fitting could repalce it.

Copy-pasted from above:

The race is referring to Metal music/lifestyle. It's meant to be humorous (like archarcher etc ;) ) Black metal often has undead/ice themes, and technical metal often has badass/monster themes. I'm sorry you didn't catch on

The cow caller was not very strong for its cost.

Possibly true. But I suspect then that the Cow God is a bit overpowered. In future I might add metrics so I can evaluate this, but at present I think it's pretty okay. In particular, summoned tauren become much stronger once you have an ice obelisk.

This time I was smart enough to save, but loading the game crashed Warcraft

Hmm I never thought about this. Do you know if this can be fixed?

Easter eggs I found

:) There's at least one more big one to find

Thanks again for the review. I'd be happy to play with you together in hard mode next time!


Historically, only I have touched this project, but I'm very happy to accept contributions - Bitbucket
Level 26
Oct 2, 2011
What if [in normal mode - not an option in hard mode] after dying, you have three lives to try again - but the catch is that you lose out on any gold from the creeps that you failed to kill. This will make it easier to advance/finish the game, but increasingly more difficult each time you die.
Sounds like a good idea.
Hmm I never thought about this. Do you know if this can be fixed?
Nope, sorry. I've never encountered it before. :/
There's at least one more big one to find
Damnit! :D
Hey @Saran thanks for letting me know you're waiting for this!

I kind of got burned out working on this, but I have made a note that beer race is indeed needed for 1.1.

I'll see if I can spend some time *this month* finishing that up!

And it was probably a mistake to upload a 1.1 prototype on bitbucket - sorry for the confusion.

Hey! The new race is working ok, although I haven't tested all buildings yet.

However I've noticed one bug with the Spirit race - Archarchpriests do not use their heal spell.

Great job ;)

Hey @Saran I just tested this and found that indeed heals are broken :(

This probably related to the upgrade from wurst standard library 1 to 2.

Thanks for reporting this.

I've created this high-priority ticket to fix: Cokemonkey11 / microrunnertd / issues / #40 - [spirit] heal is broken in 1.1.0 — Bitbucket

I promise you won't have to wait 3 years.. :D

Level 12
Mar 4, 2014
Finished playing the map solo(on normal difficulty) and i had a blast :gg:, from the smooth terrain and units to the unique towers, their attack animations and their spells everything looks amazing,i like the new concept of having a unit to kite/run with from the "bad" guys instead of just protecting a stationary object like all the other td have, The unit and spell descriptions/names are pretty hilarious :grin: and don't give away much about what they do(making the map a bit mysterious), but i think this is somewhat a bonus making the player play and test for himself what the towers do and try to find the perfect balance between them to achive victory, the map is not short nor too long either making it perfect for all kind of players that might not have enough time as well, overall Great map! :infl_thumbs_up:

I hope you will keep updating this map, i would love the map to have more player slots and different terrains for each player maybe? or just implement 2 modes like:
-Teamplay mode: where everyone builds in the same zone/town, there would be more spawns depending on the number of players.
-Single player mode: where every player has its own zone/town where they have to survive alone, and the last player standing wins.
Finished playing the map solo(on normal difficulty) and i had a blast :gg:, from the smooth terrain and units to the unique towers, their attack animations and their spells everything looks amazing,i like the new concept of having a unit to kite/run with from the "bad" guys instead of just protecting a stationary object like all the other td have, The unit and spell descriptions/names are pretty hilarious :grin: and don't give away much about what they do(making the map a bit mysterious), but i think this is somewhat a bonus making the player play and test for himself what the towers do and try to find the perfect balance between them to achive victory, the map is not short nor too long either making it perfect for all kind of players that might not have enough time as well, overall Great map! :infl_thumbs_up:

I hope you will keep updating this map, i would love the map to have more player slots and different terrains for each player maybe? or just implement 2 modes like:
-Teamplay mode: where everyone builds in the same zone/town, there would be more spawns depending on the number of players.
-Single player mode: where every player has its own zone/town where they have to survive alone, and the last player standing wins.

Hey Blasterixx, thanks very much for your review, and glad you had fun! Based on your feedback, I've bumped up the priority on this issue which tracks "adding more players": Cokemonkey11 / microrunnertd / issues / #14 - Map should allow 4 players on two different areas — Bitbucket

If you have a bitbucket account, feel free to log in and "Vote" for stuff that you want to see in that issue tracker.

Have you tried the beer race yet? That's the newest one.

By the way: I can't take credit for the runner idea, which comes from a map called "Gridlock".

If you play again, I suggest trying in two-player -hard mode :)
Nice map idea.
Though i think it should be punishable if you run for too long.


In gridlock (which this game is loosely based on), the balance is such that you can't run forever.

- Towers are all stronger
- Creeps run faster

I think this map should be balanced more in that direction, but it can be difficult to make adjustments.

I may revamp the balance at some point in the future.

Thanks again for comments