Dude it was pretty hard ,
Alrik had :
- epic armor 60% hp 2 armor 5% evasion
- epic orb 8% critical
- epic ring +6 intell
- legendary staff 60% damage + spell , 100% mechanicals
- epic gloves , 2% critical , 25% attack speed
- I had 36 health potions , 3 Anks ( despit this we still ran out and had to wipe several times just to stock up on health potions from the merchant .
Falgrim had :
- epic bow 75% pet power , 60% bow power
- epic gloves 12% attack speed , 4% crit
- rare lightning orb , 12% attack and movement speed
- uncommon silver ring of the dragon
- epic armor 60% health , 4 armor , 5% evasion
- some potions 7 , + 2 anks
The main reason we managed to win was because we kited a lot of a lot , we prepped for it , we still however would of most likely not finished if we did not find the most epic place to hide in ever , we hid in the NE corner of the map while at first looks it might seem like a horrible place to hide but it ended up being one of the best .
-the enemies could only come at us from a single row.
-dual gatteling guns there allowed us to destroy weaker creeps easily as they did lots of splash damage .
-the majority of their ranged creeps could not attack us from that point .
-if we got in trouble I would use my remote controlled bomb .
-we could easily kill higher leveled creeps as they came one at a time and we use out target abilities on them .
-slow trap helped lots as well as the bear trap .
-Our summons took the damage and blocked the path of the enemies , they lasted much longer as only one or two creeps could attack at a time.
-How ever Angels black holes almost killed us on several occasions .
It was very hard I promise you . We wiped several times and I think the only reason we really managed to win was because of our practice , awesome coordination as we are in the same room and the discovery of the awesome place to hide out personally I think that most other people wouldn't be able to get past it .
I think the difficulty will go up when you add special mini boss monsters for these final waves so I don't think you should worry about the difficulty , sorry about the text wall.