This map is mainly created by Kayorge, with trigger help from me (greatsmite/belgariad). At the begining of the game, each player chooses a hero from their race. Each team (each having a different race) can choose from 3 heros, each with a different main attribute (Strength, Agility, Intelligence). Then they need to produce units from their main structure and fight off the other teams (teams each have 2 players, there are 4 teams). After a certain amount of time in the game, the teams choose one hero to enter the arena, where each kill will increase their income by 1. When they reach a certain income, they can create stronger creatures. The team with the chosen number of hero kills first is the winner.
Maze, Arena, Hero, Hero Siege, Kill, Income, Paladin, Human, Night Elf, Undead, Orc