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Map's Lobby showing no player slots

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Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Saving a map while you have another map open can corrupt something within the map you are not saving. For me, hosting the map now shows 0/0 players and has no place for player slots. The TRIG_STRs are fine, each force's name, the map description and name display fine. However, no player slots. It looks like this data is in the map's .j file, but the config function (andt the functions it calls) are IDENTICAL to a backup I have before this happened. I replaced the .w3i file for the backup's version, the issue was not fixed. I'm just fucked?
Level 14
Oct 18, 2013
Maps 20mb

edit: Compared filesizes of the war3map files, and intersting these files were smaller in my current build! (smaller filesize is likely due to corruption)

I'll iteratively replace these files until the backup breaks and report back.

edit2: None of the iterations broke the file, which wasn't the result I'd hoped for. It points to the .j file being corrupted, however as stated config() is IDENTICAL.

edit3: A script from my current build is COMPILING, but not RUNNABLE. It's only 100,000 lines of code, I'm sure I can find out what is causing it soon ;)

edit4: Idk if edit3 was even accurate or not, but I've given up and have reverted to my last known backup.
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