Hey gay retarted noob. Ive used this program before, i use the same password every time, i know the password, im not a noob. So dont post anything that doesnt support the subject that people host, cause i didnt want your gay opinion. I wanted advice if there was, or wasnt a way to fix this problem.
Care to explain what the program is? It sounds like you're using HeavyLocker; an extremely inadvisable and unstable program. It tends to kill maps.
Regardless of your idiotic purpose for deprotecting a map, it's not supported. Sure, if I didn't know how, I could come here and say "omg my map was broken when protecting, how can I deprotect it ?!11," and voila, another nub loose on protected maps.
I personally don't support protecting maps, but I respect an author's decision to do so and I will by all means do my best not to unleash potential map-ruiners on their maps, if that's their wish.
By the way, when asking for help, it's generally not a good idea to call someone "Hey gay retarted noob." Most people would be offended. I won't be, though, because I couldn't give a shit what some 11 year old whining on a forum thinks.
Says who?
i didnt want your gay opinion.
It wasn't an opinion. It was a statement of fact. You can't use some shitty nub program to deprotect a map and open it (most of the time).
By the way, when you post on a public forum, crying and whining for help, you're asking for people's opinions. Don't shoot down a statement because you don't agree with it, when you asked for that statement. Especially if said statement is true.
Also, don't double post, fool.