Map Editor > AI Editor > Heroes > "Skill selection for Hero"

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Level 3
May 4, 2021

I'm currently faced with a problem with the Map Editor (AI Editor) where when I select Heroes such as Mannaroth or Kael as the first / second / third hero their skill selection is filled with just unknown () although Kael (as an example) should have all of those filled out. I've searched everywhere and cannot find where I can edit the "Skill selection for hero" tab.

Any help would be appreciated - thanks.

Screenshot of what I mean




I have actually discovered that Lady Vashj also has an empty Skill selection but on the other map I made before this one she HAD skill selection and they were not empty. I'm confused now, can someone help please?
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Level 25
Mar 29, 2020
are you using the original Kael and manoroth or custom units?

If you are using custom units you have to import them into the ai editor.

otherwise Idk. I just opened a new map, went into the ai editor selected custom race and selected them as heros and it is showing their spells like it should.

Edit: did you change other settings in the ai editor?
Level 3
May 4, 2021
are you using the original Kael and manoroth or custom units?

If you are using custom units you have to import them into the ai editor.

otherwise Idk. I just opened a new map, went into the ai editor selected custom race and selected them as heros and it is showing their spells like it should.

I am NOT using custom units these are the original ones unmodified.
To make sure that I am still sane I created a blank new map and the issue was still there and I also just now finished the scan and repair with the battlenet app which said no repair is required. Since you've confirmed that it should be there I'll try a few other things and if they won't work I'll just re-install the whole game. Thank you.
Level 3
May 4, 2021
did you do anything else in the AI editor?
Triggers, Custom units (Object editor to add custom units to buildings) and all other basic stuff. The whole map is using the Map Editor tools (no Jass).. I have not modified any of the original units/buildings/spells on the object editor.
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