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Malfurion's Quest v1.5b

This bundle is marked as high quality. It exceeds standards and is highly desirable.

You are Malfurion Stormrage, arch druid of the Night Elves and protector of Kalimdor. A great prophecy has foretold the return of the Burning Legion, who seek to destroy Azeroth once and for all.

For 10,000 years you have roamed the Emerald Dream, awaiting the day for your return to lead your people against the demons. However, you feel that the world has changed much during your absence. Despite Nordrassil being heavily guarded and Illidan the Betrayer sealed deep within his prison, you sense something terribly wrong that threatens your people's survival from the coming invasion.

Your mind is left in doubt, and the Prophecy's fulfillment draws near. Will you make sacrifices to ensure Azeroth's survival from the Burning Legion? Find out as you play Malfurion's Quest, the epic finale in Turnro's series of Warcraft III campaigns.

New Features
Choose Your Own Destiny
Malfurion's Quest features two separate story lines (Good and Evil) with each providing different heroes, units, items, and much more.

New Custom Race: The Highborne
This campaign will give you the opportunity to play as a fully new custom race: the Highborne. This mystical faction's strength lies with their powerful spells and their deep knowledge in arcane magics.

New Boss Fights
Malfurion's Quest features several boss fights that will test your skill and ability in playing Warcraft III.

44 maps, including 20 Chapters and 17 Interludes
Note that Malfurion’s Quest is still under development. The current version has 38 maps.

New Feature: Pouch Utility
Drop items into Malfurion's pouch throughout the campaign, allowing you to hold onto additional items for later use.

New Heroes, Units, Spells, Items, and more!




Tech-TreesLegendary Items

Specific Changes

New Units
SENTRY - Tier-1 melee unit with supportive spells. Has the Shadow Meld, Light of Elune and Elune's Blessing abilities. Can be trained at the Ancient of War.
FURBOLG SHAMAN - Supportive spell-caster with the Spirit Link, Lightning Shield and Earthbind Totem spells. Can be trained at the Ancient of Lore.
STALKER - Melee stealth unit. Has the Shadow Meld, Envenomed Weapons, and Wind Walk abilities. Can be trained at the Den of Shadows.
ASSASSIN - Tactical ranged unit. Has the Shadow Meld, Blink, Critical Strike, and Ensnare abilities. Can be trained at the Den of Shadows.

New Building
DEN OF SHADOWS - Stealth unit training building. Trains Stalkers and Assassins, as well as containing the Permanent Invisibility and Blink upgrades.

New Upgrades
LIGHT OF ELUNE - Grants Sentries with the Light of Elune ability, which allows them to recover 250 lost hit points per use.
LUNAR UPGRADE - Upgrades Archers into Lunar Archers, permanently increasing their hit points by 100 and damage by 3. Lunar Archers also have access to the Moon Arrows ability, which allows them to deal area-of-effect damage to enemy units. Hippogryph Riders also benefit from the additional damage and Moon Arrows ability.
ELUNE'S BLESSING -Grants Sentries with the Elune's Blessing ability, which increases the armor and hit point regeneration of a single-target friendly unit for 60 seconds. This ability is auto-cast.
ETHEREAL FORM - Allows Faerie Dragons to transition in and out of ethereal form. Ethereal units are immune to physical damage but cannot attack.
FURBOLG SHAMAN ADEPT/MASTER TRAINING - Increases Furbolg Shamans' mana capacity, mana regeneration rate, hit points, and grants them Lightning Shield/Earthbind Totem.
WIND WALK - Allows Stalkers to move about while invisible, and deal bonus damage when breaking out of Wind Walk.
ENSNARE - Allows Assassins to trap enemy units and bound air units to the ground.
BLINK - Grants Assassins with the ability to teleport in and out of combat.

Other Changes
- Huntresses now start off with the Moon Glaives upgrade automatically
  • Glaive Throwers have a new skin and icon
  • The Marksmanship upgrade for Archers has been removed in favor for the Lunar Upgrade
  • Mountain Giants now start off with Resistant Skin automatically upgraded


Find all legendary items while playing Malfurion's Quest v1.5b in Hard difficulty:

Gem of Power
Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 150 and mana regeneration by 25% when worn.
Wand of Feedback
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 10. The Hero's attacks also destroy 12 mana per hit against any unit, causing bonus damage equal to the mana destroyed.
Ancient Stone Tablet
Summons a Furbolg to fight for you. Also increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
Necklace of Elune
Increases the Agility of the Hero by 10. Also blocks a negative spell that an enemy casts on the Hero once every 40 seconds.
Black Pendant
Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 250, and reduces Magic damage taken by 33%.
Shield of the Void
Increases the armor of the Hero by 5 and Intelligence by 12 when worn.
Amulet of the Dream
Increases the hit points of the Hero by 500 when worn. Also heals the Hero for 250 hit points when used.
Orb of the Elements
Increases the Strength, Intelligence, and Agility of the Hero by 10 when worn. The Hero's attacks also have a chance to dispel magic and immobilize the enemy for 3 seconds.

Find all legendary items while playing Malfurion's Quest v1.5b in Hard difficulty:

Gem of Power
Increases the mana capacity of the Hero by 150 and mana regeneration by 25% when worn.
Wand of Feedback
Increases the attack damage of the Hero by 10. The Hero's attacks also destroy 12 mana per hit against any unit, causing bonus damage equal to the mana destroyed.
Ancient Totem
Increases the Strength and Intelligence of the Hero by 6 when worn.
Shield of Darkness
Increases the Hero's armor by 5 when worn. Also reduces all piercing and magic damage dealt to the Hero by 33%.
Moon Orb
Increases nearby ranged units' damage by 10%. Also increases the Strength, Agility and Intelligence of the Hero by 5.
Sphere of Nature
Increases the hit points of the Hero by 300 and regeneration by 4 hit points per second.
Master Scepter of Healing
Grants the ability to heal a friendly unit for 400 hit points. Also increases the Intelligence of the Hero by 12.
Orb of the Void
Increases the Strength, Intelligence, and Agility of the Hero by 8, and blocks a spell from hitting the Hero every 40 seconds.


Change Log

  • Increased the hit points of Moon Owls from 300/400/500/600 to 300/450/600/750 per level
  • Malfurion's Ancient Form in the Good story path now grants 20/30 bonus damage per level
  • Updated the model of Satyr Heroes to make them more distinguishable from regular Satyrs
  • Fixed a bug where Jarod's Heroic Strike ability could target air units
  • Fixed up the spell descriptions for Jarod's abilities
  • Made slight dialogue revisions throughout the campaign
  • Increased the bonus Intelligence of the Sphere of the Void item from +3 to +6
  • The Shield of the Void item has been changed: it now provides +5 armor and +12 Intelligence to the Hero
  • Increased the bonus hit points of the Amulet of the Dream item from +300 to +500
  • Fixed a bug in Chapter 1 where the Sentinels in the "Free the Captives" quest would be frozen after a cutscene plays
  • Resolved a bug where enemy ancients would attack the player after being destroyed in Chapter 4 Good
  • Fixed a bug where the player would not regain their base after losing all their heroes in the Kobald Cave in Chapter 4 Good
  • Improved the AI of the Hel Bear to stop it from walking into the spiked trap unless lured there in Chapter 4 Good
  • Resolved some memory leak issues in Chapter 4 Good
  • Enabled Hippogryph Riders for players to train again in Chapter 5 Good
  • Added a Tome of Retraining for players to find who do not have Force of Nature in Chapter 6 Good
  • Fixed a bug where Malfurion would not have Mystic Affinity in Chapter 6 Evil
  • Monnos the Elder can now attack summoned Moon Owls in Chapter 7 Good
  • Slightly decreased the DPS of Monnos the Elder in Chapter 7 Good
  • Tyrande will now lose the Vault Key upon reaching the vault in Chapter 7 Good
  • The Gate at the end of Chapter 7 Good will now automatically open upon destroying both Naga bases
  • Disabled the Frost Bolt spell for certain Dragonspawn units during the Frozen Wasteland chase scene in Chapter 7 Good
  • Increased the end timer during the Frozen Wasteland chase scene in Chapter 7 Good
  • Fixed a bug where Legion bases would summon Undead Graveyard structures in Chapter 8 Evil
  • Resolved an issue where the Power Discharge ability was disabled on Arcane Golems in Chapter 8 Evil
  • Illidan and Kath'ranis now have additional items to make them stronger in Chapter 9 Good
  • Disabled the Silence spell from Mother Shahraz in Chapter 9 Good
  • Resolved an issue where Magtheridon would not recover his skill points in Shockwave in Chapter 10 Evil
  • Fixed a bug where killing Kazzak would not continue the mission in Chapter 10 Evil
  • Fixed a bug where Kil'jaeden would continue to cast his Meteor Strike spell while hidden in Chapter 11 Evil
NOTE: If you do not have Reforged but wish to play the campaign on a legacy version of Warcraft III (v1.20 - v1.31), you can download the legacy file here

- This campaign is now supported in Reforeged. If you do not have Reforged but wish to play the campaign on a legacy version of Warcraft III (v1.20 - v1.31), you can download the legacy file here
- The Good story path is now available again, bringing with it the following new maps:

  • Interlude: Ancient Secrets
  • Interlude: The Aspects Convene
  • Interlude: Final Option
  • Interlude: Battle Preparations
  • Chapter 7: Cries of the Aspects
  • Chapter 7 Sub-map: The Frozen Wastelands
  • Chapter 7 Sub-map: The Secret Sect
  • Interlude: Dangerous Crossroads
  • Chapter 8: The Eternal Nightmare
  • Chapter 9: Final Conflicts
- Made several revision changes to the following maps in the Good story path:
  • Chapter 3: Ending the Chase
  • Interlude: Council of the Legion
  • Chapter 4: Spread of the Corruption
  • Chapter 5: Search for the Demigod
  • Interlude: The Return to Azeroth (previously known as The Legion's Return)
  • Chapter 6: Pathway into Darkness
- Malfurion's Pouch can now use certain items such as consumables (Eg. potions and scrolls), items with castable abilities and auras
- Updated some optional quests in the Good story-line to provide upgrades to the Horn of Cenarius item Malfurion has. These upgrades include:

  • Increased hit points
  • Increased hit point regeneration
  • The ability to summon Forest Wisps: a support unit that can replenish the life and mana of nearby friendly units
- Added a Story difficulty option to the campaign

  • Swapped Entangling Roots and Lifesurge with Malfurion and Faradrella
  • Thorns Aura now provides a +1/+2/+3 armor bonus per level to nearby friendly units
  • Increased the healing of Lifesurge from 90/165/235/300 to 130/215/300/385 per level
  • Lifesurge no longer damages enemy units
  • Reduced the Area-of-Effect of Nature's Wrath from 200/275/350/425 to 200/250/300/350 per level
  • Increased the cooldown of Tranquility from 60 to 90 seconds, and mana cost from 125/150 to 150/200 per level
  • Enemy units hit by Tyrande's Moonfire now receive 1/2/3/4 reduced armor per level instead of attack speed
  • Increased the damage of Tyrande's Searing Arrows from 10/18/24/30 to 12/20/28/36 per level
  • Reduced the bonus damage granted by Trueshot Aura from 10/20/30% to 10/17.5/25% per level
  • Moon Owls no longer possess Spell Immunity
  • Changed the armor type of Moon Owls from Medium to Small
  • Replaced Faradrella's Spirit Link spell with Solar Beam, which prevents enemy units from casting spells for a short period of time
  • Faradrella's Dispel Magic ability no longer drains mana, and mana cost increased from 100/75/50/25 to 100/90/70/60 per level
  • Replaced Faradrella's Faerie Swarm spell with Revitalize, which revives nearby friendly units from the dead
  • Jarod's Heroic Strike now stuns the target for 5 seconds across all levels, and removed the healing secondary effect
  • Replaced Battle Shout on Jarod with Thunder Clap
  • Increased the duration of Jarod's Seal of Protection from 15 seconds to 30, and cooldown decreased from 30 seconds to 15
  • Jarod's Command Aura has been reworked to provide a melee damage bonus to nearby friendly units instead of increased attack/movement speed
  • Reduced the damage dealt by Kathranis' Arcane Blast spell to 20/30/40/50 per level
  • Kath'ranis' Restoration Shell now lasts 12 seconds instead of 15, and cooldown reduced to 6 seconds
  • The total hits points replenished by Restoration Shell changed to 300/400/500/600 per level, and mana replenished to 50/65/85/100 per level
  • Increased the cooldown of Kath'ranis' Mass Teleport spell from 20/12 seconds to 30/20 per level
  • Velinde's Impaling Shot has been reworked: the spell now deals significant initial damage to the target but damage per second has been removed. Armor reduction still works as normal
  • Reduced the mana cost of Velinde's Enchanted Arrows from 4/6/6/8 mana to 4/5/5/6 per level
  • Reworked Velinde's Lightbeam spell to now heal all friendly units in a large area by 20/30 hit points per second
  • Replaced Rain of Fire with Shockwave on Magtheridon
  • Increased the damage of Meteor Strike from 40/60/80/100 to 60/90/120/150 per level
  • Increased Immolation's damage per second from 10/15/20/25 to 12/18/24/30 per level
  • Replaced Flame Crash on Illidan with Immolation
  • Removed the damage cap from Firewave and Moonfire
  • Increased the movement speed of all player heroes with 270 base speed to 300
  • Resolved an issue where Arcane Explosion can be exploited to damage nearby enemy units multiple times in a row
  • Fixed an issue where a unit casting Moonfire would cause the game to crash
  • Tyrande's Searing Arrows ability now has a new icon
  • Faradrella's hero icon has been updated
  • Removed the custom skin for Shalis Darkhunter
  • Increased the hit points of Furbolgs from 550 to 600
  • Furbolgs now benefit from attack/armor upgrades
  • Renamed the Sentries Elune's Blessing ability to Light of Elune, as well as giving it a new icon
  • Replaced the Swiftness of Elune ability with Elune's Blessing for Sentries. Elune's Blessing can be used to increase the armor and hit point regeneration of a target friendly unit
  • Increased the base damage of Sentries from 16 to 18
  • Reduced the build and repair time of Glaive Throwers from 48 to 40 seconds
  • Increased the hit points of Dryads from 435 to 450
  • Increased the hit points of Druids of the Claw (Night Elf form) from 430 to 475
  • Druids of the Claw (Night Elf form) now benefit from the Reinforced Hides armor upgrade
  • Furbolg Shaman spells have been revamped to the following
  • Spirit Link
  • Lightning Shield
  • Earthbind Totem - Places an immobile totem on the ground, reducing the attack and movement speed of all nearby enemy units
  • Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form can now attack ground units
  • Reduced the damage of Druids of the Talon in Storm Crow Form from 35-41 to 23-27
  • Druid of the Talon Storm Crow Form mana cost reduced from 50 to 25 mana
  • Mark of the Talon upgrade now only requires Adept Training
  • Hippogryphs can now attack land units via a missile attack
  • Hippogryphs can now use the Prioritize ability (Reforged only)
  • Faerie Dragons no longer replenish lost hit points while casting Phase Shift
  • Renamed Jailors to Assassins
  • Swapped the Critical Strike and Envenomed Knives abilities between Stalkers and Assassins
  • Removed Permanent Invisibility from Stalkers and added Shadow Meld instead
  • Stalkers now have the Wind Walk ability which requires an upgrade at the Den of Shadows before usage
  • Decreased the attack cooldown of Stalkers from 1.30 to 1.00
  • Increased the hit points of Assassins from 500 to 550, and changed their armor type from Medium to Unarmored
  • Assassins no longer possess mana
  • Added the Ensnare ability to Assassins, which requires an upgrade at the Den of Shadows before usage
  • Blink no longer requires an upgrade
  • Removed the Shadow Strike ability from Assassins
  • Ancients no longer lose their fortified armor typing while uprooted
  • Added the Talisman of the Wild (2 charge usage) for purchase at the Ancient of Wonders
  • Removed the Dust of Appearance for purchase at the Ancient of Wonders
  • Revised the hotkeys for several Night Elf units and buildings
  • Increased the movement speed of Scholars from 220 to 250
  • Increased the hit points of Battle Maidens from 525 to 550, and reduced their mana capacity from 300 to 250
  • Increased the base damage of Battle Maidens from 14 to 16
  • Reduced the cast range of Battle Maiden's Frost Armor spell from 800 to 600, and slow duration from 5 to 4 seconds
  • Changed the damage type of Arcane Golems to normal, and reduced their damage from 27-35 to 25-30
  • Reduced the armor of Arcane Golems from 4 to 2
  • Reduced the gold repair cost of Arcane Golems, but increased their lumber cost to compensate this change
  • Arcane Golems can now be upgraded to Siege Golems at the Foundry, granting them Siege damage and Fortified armor
  • Arcane Golem's Power Discharge spell no longer deals damage. Instead, nearby enemy units will have their attack and movement speed reduced by 50%
  • Power Discharge no longer requires an upgrade
  • Removed the Enhanced Defenses upgrade
  • Renamed Glaive Launchers to Blade Throwers
  • The Enchantress' Anti-Magic Shell spell now grants spell immunity instead of Magic/spell damage absorption
  • Reduced the damage of the Highmistresses' Frost Bolt from 75 to 50
  • Renamed the Clone spell on Highmistresses to Illusion
  • Reduced the cooldown of Illusion from 30 seconds to 1 second
  • Illusion can no longer be cast on Heroes
  • The Feedback upgrade is now available at the Foundry, which unlocks the Feedback ability for Arcane Wyrms and Towers
  • Arcane Wyrms can now use the Prioritize ability (Reforged only)
  • Removed the attack damage bonus from the Highguard's Arcane Bolt ability
  • Arcane Bolt no longer affects enemy structures
  • Reduced the hit points of Demonesses from 1050 to 950
  • Violet Sanctums, Observatories and Citadels no longer possess mana, and Blizzard no longer costs mana
  • Changed the armor type of Arcane Towers from Heavy to Fortified
  • Changed the Staff of Mana Absorb (now renamed to Wand of Mana Absorb) to a perishable item with 3 charges
  • Revised several items sold at the Vault of Power, including adding and removing items
  • Mana Wells now have a new model
  • Made several polishing changes throughout the campaign including cutscence changes, improved map terrain and gameplay balancing
  • Quests that reward additional Hero skill points will now affect future Heroes throughout the campaign
  • Removed Resurrection Stones from all sub-maps. Whether the player losses the mission if their Heroes die will now depend on the lose conditions of the parent map
  • Added new loading screen images for each map
  • Resolved an issue where unit and spell stats would differ depending on the player's version of Warcraft III
  • Tyrande's Summon Moon Owl spell is now available during cave-based missions
  • Resolved an issue where players could acquire duplicate items by replaying certain missions
  • Certain non-hero characters throughout the campaign now have unique names and stats to set them apart from regular units
  • Malfurion has Thorn's Aura once again from Chapter 2 onwards in the Good story-line
  • Researched Mark of the Claw by default in Chapter 2
  • Updated the terrain and doodads to use a Winterspring tileset in Chapter 3 (both story-lines)
  • Added a Way Gate at the start of the underground instance to allow players to backtrack more easily in Chapter 3 (Good)
  • An additional inventory slot upgrade for Malfurion's Quest is now acquired from completing the "Golem Mystery" quest in Chapter 3 (Good)
  • Fixed an issue where the player could avoid engaging in Fordred's boss fight in Chapter 3 (Good)
  • Replaced the existing Fountain of Mana with a Fountain of Health in Chapter 3 (Good)
  • Replaced Keeper Ordanus with Remulos in Chapter 4 (both story-lines)
  • Added villager units in Astranaar in Chapter 4 (both story-lines)
  • Moved the corrupted bear from "The Kind Request" quest in Chapter 4 (Good) to a new location on the map
  • Replaced the "Free the Beasts" optional quest with a new objective to kill all patrolling Sentinel forces in Chapter 4 (Evil)
  • Updated the Blackmaw Furbolgs to have unique skins in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • Revised the "Blackmaw Suspicions" quest requirements in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • The player now receives different rewards based on the "Rise of the Makrura" quest choices in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • Added a new optional quest "The Defiled Fountains" in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • The player now starts off with additional structures in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • Removed the Foot Switches that kills the enemy undead units in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • Disabled Hippogryph Riders and Lunar Archers from being trained in Chapter 5 (Good)
  • A short cutscene will now play if the player losses the "Key to Hyjal" quest in Chapter 5 (Evil)
  • The player no longer starts off with the Lunar Upgrade but can acquire it through a secret in Chapter 6 (Good)
  • Hidden areas of the map will no longer show as black in Chapter 6 (Good)
  • Renamed the "Shalis' Request" quest to "Void Secrets" in Chapter 6 (Good). In addition, this quest is no longer discovered after acquiring Assassins
  • Removed all Healing Fountains in Chapter 6 (Good)
  • Revamped the end boss fight in Chapter 6 (Good)
  • Updated the finale cutscene in Chapter 6 (Evil)
  • Made the Velinde fight scene less confusing for players in Chapter 6 (Evil)
  • Made numerous fixes to the Hyjal Guardians AI in Chapter 6 (Evil)
  • Renamed the "Cenarian Horn" to the "Horn of Mount Hyjal" in Chapter 6 (Evil)
  • Renamed the "Denying Reinforcements" quest to "Horn of Mount Hyjal" in Chapter 6 (Evil). In addition, a bug was fixed that prevented the Guardians AI from claiming the Horn before the player
  • Kath'ranis' base is no longer accessible to the player once the Power Generators have been destroyed in Chapter 8 (Evil)
  • Moved the location of some of the Gems of Power for the "Claiming Power" quest in Chapter 8 (Evil)
  • Moved the location of the Secret Key in Chapter 8 (Evil)
  • Renamed Chapter 9 in the Evil story path to "Ysera's Heart"
  • Improved the triggers for claiming the Cenarian Obelisks from Remulos' forces in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Players will now lose the mission if any Cenarian Obelisks are lost in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Way Gates are now distinctly color coordinated to make map travel easier in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Gave Cenarius the Entangling Roots and Sunfire spells in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Increased the starting Goldmine capacity for Normal difficulty in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Increased the number of starting units for the player in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Resolved an issue where certain units would not cost any lumber to train in Chapter 9 (Evil)
  • Increased the player's starting gold and lumber in Chapter 10 (Evil)
  • Enemy bases will now initiate attacks against the player on a set time limit in Chapter 10 (Evil)
  • Replaced the enemy Keeper of the Grove and Priestess of the Moon heroes with Jarod Shadowsong in Chapter 10 (Evil)
  • Replaced Sleep with Banish for Ysera in Chapter 11 (Evil)
  • Ysera now has a duel melee and ranged attack type in Chapter 11 (Evil)
  • Changed Ysera's armor type from Divine to Hero in Chapter 11 (Evil)
  • Added a timer to reach Kil'jaeden in Chapter 11 (Evil)
  • Updated the models for all Dragon Aspect characters
  • Kazzak the Supreme now has a new model
  • Made numerous item changes throughout the campaign, including the addition of legendary items in the Good story-line
  • Items dropped from creeps throughout the campaign are no longer randomised. This change has resulted in some items being removed from the game
  • Legendary items now have a different model to set them apart from regular items
  • Item abilities no longer cost mana to cast
  • Revised the items sold at neutral shops throughout the campaign
  • Reduced the Horn of Cenarius' bonus hit points from 200 to 100, and bonus hit point regeneration per second from 2 to 1
  • Reduced the Gem of Power's bonus mana capacity from 200 to 150
  • Increased the Sapphire of Mana's bonus mana from 50 to 75
  • Reduced the Demon Blade's life steal rate from 25% to 15%
  • Increased the Token of Healing's bonus hit point regeneration per second from 3 to 4
  • The Scepter of Healing can no longer heal friendly Hero units
  • Reduced the stat bonuses of the Orb of the Void legendary item from +10 to +8

  • Fixed an issue where the Glaive Launcher's missile attacks would result in a game crash
  • Fixed a bug where loading the "Lying in Deceit" interlude would result in a game crash

  • Revised the entire campaign for map leaks
  • Fixed a bug where the background music would randomly stop playing after a cutscene
  • Hero, unit, building and spell stats no longer change depending on the player's Warcraft 3 version
  • Resolved a bug where carrying certain items on Malfurion would cause him to lose his stat benefits while in his Twisted Ancient form
  • Fixed an issue where Malfurion would lose all bonus skill points acquired throughout the campaign after using a Tome of Retraining in his Twisted Ancient form
  • Resolved a bug where the Book of Spiders and Staff of Corruption shared the same cooldown group
  • Increased the build time for all furbolg units in Chapter 3
  • Made numerous fountain changes in Chapters 3 & 8
  • Resolved a bug in Chapter 4 Part 2 where Tyrande would not turn invisible during the boss fight phases
  • Added additional enemy Sacred Wells for the Guardians in Chapter 5
  • Velinde must now survive during the final boss fight in Chapter 5
  • Changed the model of the Fountains of Power in Chapter 6 to look more corrupted
  • Fixed a bug where the Crystal Golem's hit points were not correct on certain levels in the bonus map of Chapter 6
  • Increased the amount of enemies to kill between each phase of Velinde's boss fight in Chapter 6
  • Resolved a bug in Chapter 6 where Illidan would occasionally become permanently invulnerable during the end boss fight
  • Made slight rune changes to all boss fights in Chapter 6
  • Moved the location of the Secret Key in Chapter 7
  • Added more gold to several Gold Mines in Chapter 7
  • Moved the location of the Orb of Thorns from Chapter 7 to Chapter 8
  • Magtheridon now starts off with the Orb of the Legion in Chapter 8
  • Reduced the time required to protect Malfurion at each obelisk in Chapter 8 from 4 to 3 minutes
  • Reduced the time in order to reach most of the obelisks in Chapter 8
  • Resolved some obelisk timer bugs in Chapter 8
  • Added an additional Way Gate near the path to Ysera's Heart in Chapter 8
  • Resolved an issue in Chapter 8 where Malfurion's Pouch would remain inaccessible once Malfurion revived
  • Reduced the attack rate of all enemy AI bases in Chapter 9
  • Increased the build time of all enemy dragon units in Chapter 9
  • All Night Elf AI bases no longer rebuild lost structures on Normal difficulty in Chapter 9
  • Fixed an issue in Chapter 9 where Malfurion would have his normal spells while in his Twisted Ancient Form
  • Fixed an exploit in Chapter 9 where the player could complete the mission without activating the Demon and Naga enemy AI bases
  • Changed the armor type of Dream Portals to Heavy Armor in Chapter 10
  • Slightly decreased Kil'jaeden's auto attack damage in Chapter 10
  • Decreased the power of Kil'jaeden's Meteor Strike and Armageddon spells on Normal difficulty in Chapter 10
  • Changed the number of meteors summoned while Kil'jaeden channels Meteor Strike to make the spell feel progressively harder throughout his boss fight in Chapter 10
  • Increased the duration of Malfurion's Meteor Strike spell to 6 seconds
  • Added a death sound to Tyrande's model
  • Reduced the melee damage reflected from Barkskin for Furbolg Shaman to 15%
  • Royal Archer attack range increased to 600
  • Decreased the mana cost of Arcane Arrows for Royal Archers to 6
  • Highmistress clones now only last half as long if the cloned unit is a Hero
  • Renamed Elite Highguard to Highguard
  • Reduced Arcane Wyrm hit points to 465
  • Increased the hit points of Felhounds to 975
  • Academy hit points decreased to 1200
  • Added a death animation to Mana Wells
  • The Demon Blade is now classified as an artifact
  • Reduced Orb of Thorns's aura melee reflect damage to 10%
  • Increased the mana burnt by the Wand of Feedback against Heroic units from 4 to 6
  • Shield of Darkness now grants 33% magic damage reduction for Heroes. In light of this change, bonus armor has been reduced to 5 and piercing damage reduction to 33%
  • Removed stock start delays for all items purchased from neutral shops throughout the campaign

- Added the following maps:
Interlude: Pillars of Power
Chapter 7: Howling Treachery
Interlude: Unexpected Measures
Chapter 8: Ysera's Heartbeat
Chapter 9: The Last Guardian
Chapter 10: Darkness and Sorrow
- Made numerous story changes throughout the campaign, affecting the following maps:
Chapter 3: An Arch Druid Reborn
Interlude: The Yearn for Magic
Interlude: Lying in Deceit
Chapter 5: War at Mount Hyjal
Interlude: Battle for Tomorrow
Chapter 6: Shattered Skies
  • The Sentinel story path maps from Chapter 3 onward have been locked for revision. These maps will become available again in v2.0
  • Hard and Insane difficulty have been merged to be more consistent with the difficulty settings throughout Turnro's campaign series
  • Most Anti-Cheat systems have been removed. The player will now only instantly lose in Hard difficulty if ‘WhosYourDaddy’ is used
  • Added legendary items into the campaign for Hard difficulty. There are a total of 8 legendary items to find
  • Some optional quests throughout the campaign now grant the player's Heroes additional skill points upon completion
  • Increased the item pick up/drop radius of Heroes by 33%
  • All main Hero spells now have 4 levels instead of 3. These spells have also been rebalanced to suit this change
  • Switched the hotkeys for each Hero's ultimate spell with their aura or equivalant ability. This means that Hero ultimate spells now use R, making hotkeys more consistent across Turnro's campaigns
  • Updated the campaign to be compatible with Patch 1.30.3 As a result, the following spells have been affected in one way or another:
Force of Nature
Mystic Affinity
Arcane Explosion
Summon Moon Owl
Entangling Roots
Mass Teleport
Impaling Shot
Enchanted Arrows
  • Removed Thorns Aura from Malfurion
  • Renamed Wrath of Nature of Nature's Wrath
  • Made numerous changes to Malfurion's Crystal Golem spell:
- Removed Taunt, Hardened Skin and Spell Immunity
- Gains Bash from Level 2 onwards
- Gains Resistant Skin from Level 3 onwards
  • Decreased the mana cost of Spell Steal from 50/25/10 per level to 25/10/0
  • Increased the cooldown of Spell Steal from 5/3/1 per level to 10/5/1
  • Changed the color of Malfurion's and Tyrande's hair to green
  • Decreased the hit points of Sentries from 575 to 550
  • The Furblog Shaman's Barkskin ability now reflects 25% of melee attack damage back to enemy units. In addition, the mana cost for this spell has been increased to 35
  • Increased the mana and mana regeneration rate of Furbolg Shaman
  • Increased the attack range of Scholars from 400 to 500
  • Increased the hit points of Royal Archers to 300
  • Increased the attack range of Royal Archers to 550
  • Increased the damage dealt by Arcane Arrows from 6 to 8
  • Decreased the hit points of Battle Maidens to 525, and increased their mana capacity to 300
  • Reduced the mana cost of Frost Shield to 40
  • Removed the Taunt ability from Arcane Golems
  • Changed the attack type of Arcane Golems to Siege, increased their damage to 27-35 and attack rate to 1.9 seconds
  • Power Discharge now requires an upgrade at the Foundry. In addition, its damage has increased from 50 to 70
  • Increased the mana capacity of Arcane Golems to 250
  • Replaced Power Shield from Clerics with Orb of Sight, which summons an invisible orb at a target location. This spell requires no research to begin using
  • Increased the healing of Mass Heal from 10 to 12. In addition, this spell now requires Cleric Adept Training before it can be used
  • Anti-magic Shell for Enchantresses now absorbs 300 magic damage instead of granting spell immunity
  • Enchantresses now have Counterspell instead of Energy Blast, which silences and reduces an enemy unit's damage for a set amount of time
  • Added new adept and master training icons for Clerics and Enchantresses
  • Highmistresses now have a proper death decay animation
  • Increased the mana and mana regeneration rate of Highmistresses
  • Removed the Reveal ability from Violet Sanctum/Observatory/Citadels and Arcane Towers
  • Blizzard can now be used by Violet Sanctums
  • Removed Wands of Illusion and Arcane Scrolls from the Vault of Power
  • Staff of Absorb Mana no longer requires a Violet Observatory in order to purchase from the Vault of Power
  • Added Amulets of Recall to purchase at the Vault of Power, which requires a Violet Citadel before they become available
  • Highborne attack and armor upgrades now have new icons
  • Revised the gold and lumber cost for several Highborne structures
  • Updated all mission loading screen images
  • Changed the user interface for the Highborne story path
  • Satyr Hellcallers are now Hero-based units
  • Resolved a bug in Chapter 4 Part 2 Highborne where the player could use Kath'ranis to explore out of bound areas
  • Increased the hit points of Fel Orc Berserkers from 535 to 600
  • Updated the Mount Hyjal Guardians to make their units more unique compared to regular night elves
  • Removed the Cenarian Horn item from the game in Chapter 5 Highborne
  • The player's units in "Remnants of the Ancients" have been rebalanced to make trained units more viable
  • Made numerous changes to existing items throughout the game
  • Reverted the hotkey for Build back to B
  • Command hotkeys (such as Build, Attack, etc) can now be overwritten by player custom hotkey settings
  • Updated the icon position and hotkeys for all upgrades to reflect the 1.30 patch changes
  • Added a unique model for Potions of Invisibility
  • Updated the Lunar Upgrade icon

  • Resolved several game breaking bugs in Chapter 6 for both story-lines
  • Heroes must now be within 1200 range of killing units in order to gain experience
  • Regular Hero spells no longer require a level greater than 1 in order to be learnt
  • The player no longer needs to repeat Chapter 2 in order to progress to Chapter 3 for both story-lines. However, game caches for Chapter 3 have been reset
  • Improved entering through the Way Gates for the first optional quest in Chapter 3 Sentinel
  • Turned on ally attack alerts for the furbolg player in Chapter 3 Sentinel
  • Changed the hotkey of Fire Cage from V to F in Chapter 3 Highborne
  • Players can now enter and leave the kobold cave whenever they choose in Chapter 4 Highborne Part 1
  • Fixed a bug where Malfurion would become invulnerable in the kobold cave in Chapter 4 Highborne Part 1
  • Fixed a bug where rescue-able Sentinels would not transfer to the player's ownership in Chapter 4 Highborne Part 1
  • Tyrande will now correctly gain experience in Chapters 5 & 6 Sentinel
  • Fixed an issue in Chapter 6 Sentinel where the main quests were not accurate in the Quest Log
  • Increased the shield life of Anti-magic Shell for the final boss in Chapter 6 Sentinel
  • Changed the ending cinematic for Chapter 6 Highborne
  • Increased the damage caused of Rain of Fire in the final boss fight in Chapter 6 Highborne
  • Plagued Ancients now deal area-of-effect damage to ground units, fixing a bug where the mouse icon would not appear for the 'Attack Ground' move
  • Changed the color of the player's team from orange to red in the Highborne story-line
  • The birth animation for Highborne buildings have been reworked, resolving several in-game issues
  • Increased the damage of Moonfire from 60/100/145 to 65/125/170 per level. In addition, units hit by Moonfire will have reduced attack speed as oppossed to movement speed
  • Increased the duration of Bladestorm from 5 to 7 seconds
  • Trueshot Aura now has a new icon
  • Highmistresses now have a new attack missile model
  • Stalkers no longer possess Shadow Meld
  • Changed the armor type of Arcane Wyrms from Unarmored to Light
  • Corrupted Entangled Goldmines now have a new model
  • Moon Wells in Chapter 1 are now invulnerable
  • Changed the loading screen for Chapter 6 Highborne
  • Made slight revisions to the dialogue across the campaign
  • Made minor item changes, as well as their locations, throughout the campaign

INTERLUDE - The Legion's Return (Sentinel)
INTERLUDE - Realm of the Demigod (Highborne)
CHAPTER 6 - Cave of Shadows (Sentinel)
CHAPTER 6 - A World Transformed (Highborne)
CHAPTER 6 BONUS - Remnants of the Ancients (Highborne)

NEW FEATURE: Malfurion's Pouch
- Malfurion now possesses a pouch in each mission, which serves as a storage place for additional items. These items will also transfer into future missions

  • Fixed the description of Malfurion's Force of Nature ability for Levels 2 & 3, as well as giving the spell a new icon
  • Reset Malfurion's Thorns Aura to reflect melee attacks by a percentage basis rather than flat damage
  • Added a new icon for the Taunt ability possessed by Crystal Golems
  • Increased the damage per second of Fire Shield from 15/20/25 to 15/25/35
  • Arcane Explosion will now damage magic immune units
  • Reduced the mana cost of Arcane Explosion by 50 for each level
  • Tyrande's model and skin have been improved
  • Renamed Owl Scout to Summon Moon Owl, as well as giving this ability a new icon and owl model
  • Increased the cast range and mana cost of Crystallization
  • Crystallization has been re-balanced to be weaker on lower levels and stronger on higher levels
  • Decreased the damage dealt by Arcane Blast from 25/40/60 to 20/35/50 per wave
  • Jarod's Sword Slam ability has been replaced with Battle Shout, which silences nearby enemy units for a short time
  • Replaced the Marksmanship upgrade with the Lunar Upgrade. Once researched, all Archers will be transformed into Lunar Archers, granting them 100 additional hit points, 3 extra damage and access to the Moon Arrows ability
  • Increased the hit points of Sentries to 575 and mana to 250. In light of these changes, Sentries now also cost more resources to train
  • Sentries and their upgrades now require a Hunters Hall
  • Increased the healing of Elune's Blessing from 150 hit points to 250
  • Reverted the build time for Glaive Throwers back to 48 seconds
  • Increased the mana cost of Healing Wave from 90 to 125
  • Increased the mana pool of Furbolg Shaman from 200/300/400 to 250/375/500 per level of training
  • Stalkers now possess the Evasion ability, as well as an increase of hit points from 575 to 650
  • Scholars have been slightly buffed in regards to health, damage and movement speed. In addition, they now deal piercing damage instead of magic
  • Increased the mana capacity of Royal Archers from 100 to 200
  • Cold Arrows has been replaced with Arcane Arrows, which gives Royal Archers 6 bonus damage to attacks at the cost of mana
  • Renamed Guardians to Battle Maidens
  • Battle Maidens and their upgrades now require a Foundry
  • Increased Battle Maidens health to 550 and mana capacity to 250. They are also slightly more expensive to train
  • Mana Shield no longer requires research. In addition, Battle Maidens can now gain a new upgrade that increases the amount of hit points absorbed by Mana Shield from 1 per point of mana to 2
  • Battle Maidens now have Frozen Armor, which increases a friendly unit's armor by 5 and slows the attack and movement speed of enemy melee units that attack it
  • Reduced the amount of lumber Arcane Golems can carry from 50 to 40
  • Arcane Golems have been reworked to suit more of a tanking role. This includes:
- Increased hit points to 800, and reduced damage dealt from 34-61 to 17-23
- Has access to 2 new abilities: Taunt and Power Discharge
- Will now benefit from the weapon and armor upgrades at the Foundry
- Added a new upgrade at the Foundry, which changes the armor type of Arcane Golems and Towers to fortified once researched
- Glaive Launchers noww require a Violet Observatory to build
- Slow mana cost for Enchantresses increased from 40 to 50
  • Anti-magic Shell mana cost for Enchantresses increased from 50 to 75
  • Renamed the Enchantress' Crushing Wave spell to Energy Blast, as well as giving it a new icon and special effect
  • Clerics now cast Mass Heal instead of their usual Heal ability. In addition, Violet Observatories and Citadels no longer possess Mass Heal
  • Increased the mana cost of the Cleric's Resurrection ability from 200 to 250. In addition, this spell has a new icon
  • Clones summoned by Highmistresses will now only deal 50% of their original damage. However, all clones will now last for 60 seconds or until their hit points reach 0
  • Renamed Wind Serpents to Elite Highguard
  • Increased the hit points of Elite Highguard from 785 to 825
  • Violet Sanctums no longer cost lumber to summon
  • Violet Observatories and Citadels can no longer attack
  • Violet Observatories can now cast Blizzard. In addition, Blizzard has been improved to become more powerful with each tier level
  • Renamed the Arcane Vault to Vault of Power
  • Improved the items offered for sale at the Vault of Power
  • Foundries no longer cost lumber, but now cost 210 gold instead of 140
  • Increased the build time of Foundries from 60 seconds to 70
  • Arcane Towers now start off with heavy armor instead of fortified
  • Increased to build time for Arcane Towers from 50 seconds to 60
  • The Reveal spell now has a cooldown of 30 seconds
  • All chapters and interludes at and before Chapter 6 are now automatically unlocked in the campaign loading screen
  • The image and music for the victory score screen has been changed
  • Faradrella will no longer have a Spell Immunity icon show when Nature's Gift is upgraded to Level 3
  • Fixed an issue where several Hero custom spells would cause memory leaks to occur
  • Increased the cooldown of the Sphere of the Sea item from 20 seconds to 60
  • Corrupted Ancient Protectors now deal piercing damage instead of siege
  • Added Moon Wells throughout all Sentinel bases in Chapter 1
  • Added additional Fountains of Health throughout the campaign
  • Arcane Towers no longer possess Magic Sentry in Chapters 1 and 2 on Insane difficulty
  • Fixed a bug where the Magical Blades upgrade would have no effect on Glaive Launchers
  • Your troops will now start off with tier-1 weapon and armor upgrades in Chapters 1 & 2
  • The Arcane Golems harvesting trees in Chapter 2 will now attack when encountered by the player
  • The Elune's Blessing ability is now automatically upgraded in Chapter 3 Sentinel
  • Slightly reduced the difficulty of Chapter 3 Sentinel for all difficulty levels
  • Sentries owned by the player no longer have Swiftness of Elune in Chapter 4 for both story versions
  • Added improved anti-cheat triggers to Chapter 5 bonus maps
  • Fixed a bug in Chapter 5 Sentinel where the furbolgs would not attack the red Satyrs
  • Jarod now starts off on level 9 in Chapter 5 Sentinel
  • Rearranged the tablet fragment locations in Chapter 5 Sentinel in order to make them easier to find
  • Fixed the Restoration Potion icon in Chapter 5 Sentinel from having it appear as a green square
  • Fixed the boss music playing for all sub-maps for Chapter 5 Sentinel
  • Items are no longer dropped by destroying creep buildings
  • Changed the hotkey for all tier 2 and 3 Town Hall buildings from W to Z
  • Improved the hotkeys for all worker Resource Gather and Repair commands
  • Unique models have now been given to Tomes of Retraining, Scrolls of the Beast and Scrolls of Resurrection
  • Runes are now color coordinated, making them easier to identify for the player
  • Shandris now has a new skin

  • Tyrance now has a new model and icon
  • Fixed a problem with saving unit groups at the end boss fight in Chapter 2
  • Fixed a problem with the final cinematic not playing in Chapter 5 Highborne
  • Altered the dialogue for the ending cinematic in Chapter 5 Sentinel
  • Slightly reduced the damage of the final boss in the Sentinel bonus mission 'Ruins of Zin-Azshari'
  • Increased the selection priority of Sentries, making it easier to alternate between them in a selection of units

Added 5 new maps:
CHAPTER 5 - The Search for Cenarius (Sentinel)
CHAPTER 5 BONUS - The Restless Dead (Sentinel)
CHAPTER 5 BONUS - Ruins of Zin-Azshari (Sentinel)
INTERLUDE - The Last Guardian (Highborne)
CHAPTER 5 - War at Mount Hyjal (Highborne)

- All upgrades for the Sentry at the War of the Ancient have been replaced with the following:
ELUNE’S BLESSING: Allows Sentries to recover their lost hit points at the cost of mana
SWIFTNESS OF ELUNE: Allows Sentries to bless nearby friendly units, increasing their attack and movement speed
  • Fixed a problem where the Prologue could not be skipped by the user
  • The player's units no longer become still and un-killable after Murloc cinematic in Chapter 1
  • Fixed a problem in Chapter 3 Sentinel where the elevators through the Way gate would stop working
  • The Druid in Chapter 4 Sentinel no longer disappears until his associated quest is completed
  • Units no longer get stuck after the Temple of the Moon quest in Chapter 4 Sentinel
  • Orc Bosses in Chapter 4 Sentinel now deal Chaos damage instead of Hero
  • Rend no longer casts Bladestorm indefinitely in Chapter 4 Sentinel
  • The Hunters Hall is no longer attacked during a cinematic in Chapter 4 Part 1 Highborne
  • Obelisks will now correctly grant shard vision to the player in Chapter 4 Part 2 Highborne
  • Added additional healing/mana runes to the boss fight at the end of Chapter 4 Part 2 Highborne
  • Changed the build hotkey for Glaive Throwers to T. This fixes an issue where its previous hotkey was conflicting with the War of the Ancient’s Root/Unroot ability
  • Reverted hotkeys for unit movement actions and Hide ability
  • Fixed an issue where Searing Arrows would not deal additional damage to Heroes, summoned units or creeps above level 5
  • Increased the cast range of Kath'ranis' Restoration Shell
  • The Highborne Enchanted Gold Mine and Arcane Cathedral buildings now have new icons
  • Increased Guardian base armor from 2 to 3
  • Increased the mana cost of the Highmistress' Frost Bolt ability from 75 to 100, and Clone from 150 to 200
  • Changed the building summon icon for the Highborne Scholar
  • Changed the summon animation for all Highborne buildings

  • Fixed a problem throughout the campaign in Insane difficulty where the player would randomly lose. In addition, the player will now be notified of the actual cheat that was used should they cheat
  • Fixed a bug where the wrong loading screen buttons would unlock after completing Chapter 2
  • Fixed a bug in Chapter 4 Sentinel where killing the creeps at Astranaar would not allow the player to complete the main quest objective
  • The Hel Bear in Chapter 4 Sentinel will now be hidden from the player until the quest to slay it has been discovered
  • Tyrande will now properly say her ready dialogue when revived by the player
  • Kath'ranis can no longer cast Restoration Shell on himself
  • Removed the flags from the Highborne Academy model
  • Slightly altered the music lists for chapters 2 and 3

Added 5 new maps:
INTERLUDE - Council of the Legion
CHAPTER 4 - Spread of the Corruption (Sentinel)
CHAPTER 4 PART 1 – Journey to Astranaar (Highborne)
CHAPTER 4 PART 2 - Temple of the Moon (Highborne)
INTERLUDE - Fear of the Prophecy (Sentinel)

- Numerous changes have been made to the Highborne:
- All units have altered stats to make them more balanced
- All buildings have either been renamed, recolored or have had their models replaced
  • Added new custom background music
  • Hotkeys for all unit and Hero spells have been changed to Q/W/E/R/T respectively
  • Increased Lifesurge healing from 90/160/250 to 110/180/265
  • Wrath of Nature has been improved: its area selection indicates the radius of enemy units it will hit. In addition, enemies hit by Wrath of Nature have greater reduced movement speed and chance to hit (but no longer reduced attack speed)
  • Replaced Highborne Malfurion's Ignite ability with Fire Shield
  • Fixed a bug for Arcane Explosion where it would not always damage nearby enemy units
  • Increased the casting speed of Arcane Blast by 25%
  • Restoration Shell regenerates 90/135/180 mana instead of 100/170/250
  • Hero spells have been changed to have mana costs change with each incremental level. This means that level 1 spells will be cheap while level 3 spells with be more expensive. This change, however, have no effect on passives spells or spells that have lower mana costs with each level
  • Reverted Archer and Glaive Thrower hit point increases
  • Reduced Furbolg Shaman mana pool from 250 to 200. In addition, Furbolg Shaman now gain reduced mana pool and regeneration from caster upgrades
  • Renamed Guardians to Royal Archers, Adepts to Guardians, and Overseers to Highmistresses
  • Fixed Faradrella's Nature's Gift icon not showing
  • Fixed items not selling bug in Chapter 3
  • Changed the Entangling Roots icon ability
  • Slightly reduced the hit points, armor and/or damage of Treants from Force of Nature for all levels
  • The difficulty levels have been changed. Easy is now called Normal, Normal is Hard, and Hard is Insane. Each difficulty level has also been re-balanced to reflect these changes
  • Added more items to the previously existing maps
  • Permanent items dropped by creeps/crates are now randomized. However, other item types and items received from quests and secret areas remain unchanged
  • Barkskin now has a new icon
  • Numerous dialogue changes to the already existing maps
  • Murloc Flesheaters no longer use Cannibalize in Chapter 1
  • Fixed a bug in Chapter 1 where the Magical Pens would remain invulnerable
  • Added new models for Scrolls of Healing/Mana/Protection/Restoration
- Cheats are now disabled depending on the difficulty level chosen:
NORMAL - No cheats are disabled
HARD - Only WhosYourDaddy is disabled
INSANE - All cheats are disabled

Added 3 new maps:
CHAPTER 3 - Ending the Chase (Sentinel)
CHAPTER 3 - An Arch Druid Reborn (Highborne)
INTERLUDE - The Yearn for Magic (Highborne)
In these maps, new heroes, spells, items, doodads and units have been included. In addition, custom background music has been added into the cinematics for both the old and new maps.

  • Fixed a bug which prevented Lifesurge from healing
  • Mana cost of Lifesurge reduced from 115 to 110
  • Lifesurge now heals slightly more hit points with each level, but deals less damage to enemy units overall
  • Changed the hotkey for Lifesurge from L to E
  • Reduced the mana cost of Force of Nature from 150 to 125
  • Increased Wrath of Nature’s enemy units chance to miss with each level
  • Malfurion no longer possesses Barkskin. Instead, he has Thorns Aura
  • Changed the level requirements for all spell levels
  • Vast changes to the Highborne units including hit points, spells, and names
  • Slight improvements to the dialogue and cinematics throughout the game
  • Slightly increased the health of Archers
  • Glaive Throwers now have a new custom skin
  • Highborne Ballista have been replaced with Glaive Launchers, a new custom siege unit
  • Changed the Ancient Oracle's skin to a custom one
  • Changed the benefits given from the Staff of the Oracle and the Sapphire Necklace items
  • Healing and Mana potions now have their own unique model

- Demo Version uploaded to Hive Workshop

Check out these other campaigns in Turnro's Warcraft III Series!

Important Notes

  • If you do not have Reforged but wish to play the campaign on a legacy version of Warcraft III (v1.20 - v1.31), you can download the legacy file here
  • The normal background music of Warcraft III has been replaced with better music. Be sure to enable music through your profile as it is an integral part of the campaign experience
  • If you use the ‘WhosYourDaddy’ cheat while playing Malfurion’s Quest on Hard difficulty, you will automatically lose the mission



STORY DEVELOPMENT: Turnro with FallenStar

Blizzard Entertainment
Champara Bros
Don Valentino
Grey Knight
Ujimasa Hojo

Apheraz Lucent
Blizzard Entertainment
Blood Raven
Dan van Ohllus
Darkmoon Hero
Gwen Stefani
Raging Ent
The Panda

Blizzard Entertainment - WORLD OF WARCRAFT, STARCRAFT 2
Henry Beckett and Keith Zizza - ZEUS: MASTER OF OLYMPUS
Ian Livingston - BIONICLE HEROES
Jo Blankenburg - GARADORS FLIGHT
Mikolai Stroinski - TESHAM MUTNA
Nick Phoenix - THE LAST STAND
Soundcritters - DARK TIDES


Dan Master
Hua Sichen
佰佳 刘

Chenralstrasz – Original logo design
Maker – Illidan’s Fel Rush spell
NFWar – Kath’ranis’ Crystallization spell
Paladon – Faradrella’s Lifesurge spell

Like my content? Donate above and help support me to continue to make great Warcraft 3 campaigns

Night Elf, Malfurion, Tyrande, Illidan, Cenarius, Kil'jaeden, Burning Legion, Highborne, Faradrella, Sentinel, Druid, Kath'ranis, Velinde, Ysera, World Tree, Nordrassil.

Malfurion's Quest (Campaign)

Orcnet19:35, 14th Oct 2013700 Malfurion's Quest (Tested DEMO release as 1.0) RateScorePercentLetter 5/591-100A RateScorePercentLetter 4/581-90%B RateScorePercentLetter 3/575-80%C RateScorePercentLetter 2/570-74%D...




Orcnet19:35, 14th Oct 2013


Malfurion's Quest (Tested DEMO release as 1.0)









"The game was great, with the movement of Warcraft's actual lore and history as base structure of the story and along the scripting, it turned out amazing. The chapters is executed well and I'm hoping you'd release the remaining episodes along the way."



"The terrain is pretty much feels the same ambiance as how Blizzard design their map's background and such, although I could say that each map has basic style of terrain work, it still worth it and I do not find any of its design to be not good looking."



"Overall the campaign turned out well and much of all its objects I find this really good, do continue the story for many will enjoy after you release the initial version."

Total Score: (Gameplay[x/5] + Terrain[x/5] + Management[x/5] / Total Score[15] * 50 + 50)

Level 23
Apr 5, 2012
Aaaah, i have been wating for this by times, since this is just a beta version ... but i really love your campaign Turnro, and i'm seeing that you have put more and more custom things in this campaign, a fully race, awesome, and the paths consume or not consume the dark energy... a hard decission, but i chose destroy the fountain :p
can wait to play the fully campaign, good luck friend :D

hmmm... and when u finish this serie of campaign, are u planning something more ?
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Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Hey, Retrosexual and jesushipster are the same person;)

Really? I never knew lol

Thanks for letting me know.

Hey isn't he called Mal'Furion only when he's mounted?

I always saw Furion and Malfurion as the same name. The only difference between the two is that Malfurion sounds more authority like. You only really hear Furion used by someone who is close to him (such as Illidan and Tyrande).

hmmm... and when u finish this serie of campaign, are u planning something more ?

I guess only time will tell, my friend ;)
Level 5
Jul 8, 2013
I always saw Furion and Malfurion as the same name. The only difference between the two is that Malfurion sounds more authority like. You only really hear Furion used by someone who is close to him (such as Illidan and Tyrande).

Well Furion=Malfurion.When Cenarius died,Furion became the N.E. governor alongside with tyrande.Then he was named Malfurion.The druid's call him sha'do in order to show him respect.

I played the Demo.And i didnt found anything bad.Vey good work.With voise acting this will be AMAZING!
Just to mention if you need anything man just pm me.I know mostly all about triggers and maps :p Im just too lazy to make them be :p

But isn't it a bit big for just 3 maps?
Level 2
Aug 4, 2013
I liked the demo very much, but in the prologue, somewhere at the beginning azeroth was spelled wrongly. Just so you know ;) Keep up the good work (Y)
Level 13
Jul 19, 2011
I see that the campaign has finally released :)
I was waiting for the campaign for a long time.
Not the full version :/
But i played the the 2 chapters it's AMAZING nothing wrong and i liked the Highborne race :D

How did the Highborne survived from the greet sundering of Azeroth (not transforming into Naga)?

When will you release the full version of the campaign?
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Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
But isn't it a bit big for just 3 maps?

I guess that's the price to pay for including new music, models, and stuff into a campaign. The file's size should be more proportional when the full version comes out.

I liked the demo very much, but in the prologue, somewhere at the beginning azeroth was spelled wrongly. Just so you know ;) Keep up the good work (Y)

Thanks for letting me know, rotjeking7 :)

Wow its very amazing i played the two chapters they were very good and the cinematic is amazing when will you upload the next chapters?

At this stage, no further chapters will be added until the full version is complete.

Is the Size Smash able? It's too large, if it's possible, can you turn the size down?

The only way for me to make the file size smaller is if I delete some of the imported materials, but I do not wish to do that at this stage (because then the quality of the game will be less). Still, I'll see what I can do as I continue to work on Malfurion's Quest.

How did the Highborne survived from the greet sundering of Azeroth (not transforming into Naga)?

When will you release the full version of the campaign?

1. The same way the rest of the night elves survived. You can assume that not all the highbourne were blasted beneath the sea.

I didn't really elaborate on this in Malfurion's Quest because it isn't that important to know. These highbourne would eventually be banished from Kalimdor and become the high elves (yet this isn't really relevant to the story taking place, unless I were to include the high elves in the campaign).

2. There is no exact date for the release of the full version yet. The project is quite large, yet you can expect that the full version will be available sometime next year.
Level 2
Aug 4, 2013
Didn't Maiev die in your campaign: ''Rowan the Wise'', so why is she still alive in this campaign when Illidan ecapes from his prison? This confusion is because she died in your lore many years before the escape of Illidan.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Didn't Maiev die in your campaign: ''Rowan the Wise'', so why is she still alive in this campaign when Illidan ecapes from his prison? This confusion is because she died in your lore many years before the escape of Illidan.

The scenes Maiev are in are to show the past. It is simply to show what she was doing before she and her Watchers went to Lordaeron.
Level 2
Aug 7, 2013
Guys Guys... I'm unable to play it. When I click the Prologue, the screen blanks out and then returns to the scenario selection screen. Please help.

I have WC3 RoC and TFT. I'm able to play Adventures of Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy for the horde, Rise of the Lich King but not this.
Guys Guys... I'm unable to play it. When I click the Prologue, the screen blanks out and then returns to the scenario selection screen. Please help.

I have WC3 RoC and TFT. I'm able to play Adventures of Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy for the horde, Rise of the Lich King but not this.

It would be wise to state your patch, if its not 1.26a, consider updating your patch.
Else this can be taken into account for repair.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Guys Guys... I'm unable to play it. When I click the Prologue, the screen blanks out and then returns to the scenario selection screen. Please help.

I have WC3 RoC and TFT. I'm able to play Adventures of Rowan the Wise, Jeopardy for the horde, Rise of the Lich King but not this.

Update your patch.this should do it


Let me know as soon as you can if this fixes the problem you have. I may be able to help you further.

Will the music be original?

I don't think I know what you mean by original, because I can't create music.
Level 1
Mar 31, 2009
well few days ago i downloaded it an played so first of all i must say i usually test and play maps and campaign on my ancient laptop which is almost 10 years old.
So i will try to play it on my new PC since i couldn't saw 1st cinematic to the end since it froze and i got to cinematic near village 2 and there i got black screen while camera was turning which is probably because of laptop.

Next. Spells are really nice :) looks like 1.st spell doesn't heal at all.
Please don't put furion on mount XD i just hate that goat or whatever that is :D but since he will get mount u please make it a awesome goat XD
I didn't find much secrets in that 1st chapter. only crates with potions or scrolls hidden by fog of war :) i hope u will put in some secrets.
I liked that murlock side quest and big bad ass murlock's skill which calls nightcrawlers :) now i am gonna dl it on pc and see where it will get me :)

I love the terrain and low exp gain. and hopefully lvl 10 wont be max ^_^
Level 1
Jul 2, 2013
hmm you should probably tweak mana cost for all Furion spells and perhaps increase AoE for his first spell(but maybe lower dmg and heal),also hotkey for first spell is L which is not very optimal.
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Next. Spells are really nice :) looks like 1.st spell doesn't heal at all.
I didn't find much secrets in that 1st chapter. only crates with potions or scrolls hidden by fog of war :) i hope u will put in some secrets.

Hmm... Lifesurge should heal your units (or at least sometimes). I'll have a look into it.

Also, there are a couple of secrets in the first chapter, but it's not anything difficult to find. Besides, it's only the start of the campaign. Secrets will be harder to find once you've progress through the campaign (at least when the full version will come out).

Other than that, I'm glad you've enjoyed the campaign so far :)

hmm you should probably tweak mana cost for all Furion spells and perhaps increase AoE for his first spell(but maybe lower dmg and heal),also hotkey for first spell is L which is not very optimal.

If I tweak all of Malfurion's spell costs, this will eliminate the need to conserve mana. This will also allow Malfurion to cast all his spells at once as opposed to the player choosing which spell to use for the particular situation.

As for the AoE, I'll wait for more people's opinions before changing it. Lifesurge has the same AoE as Shockwave, and so will suffice for the time being.

I do agree though that the hotkey for Lifesurge should be changed. I'll definitely change it to something else (perhaps E or something).
Level 2
Jul 1, 2013
About Campaign size , I think its no problem . A very good thing about making campaigns and RPG maps is that we can put whatever we want into it , unlike multiplayer maps always have to worry about 8mb .
About the prolugue , it is a bit confusing at the end when Furion fails , and on the mountain stands Malfurion talking to himself , WTF ? Didnt you mention that Malfurion=Furion ? Btw let me guess , if we choose to consume the Fountain , there will be 2 sides of Furion always fighting each other somehow , evenactually the bad side that wants to consume it (Malfurion) splits apart and always tries to prove that the good side is wrong not to want to consume it .
About spells , I think what should really be improved here is the first spell Lifesurge because it has hotkey as L which is very far from others . Also it has very small range , only units on its way gets affected , the units from rears wont .
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
About the prolugue , it is a bit confusing at the end when Furion fails , and on the mountain stands Malfurion talking to himself , WTF ? Didnt you mention that Malfurion=Furion ? Btw let me guess , if we choose to consume the Fountain , there will be 2 sides of Furion always fighting each other somehow , evenactually the bad side that wants to consume it (Malfurion) splits apart and always tries to prove that the good side is wrong not to want to consume it .
About spells , I think what should really be improved here is the first spell Lifesurge because it has hotkey as L which is very far from others . Also it has very small range , only units on its way gets affected , the units from rears wont .

You are partially right. You do get to choose if Malfurion consumes the fountain, but once that choice is made his dark mind plays less of a significant role in the story. I don't wish to say much since it will spoil the story, but the central story will not evolve around Malfurion continuously fighting with himself.

As for Lifesurge, I will be changing its hotkey from L. In terms of range, you should know that Lifesurge is basically Shockwave that also heals friendly units it hits. It is not supposed to be a high healing spell (if it was, it would only heal your units and not damage enemy units). Malfurion will get the chance to learn a better healing spell later on in the campaign.
Level 2
Aug 7, 2013
It works

It would be wise to state your patch, if its not 1.26a, consider updating your patch.
Else this can be taken into account for repair.

Thanks friend. It worked after I patched up to 1.26. Sorry for the trouble.
And btw, the demo is great. I just can't wait for the full version.
Level 1
Mar 31, 2009
well that choice at end of chapter 2 to drink is good thing :D i kind of struggled with boss on easy but i don't even wanna try going on higher difficulty until all is completed ^_^ what will be furions lvl cap? and why dont u add some special effect to some artifacts such as staff of oracle. like summoning or low % evasion. since its from oracle u get to "see where enemy will strike"
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
what will be furions lvl cap? and why dont u add some special effect to some artifacts such as staff of oracle. like summoning or low % evasion. since its from oracle u get to "see where enemy will strike"

I haven't decided the maximum level for the campaign yet, but it will be greater than level 10.

As for the items suggestion, I'll think about it.

Its only 3 maps turnro, can you put more maps please?

It's only a demo version. The full version will be coming soon ;)
Level 3
Jun 30, 2013
Just finished it and can't wait to play whole campaign.:thumbs_up:
When I was playing this my PC turned off several times :vw_death:
Does anyone else expirienced this or something similar :vw_wtf:
Level 32
Dec 8, 2009
Just finished it and can't wait to play whole campaign.:thumbs_up:
When I was playing this my PC turned off several times :vw_death:
Does anyone else expirienced this or something similar :vw_wtf:

This problem could be to do with either of the following:

- The campaign was played on an old patch version of Warcraft 3
- The PC you played on is not up to date

Of course, PCs normally only turn themselves off when they are overheated, but I could be wrong. Did you experience this throughout the whole campaign, or just the Prologue?