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Male Archmage via Jaina model request

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Level 1
Nov 11, 2011
I'm searching for someone to either create/edit/point me toward a male human model spellcaster that uses the Jaina model as a base for animations. All male spellcasters I seem to be finding use the Medivh model animations and that just doesn't work for me. Jaina's animations are perfect but all models on the site I can find are female. If anyone can help me out with this I'd be greatly appreciative.
Level 9
Jan 12, 2010
Hmmm... Well theres a couple of archmage models here on the hive that use the nercomancer's animations;

Hero Archmage on Foot

Bandit Mage on Foot

Both lack team color on thier robes (because on the mounted models the team color was on the horses) but both have a team colored hero glow at thier feet and on thier staves.

Hope these are what you where looking for, not Jaina animations, but atleast not druid lol. :grin:


Level 1
Nov 11, 2011
I saw those and tried them but they aren't what I'm looking for. I need the Jaina animations for my project. Also, the robes varied from what I was hoping for. I really like the Jaina model but I'm saddened by the lack of variations on it. Again, I can only find female versions of it. Probably cause that's the easiest kind of alteration, a simple texture edit.

I've seen models like the Blood Elf Wizard and the High Elf Chronomancer, but they all use the Medivh model. If I could figure out how to flip them around and give them Jaina's animations I would. If I had any modeling experience I'd be doing it myself but I must defer this kind of work to the pros on this site. I hope someone will be able to come up with something.

Thank you very much for the reply Jake Command Wolf.
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