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Making a Quest

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Level 2
Jun 25, 2005
i'm close to making the beta stage of the map i'm making, but I don't know anything about map triggers.

Heres the quest I need help making.

The quest starts when you walk to a unit(zombie), then you need to find an Pedant from a bandit mob with 5% drop chance on the item. After you find the drop you take it back to the ghoul, then he starts a second part; this part involves you killing a bandit boss and taking a ring from him, then with the ring you step on a circle of power that destroys a ruin stone(ressurection stone) and then you take a stone piece to the ghoul, then he gives you a random reward to all players then he disapears.

I got some parts of the quest trigger I made, but I need help with the rest.




What do I need?
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
ummmm the photo doesn't work and I don't know how far you have created the trigger. Thats like 6 triggers worth right there, and I'm not going to write all 6, so if you can tell me what triggers you've done, then I would help you.
Level 6
Mar 25, 2005
right I'm pretty sure you got an error with the trigger you currently have. I don't think the rest after Turn off this trigger works, since, well.. the trigger is no longer active. You need to create seperate triggers for the unit acquiring the pendant, unit returning with the pendant, ghoul giving the second part, and the ruin stone destoryed, and returning with the stone.

For the trigger you got, just move the turn off trigger to the last action. That should make it work.

Heres the trigger for unit acquiring the pendant:

Event: Unit - A unit owned by player red acquires an item
Condition: Item Comparison - Item being manipulated equals Pendant
*Quest - Quest Message - Display to all players the quest update message: return the pendant to the ghoul.
*Turn on quest "Part 2" (Or whatever you name the trigger i'm going to show you next.)
*Turn off this trigger

Heres the one when you return to the ghoul with the pendant:

Event: Unit - A unit enters Zombie <gen>
Condition: Boolean Comparison - Hero has the item type of pendant equals true
*Hero - Drop item from hero - drop item carried by hero of type pendant.
*Item - Remove - Remove last dropped item.
*Turn on *next trigger* (Whatever you name it)
*Quest - Quest Message - Display to all players the quest update message: slay the bandit boss and destroy the ruin stone with the ring
*Turn off this trigger

Okay and heres the trigger from destroying the ruin stone:

Event: Unit - A unit enters Ruin <gen>
Condition: Boolean Comparison - Hero has the item type of ring equals true
*Hero - Drop item from hero - drop item carried by hero of type ring.
*Item - Remove - Remove last dropped item.
*Turn on *next trigger* (Whatever you name it)
*Unit - Kill Ruin Stone (make it so the ruin stone drops the item automatically.)
*Quest - Quest Message - Display to all players the quest update message: return to the ghoul with the ruin stone piece
*Turn off this trigger

Here's the final trigger:

Event: Unit - A unit enters Zombie <gen>
Condition: Boolean Comparison - Hero has the item type of stone piece equals true
Action: *Hero - Drop item from hero - drop item carried by hero of type stone piece.
*Item - Remove - Remove last dropped item.
*Unit Message (Make the ghoul say something)
*Unit - Remove - Remove ghoul
*Mark Quest - Mark last created quest as completed.
*(some sort of reward)
*Turn off this trigger

There that should work fine. tell me if there is any errors in it.
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