i wonder how do i make hostile units not aggressive?
i mean when i attack hostile 1, a nearby hostile 2 wont attack me..
i know its in gameplay constants(maybe) but i dont know where..
Set Creep Guard Return Distance to 0 in Gameplay Constants. ANd maybe rty making the Guard Distance also to 0.
i tried both and its not working
Try this trigger for the converting of Neutrals to Enemy when attacked but there is a disadvantage to this one like when they are targeted by spells, they dot convert but this might help you!
- Untitled Trigger 001
- Events
- Unit - A unit owned by Neutral Passive Is attacked
- Conditions
- (Unit-type of (Attacked unit)) Equal to Forest Troll
- Actions
- Unit - Change ownership of (Attacked unit) to Player 2 (Blue) and Change color
But that's means he has to make Neutral Passive as enemy for all players.
Mabey just pause Hostile so it wont do anything?
No, its not a great solution for it will take lots of triggering.
no it wont lol. trigger when unit is attacked. pause all units except attacked and attacking unit in 500 range.
second trigger when unit dies unpause units in 500 range of dying unit.
But that's gonna remove all those spots in the minimap too..
Try changing these in the gameplay constants...
Combat - Call for help, creeps - 0
Creeps - Guard Distance - 0
Creeps - Guard Return Distance - 300
Creeps - Return time - 2 seconds
still didnt work but i think i can make use of this ill just tweak it a little
Did you do what I suggest on making them neutral and when attacked or cast a spell, make them enemies?