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Maiev/Nelf UnArmoured(4 versions)

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
Ello again, bringin out update for my Realistic Maiev, with new face and portrait thanks to @kangyun for letting me base it off his resources :)
I also made unarmoured model for rp purposes, that will be handy for female nelven commoners or citizens.
I wont brag about blizz's designs here cuz i have nothing to rant on here xD (tho Maiev's design in Legion is attrocious, i just noticed that proportions dont even exist and she wears two 'her-torso-sized' pauldrons with these giant spikes, while getting normal body and almost properly sized glaive, but keeping that stupid TBC helm...... oh ups.....i said i wont rant....well too late xD)
Anyway about the model. I based it off orc warden(author left notice on his porfile page that people can use his stuff freely, plus he isnt active since 2012) to get sentry animated unarmoured body, then i edited the skin, and thanks to @kangyun again i used new head for Maiev. I improved wraps abit aswell. Fixed anim abit so her head doesnt tilt so much in death animations end, edited idle animation in portrait and few other things aside from texturing.

I hope it's useful :)

Thanks again to kangyun and Nasrudin for allowing me use their models as base. Most of credit is for them anyway, i just played around with "puzzles" :v

Go here for my Realistic Maiev:Realistic Maiev/Warden
Tags: female, nelven, night, elf, nightelf, maiev

EDIT: Updated with fused texture that i lighter than either previous and improved the wrapping a bit.
2nd Update: Added white haired version.
3rd Update:
-Added new texture(greenish eyes but in natural shade, so she doesnt look fel infused xD) ,
-fixed glow, wrap a bit and..... added eyes. Thanks to @Cuore for giving me idea for it :)
4th Update:
-thanks to Dr. Supergood's i fixed the texture(it could get corrupted due some error due to other software i used) it's much lighter aswell.
5th Update:
-Retexture, model and wrap fixes!
-New skin tone version of Maiev more reminisent of her Legion appearence,
-Much priettier looking eyes and eyebrows,
-slightly lighter model.
6th Update:
-Fixed wrong hair colour on white hair portrait
7th Update:
Ello this one is bigger :v
-New updated texture including: new lime coloured eyes that fit original maiev's look more, much darker lips and eye shadow,
-sparcling green effect around her eyes in portrait,
-New face wrap for maiev, changing they way she looks quite significatly,
-green glow on the eyes,
-wrap on arms and wrist bands have been fixed,
-Her breasts are not pointy anymore,
-hard reshaped and rewrapped on the back,

General info: Textures are standarised and actual weight is very low for package of Armoured&Unarmoured Maiev with desired Skin&hair colour is just 296kb with texture - that is for both models with their portraits included. If you go just with one it will be just 190kb for Armoured Maiev and 154kb for Unarmoured Maiev, submission is heavy because i included all variations, it's better that way than just creating several submissions for each. Think of it like Ujimasa Hojo's bundles...

Enjoy :)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) BlueHair&NewSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) BlueHair&OldSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) Portrait BlueHair&NewSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) Portrait BlueHair&OldSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) Portrait WhiteHair&NewSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) Portrait WhiteHair&OldSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) WhiteHair&NewSkinColour (Model)

Maiev/Nelf(Unarmoured) WhiteHair&OldSkinColour (Model)

General Frank
Still too small changes. Might be useful for some people, but does NOT justify it being properly approved.
Level 4
Jul 9, 2013
Kacpa2 said:
-Added new texture(greenish eyes but in natural shade, so she doesnt look fel infused xD)

I do not like this decision, if you interested in my opinion.
By the Warcraft 3 lore they eyes glow by the green energy. Wardens - is the wieders of unknown, supernatural powers, and i think they eyes must have original, green color.
This is very speculative question, someone thinks what Wardens use energies of shadow and void, like WoW priests in "Shadow" specialization. The first members of th Wardens organisation is Priestess of Moon, and, by this theory, Wardens use same powers, what used by shadow priests.

This is just one of the many theories about they powers. I just want to say what i prefer old version(I think this is more... lore-correct), i do not demand from you to change something, but green-eyed version can be very useful for projects, where fact about they green eyes noticed. :)
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Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
I do not like this decision, if you interested in my opinion.
By the Warcraft 3 lore they eyes glow by the green energy. Wardens - is the wieders of unknown, supernatural powers, and i think they eyes must have original, green color.
This is very speculative question, someone thinks what Wardens use energies of shadow and void, like WoW priests in "Shadow" specialization. The first members of th Wardens organisation is Priestess of Moon, and, by this theory, Wardens use same powers, what used by shadow priests.

This is just one of the many theories about they powers. I just want to say what i prefer old version(I think this is more... lore-correct), i do not demand from you to change something, but green-eyed version can be very useful for projects, where fact about they green eyes noticed. :)
Well i didnt think of it this way. Just made her eyes darker shade of green amd gave it nelven silver pupils woth fixed glow which is blueish. I will add Green glow version with greenosh pupils :)
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
Texture weights just 47kb how on earth is this "heavy"? Plus i have update for both models coming. It feels like it's rated from very first release, because then texture was heavy due to BLP lab saving it very badly, updated version that is up since then has imperial blp saved texture and it's just 47kb and shared with other model so it's just one for both if people go with more detailed Maiev.......
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
I'm not mad xD i just complain on pretty unbacked complains on size, when model is less that 60kb and texture less than 50kb, it's like you review version i released initially with 160kb texture cuz of how badly BLP Lab saved it, with other software i got it much much lighter. Not to mention it's shared with any other maiev model so it's just single 47kb texture for all of these variations......
Together with the portrait, texture and ingame model it's just 165kb, it as light as it can be.(old texture was 172kb, practical weight of the used asset is lower than initial weight of texture)

On other Maiev model most of time consuming change was coat re-wrap to maintain the rim but take off the knives(it's one texture and mesh). I have update coming for both that is meant to make it more akin to canon look of maiev plus 2 more models but i wont do some 'fancy' changes just for sake of fidelity - i mean something silly like spikes or unnessesary details, main point of my Maiev edit(armoured one) is to make it more realistic without all this overly fancy and overly bulky stuff.
Just by rule of thumb amount of changes wont blow anyone away, because there is no way it could unless context of changes is taken into account.
And again i'm not angry or mad just because i wrote wall of text and/or made some typoes in it xD
Level 8
Mar 2, 2017
Sometimes, Blizzard makes shit.
I had a real long debate on WoW forums about this, Wardens should have green eyes, as they always did. Blizzard made a full new model for 3? of the heroes for legion patch, but they just didn't had the strength to give Maiev green eyes !

  1. Lore Hypothesis for warden green eyes :
  • Wardens guarded demons, and fel creatures for over 10 000 years, as the Blood elves kids who have never touched magic, they may have been touched by the magic and had a physical alteration. (This is the Hypothesis WoW players said yes to.)
  • Warden's helm has green filter/gems in the yes position and the light the NE eyes produce will become green.
  1. Model review :
  • I actually hoped you have her some other kind of animations, perhaps the succubus ones. I never liked the runner animations, they are quick made for one mission.
  • I really love the design you did for her face form, her ears and the face tatoos, especially the one with dark skin.
  • I, however, don't like the hair at all. It's like she spent 5 hours sticking her hair until it became solid !! You were going for a Maiev version, right ? Than give her Maiev TALL hair. And add it the NE runner animated hair.
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
Sometimes, Blizzard makes shit.
Well it's far more often than sometimes ;P
  1. Model review :
  • I actually hoped you have her some other kind of animations, perhaps the succubus ones. I never liked the runner animations, they are quick made for one mission.
  • I really love the design you did for her face form, her ears and the face tatoos, especially the one with dark skin.
  • I, however, don't like the hair at all. It's like she spent 5 hours sticking her hair until it became solid !! You were going for a Maiev version, right ? Than give her Maiev TALL hair. And add it the NE runner animated hair. + green eyes
I will prep green eye versions for all the model, from my armoured maiev you can get pretty much 2 variations - basic imrpoved TFT warden and maiev with new head and hair, then RoC one and you have 3.
Level 14
Jan 8, 2015
I do not like this decision, if you interested in my opinion.
By the Warcraft 3 lore they eyes glow by the green energy. Wardens - is the wieders of unknown, supernatural powers, and i think they eyes must have original, green color.
7th Update:
Ello this one is bigger :v
-New updated texture including: new lime coloured eyes that fit original maiev's look more, much darker lips and eye shadow,
-sparcling green effect around her eyes in portrait,
-New face wrap for maiev, changing they way she looks quite significatly,
-green glow on the eyes,
-wrap on arms and wrist bands have been fixed,
-Her breasts are not pointy anymore,
-hard reshaped and rewrapped on the back,
-portrait's wraps around chest, neck and shoulders have been improved alot.
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