if Debug then Debug.beginFile "SaveLoadHelper" end
OnInit.module("SaveLoadHelper", function(require)
require "Encoder62"
require "FileIO"
SaveLoadHelper version 1.3 by Wrda
(Special thanks to Antares)
This system is responsible in squeezing a player's data from a table and then retrieving it matching
how it was saved in. For example, you save a player's data such as PlayerSave (table) which has the fields
set to some value you set:
kills; gems; lives; locationX; locationY
Loading the file will result in a new table, with those exact same fields, and their respective values.
There are different methods to save data, a table with string keys, as described above, and a table with
indexed keys. Both have their strengths.
WARNING: You can't use \x25 (percentage sign) on a string. The loading will fail.
The workaround for this is to think of a character you'll never going to use and then replace it
with \x25\x25 (double because it escapes the sign).
Example: str = "takes 5< damage, 600< more hp"
local result = string.gsub(str, "<", "\x25\x25")
print(result) -> "takes 5% damage, 600% more hp"
---@param playerName string
---@return string
function SaveLoad.getDefaultPath(playerName)
- Gets the default string format path.
---@param p player
---@param list table
---@param playerName string?
---@param filePath string?
SaveLoad.saveHelperDynamic(p, list, playerName?, filePath?)
- Saves data to a single player. "list" must be a string-key table.
- If not given a playerName, it is saved with the current player name.
- Returns the resulting table in key-indexed format.
---@param p player
---@param list table<integer, any>
---@param playerName string?
---@param filePath string?
SaveLoad.saveHelperIndex(p, list, playerName?, filePath?)
- Saves data to a single player. "list" must be an indexed-key table.
- If not given a playerName, it is saved with the current player name.
- Returns the "list" table, may be useful in when one uses SaveLoad.saveHelperDynamic because it
calls SaveLoad.saveHelperIndex inside.
---@param data string
---@return table
return loadDataIndex(data)
- Loads data into a table. The table will have indexed keys.
---@param data string
---@return table<string, any>
function SaveLoad.loadHelperDynamic(data)
- Loads data into a table. The table will have string keys.
SaveLoad = {}
SaveLoad.FOLDER = "TEST MAP" -- Name of the folder. Not required, but serves as a default.
SaveLoad.FILE_PREFIX = "TestCode-" -- You can have none. Use empty string and NOT nil. Not required, but serves as a default.
SaveLoad.FILE_SUFFIX = "-0" -- You can have none. Use empty string and NOT nil. Not required, but serves as a default.
SAVE_LOAD_SEED = 1 -- This is used for generating a random permutation of the scrambled string. Set it to any integer unique for your map. You're not supposed to change your mind on this later on.
---Gets the default string format path.
---@param playerName string
---@return string
function SaveLoad.getDefaultPath(playerName)
return SaveLoad.FOLDER .. "\\" .. SaveLoad.FILE_PREFIX .. playerName .. SaveLoad.FILE_SUFFIX .. ".pld"
local pack = string.pack
local unpack = string.unpack
local byte = string.byte
local pseudoRandomPermutation
local delimiterList = {
["integer"] = "#",
["float"] = "_",
["string"] = "&",
["true"] = "!",
["false"] = "@",
["#"] = "integer",
["_"] = "float",
["&"] = "string",
["!"] = "true",
["@"] = "false"
---@param value any
local function getDelimiterType(value)
local mathType = math.type(value)
if delimiterList[mathType] then
return delimiterList[mathType]
elseif type(value) == "string" then
return delimiterList[type(value)]
elseif type(value) == "boolean" then
return delimiterList[tostring(value)]
error("Unrecognized delimiter type.")
return nil
---@param str string
---@param pos integer
---@return string|nil
local function findDelimiterTypeIndex(str, pos)
local found
found = str:match("([#_&!@])\x25d+", pos)
return found
---@param str string
---@param pos integer
---@return string|nil
local function findDelimiterTypeDynamic(str, pos)
local found
found = str:match("([#_&!@])\x25w+", pos)
return found
---@param float number
---@return integer
local function binaryFloat2Integer(float)
return unpack("i4", pack("f", float))
---@param integer integer
---@return number
local function binaryInteger2Float(integer)
return string.unpack("f", string.pack("i4", integer))
--validating parts of the file
---@param str string
---@return integer
local function getCheckNumber(str)
local checkNum = 0
for i = 1, str:len() do
checkNum = checkNum + byte(str:sub(i, i))
return checkNum
---@param str string
---@return string
local function addCheckNumber(str)
return Base62.toBase62(getCheckNumber(str)) .. "-" .. str
---@param str string
---@return string, boolean
local function separateAndValidateCheckNumber(str)
local separatedString = str:sub(str:find("-") + 1, str:len())
return separatedString, getCheckNumber(separatedString) == Base62.fromBase62(str:sub(1, str:find("-") - 1))
---@param str string
---@param seed integer
---@return string
pseudoRandomPermutation = function(str, seed)
local oldSeed = math.random(0, 2147483647)
local chars = {}
for i = 1, #str do
table.insert(chars, str:sub(i, i))
for i = #chars, 2, -1 do
local j = math.random(i)
chars[i], chars[j] = chars[j], chars[i]
return table.concat(chars)
local chars = [[!#$&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~]]
local scrambled = pseudoRandomPermutation(chars, SAVE_LOAD_SEED)
local SCRAMBLED = {}
local UNSCRAMBLED = {}
for i = 1, chars:len() do
SCRAMBLED[chars:sub(i, i)] = scrambled:sub(i, i)
UNSCRAMBLED[scrambled:sub(i, i)] = chars:sub(i, i)
local function scrambleString(whichString)
local scrambledString = ""
for i = 1, whichString:len() do
scrambledString = scrambledString .. (SCRAMBLED[whichString:sub(i, i)] or whichString:sub(i, i))
return scrambledString
local function unscrambleString(whichString)
local unscrambledString = ""
for i = 1, whichString:len() do
unscrambledString = unscrambledString .. (UNSCRAMBLED[whichString:sub(i, i)] or whichString:sub(i, i))
return unscrambledString
local function convertToIndexedTable(dynamicTable)
--you may use a table recycler here
local indexedTable = {}
for key, value in pairs(dynamicTable) do
indexedTable[#indexedTable + 1] = key
indexedTable[#indexedTable + 1] = value
return indexedTable
local function convertToDictionary(indexedTable)
--you may use a table recycler here
local dynamicTable = {}
for i = 1, #indexedTable, 2 do
dynamicTable[indexedTable[i]] = indexedTable[i + 1]
return dynamicTable
---Saves data to a single player. "list" must be a string-key table.
---If not given a playerName, it is saved with the current player name.
---Returns the resulting table in key-indexed format.
---@param p player
---@param list table
---@param playerName string?
---@param filePath string?
---@return table
function SaveLoad.saveHelperDynamic(p, list, playerName, filePath)
local indexedTable = convertToIndexedTable(list)
return SaveLoad.saveHelperIndex(p, indexedTable, playerName, filePath)
---Saves data to a single player. "list" must be an indexed-key table.
---If not given a playerName, it is saved with the current player name.
---Returns the "list" table, may be useful in when one uses SaveLoad.saveHelperDynamic because it calls SaveLoad.saveHelperIndex inside.
---@param p player
---@param list table<integer, any>
---@param playerName string?
---@param filePath string?
---@return table
function SaveLoad.saveHelperIndex(p, list, playerName, filePath)
local data = ""
local delimiterType
local value
for _, v in ipairs(list) do
delimiterType = getDelimiterType(v)
if delimiterList[delimiterType] == "float" then
value = binaryFloat2Integer(v)
value = Base62.toBase62(value)
elseif delimiterList[delimiterType] == "integer" then
value = Base62.toBase62(v)
value = tostring(v)
if type(v) == "boolean" then
data = data .. delimiterType .. Base62.toBase62(0) .. delimiterType
data = data .. delimiterType .. Base62.toBase62(string.len(value)) .. delimiterType .. value
data = addCheckNumber(data)
local encData = scrambleString(data)
if not playerName then
playerName = GetPlayerName(p)
local path = type(filePath) == "string" and filePath or SaveLoad.getDefaultPath(playerName)
if GetLocalPlayer() == p then
FileIO.Save(path, encData)
return list
---Loads data into a table. The table will have indexed keys.
---@param scrambledData string
---@return table<integer, any>|nil
function SaveLoad.loadHelperIndex(scrambledData)
local unscrambled = unscrambleString(scrambledData)
local oldpos = 1
local i = 1
local data, isValid = separateAndValidateCheckNumber(unscrambled)
if not isValid then
--tampering detected
return nil
local max = data:len()
--you may use a table recycler here
output = {}
local delType = findDelimiterTypeIndex(data, oldpos)
local _, fin, length = data:find(delType .. "(\x25w+)" .. delType, oldpos) --\x25w+ because base62
length = Base62.fromBase62(length)
oldpos = fin + length + 1
local value
if length == 0 then --boolean data always has 0 length
value = (delimiterList[delType] == "true") and true or false
goto skip
value = string.sub(data, fin + 1, length + fin)
if delimiterList[delType] == "float" then
value = binaryInteger2Float(Base62.fromBase62(value))
elseif delimiterList[delType] == "integer" then
value = math.tointeger(Base62.fromBase62(value))
::skip:: --skip if delimiter type was a boolean
output[i] = value
i = i + 1
until oldpos >= max
return output
---Loads scrambledData into a table. The table will have string keys.
---@param scrambledData string
---@return table<string, any>|nil
function SaveLoad.loadHelperDynamic(scrambledData)
local unscrambled = unscrambleString(scrambledData)
local oldpos = 1
local i = 1
local data, isValid = separateAndValidateCheckNumber(unscrambled)
if not isValid then
--tampering detected
return nil
local max = data:len()
--you may use a table recycler here
output = {}
local delType = findDelimiterTypeDynamic(data, oldpos)
local _, fin, length = data:find(delType .. "(\x25w+)" .. delType, oldpos) --\x25w+ because base62
length = Base62.fromBase62(length)
oldpos = fin + length + 1
local value
if length == 0 then --boolean data always has 0 length
value = (delimiterList[delType] == "true") and true or false
goto skip
value = string.sub(data, fin + 1, length + fin)
if delimiterList[delType] == "float" then
value = binaryInteger2Float(Base62.fromBase62(value))
elseif delimiterList[delType] == "integer" then
value = math.tointeger(Base62.fromBase62(value))
::skip:: --skip if delimiter type was a boolean
output[i] = value
i = i + 1
until oldpos >= max
local dictionaryTable = convertToDictionary(output)
--recycle the table if you have a table recycler
output = nil
return dictionaryTable
if Debug then Debug.endFile() end