This is a builder map I've worked on for a while, in start you select your race from 8 possible(Rohan, Gondor, Elves, Dwarves, Isengard, Goblins, Men of the East and Mordor).
Each race have 5 military units(normally 1 infantry, 1 ranged, 1 cavalry/monster, 1 special and 1 Elite) and including some non military units(Spy, Assassin, Physician, Constructor and Supply Horse).
The game itself follows a paper/rock/scissor combat system, with Infantry beating Cavalry, Cavalry beating Ranged and Ranged beating Infantry(gains 125% damage against what it beats, and receives 75% damage). Also the Elite units deal normal damage to all except Structures, and receives normal damage from all(theres also structur armour, siege machine damage and Tower damage). Its 11 players max.
For alliances it follow -ally/-unally commands, when you type -ally "color" you ally the person, but the player wont ally you unless he to types it. When -unally "color" both you and the player unally each other. You can allsy -ally/-unally all.
All units demand a certain Food, meaning that you cannot have unlimited units. Different races have different food costs(Mordor have low costs, while Elves have high).
Please comment on the map, I need the feedback.