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Looking for Translators For Kathmaral Saga, the journey

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Level 12
Mar 25, 2019

Good day everyone! :grin:

My friend @Nubelial and me are working in our first campaign, Kathmaral Saga, The journey after a moderate pause, we are returing to work.

*A original story
*Diverse map levels
*Many Characters
*Custom units

One of our weakest is that neither nubelial nor me are native speakers of english, and despite I know english, that isn't enough :ugly:
We ask for some brave soul dare to face my grammatical mistakes and help us to properly translated the campaign to english.

If you are interested, you can post here or contact me for private.

See you later. :thumbs_up:
Level 12
Mar 25, 2019
Nice! Tomorrow I will send you by MP two archives, I also invite you to get a try of the campaign if you didn't play before. :thumbs_up:

Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
On 1.31:

Skippable cutscenes? Hooray!


  • Combining items and powerups should mention it in their tooltips and description.
  • Rinsen's portrait is a barrel.
  • Breastplate's icon is the Carapace upgrade.
  • Sometimes Regenerative Liquid combines charges, sometimes it doesn't. Given how plentiful they are, I'd make them all combine.
  • Kajiro:
    • Presence of Courage has the same icon as Battle Standard (and should be a passive).
    • Battle Orders: Tooltip says mana then life regen. Which is it?
  • Boar and Spiny Boar should not share models (maybe Spirit Pig?). Also Boar is the melee and Spiny the ranged, should probably be the opposite.
  • Bears' selection circle is way over their heads.
  • Safeguard tooltip still says Devotion Aura.
  • Heavy Net description: webs -> ensnares

Prologue: Will get to it in more detail with the texts, but there's some areas where the terrain is very bare.

First level:

  • Intro:
    • Some units go through the heroes.
    • Since there's a forest visible in the distance, the Tinker should mention that the local wood isn't good for repairs instead of saying there's no wood.
  • Gasha's "you stink" conversation: All messages start with Gasha (the portrait is the raider).
  • The bridge between the caves looks out of place, maybe use shallows instead.
  • Why do the huts around the runestone disappear?
  • Sharpshooters have 5 mana but no spells.
  • Obelisk shouldn't have grass growing around it. Maybe have it grow everywhere except around the obelisk?

Second level

  • Avalanche could use more SFX.
  • Golems should animate when you get close to them.
  • "Or maybe not" should wait until he's caught.
  • Kajiro yells "ambush" before they start attacking.
  • During the village siege cutscene, not all the natives go to the gates, some just sit there.
  • End cutscene: Maybe put the alpha's permanent corpse near them, it's a better visual than pretending to give them the head.
  • Screen doesn't turn black when the victory dialog comes up.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010
Third level (will try the other faction afterwards):

  • Seekers have a tiny shadow attached to them, but not directly underneath.
  • Lairs should have a "working" animation so you can tell when they're building more.
  • Earth Callers don't have their second spell.
  • Wendigoes should not have Bloodlust as a T1 spell.
  • Going after the first two lairs causes the teal hero to attack without warning.
  • The base should be easier to defend, I couldn't explore the map before taking out all but the last lair, and even then I had to leave behind half my forces to keep the wendigoes under control.
  • So how does the scroll work if you can't have all the items on one hero?
  • Maybe have a stash to carry items between levels.
Level 12
Mar 25, 2019
Third level (will try the other faction afterwards):

  • Seekers have a tiny shadow attached to them, but not directly underneath.
  • Lairs should have a "working" animation so you can tell when they're building more.
  • Earth Callers don't have their second spell.
  • Wendigoes should not have Bloodlust as a T1 spell.
  • Going after the first two lairs causes the teal hero to attack without warning.
  • The base should be easier to defend, I couldn't explore the map before taking out all but the last lair, and even then I had to leave behind half my forces to keep the wendigoes under control.
  • So how does the scroll work if you can't have all the items on one hero?
  • Maybe have a stash to carry items between levels.

1- I will check that later
2- Sadly their buildings are just destructible, without animations U_U
3- Fixed already(sadly this mistake also show up in the next chapter)
4- Is actually a minor version(and t2 spell)
5- Well their are master stalkers, try to have some detectors with you.
6- More or less balance in the new versions, the wendigo suffer a rebalance to make the more manageable
7- You need the scroll + special item(like the wendigo's skin/horn) + a item marked to use with the ceremonial scroll


8- We studied that, but because you will change the hero very often so you must manage the items between all playable heroes.
Level 28
Apr 6, 2010

  • Goblins should have a cheap food building, not keep constructing more normal buildings.
  • Wind Elemental timer still says Water Elemental.
  • Nezli:
    • Nezli has the same projectile as the mecha goblin.
    • Nezli should have some kind of fast heal for mechanical units.
  • Workshop heal should be an aura instead of a spell or it can't be used during training.
  • Characters keep being referred to by different names (Crystallion / Sekilron, Terrakius/Argorok, etc.).
  • Camera issue: There's several times where the camera focuses on one character, but because of the angle the bottom half of the screen is mostly empty terrain, and units on the top half get cut off.
  • Are beaked wendigos the females? Because there should be some among their young.

Fourth level:

  • Not a fan of the gold mine guards that keep spawning until their building is destroyed.
  • Yeah, no. Any attack on the red base gets both attack waves and all their AoE attacks dumped on you at the same time. And you can't defend against them without units because towers die too quickly to be useful.

Fifth level:

  • Frost golems are guarding just a beast skin in a barrel?
  • Construct is a weird name for the boss.
  • Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhhh, that bossfight. Finally made it, but it needs a Meditation Cloak with only heal and stun spells.
  • Not sure about whether the speech should be translated from Spanish and then reversed, I think it's good as-is.

  • Hippogryph archers don't get shown in previous levels, it kind of comes out of nowhere.
  • Earthcaller should arrive from offscreen.
  • Alchemist apparently cast the spell on herself?
  • Grunt isn't seen to deliver his message.
  • Hut blinks out of existence when the camera moves through it at the end.
  • Very nice scenery at the end.

OK, now to wait for the rest of the campaign. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!
Level 12
Mar 25, 2019
  • Goblins should have a cheap food building, not keep constructing more normal buildings.
  • Wind Elemental timer still says Water Elemental.
  • Nezli:
    • Nezli has the same projectile as the mecha goblin.
    • Nezli should have some kind of fast heal for mechanical units.
  • Workshop heal should be an aura instead of a spell or it can't be used during training.
  • Characters keep being referred to by different names (Crystallion / Sekilron, Terrakius/Argorok, etc.).
  • Camera issue: There's several times where the camera focuses on one character, but because of the angle the bottom half of the screen is mostly empty terrain, and units on the top half get cut off.
  • Are beaked wendigos the females? Because there should be some among their young.
1- I don't sure, in this chapter you only can reach 60 food, but I can increase the base food supply of the command center
2- Indeed, I will fix that later
3- We will study that, Nezli consume too much mana easily.
4- I can put Nezli' aura in the workshop but with a minor range.
5- Yeah, the beta names of the people(I already fixed)
6- I will try to fix it, damm map corner are nothing but troubles.
7- No, the beaked(alpha) wendigos are a rare and powerful breed of wendigo, only when reach full mature can reach that phase.

  • Not a fan of the gold mine guards that keep spawning until their building is destroyed.
  • Yeah, no. Any attack on the red base gets both attack waves and all their AoE attacks dumped on you at the same time. And you can't defend against them without units because towers die too quickly to be useful.
8- Just a minor enemy to protect that gold mine :D
9- Strange I don't remember this, IDK if you that play with the 1.31 can bug that? we played with 1.27 and 1.29 and the AI works fine. Both attack wave you speak are the native enemies?

  • Frost golems are guarding just a beast skin in a barrel?
  • Construct is a weird name for the boss.
  • Ugggggghhhhhhhhhhhh, that bossfight. Finally made it, but it needs a Meditation Cloak with only heal and stun spells.
  • Not sure about whether the speech should be translated from Spanish and then reversed, I think it's good as-is.
10- ¯\(ツ)/¯ now, those optional path are to find basic item to create an advance one if you couldn't get some stuff before. And actually the barrel(there is two) droop 1 of 3 basic stat item meanwhile the golems and elementals drop their unique basic item.
11-Later you will understand that name, but maybe I can rename it "?????" is unknown after all.
12- That why you can reset your spells with a gem prior the boss(I dont remember if I add a dialogue option to active the boss or not in that version) but in general rule, most of marak's spell can counter all the spell of the boss.
13- That will be keep, "we need the mystery" about those weird speak D:

  • Hippogryph archers don't get shown in previous levels, it kind of comes out of nowhere.
  • Earthcaller should arrive from offscreen.
  • Alchemist apparently cast the spell on herself?
  • Grunt isn't seen to deliver his message.
  • Hut blinks out of existence when the camera moves through it at the end.
  • Very nice scenery at the end.
14- Just a small preview of what we will use later ;)
15- ???
16- Yeah, her spell can restore mana and because she begin with low mana the AI will use on herself(spoiler, that spell cost 100 mana and only recover 50 LOLOLOLOL)
17- That was on purpose, you don't want to be nearby to your angry chieftain.
18- That hut is cursed ;)

OK, now to wait for the rest of the campaign. I NEED TO KNOW WHAT HAPPENS NEXT!!!
Yeah, I want to know what happen next too D:

Hi guys. Orcish Campaign we making, huh? Cool(if it will be even for 1.26)!
If you would need some models, let me know. I would easaly make some models especially for your need if you would need it
Hi! IDK if a 1.27 campaign can played with the 1.26 (I hope that yes)
I will consult with my friend, he is the one who create our own models to separate our lore of others, but some model have small bugs(the decay) maybe you can help us with that.
Level 12
Mar 25, 2019
The version I have is DEMO 2.3, playing on 1.31. When I attack the red base I end up getting both the frost giant and the frost golem against me, and a lot of AoE spells in short order means they tend to wipe me pretty quickly.

You speak about these dudes? They are neutral


the frost golem in the base? The enemy hero have a basic defense of 1 frost golem(in that version) so you face up 2 of them in the base.
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