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Looking for FF7 Models Please Help Thx

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Level 4
Nov 24, 2007
Hi i'm Kazer joined the site ages ago but wanted to try to make a map for first time and i thought what kind of map i wanna make and i chose FF since its one of my all time favourite games so i was wondering if anyone knew where i could get any FF7 Models or could make some for me.

So i suppose i should put some pictures in of what i want well videos not the best thing really too use :grin: but they show you what i want :p basically
FF7 Crisis Core Models :p oh yea and some pictures

YouTube - FF7 Crisis Core: Angeal vs. Genesis vs. Sephiroth (English)
YouTube - Final fantasy VII genesis, zack and kadaj
YouTube - FF7 crisis core SCENE 74 -ENDING
YouTube - Crisis Core - Unknown SOLDIERS of Shinra

Pictures ^^

http://www.forbiddenplanet.co.uk/bmz_cache/d/d2dbf1af5ff01e65c9fecab2128ae798.image.91x200.jpg (kinda crappy pic XD)
(maybe her too)

Don't want them looking that good XD but still want them decent looking

Got Sephiroth and Cloud thanks to Kitabatake
What i want is Genesis (guy in Red) Those guys shooting with guns Shinra Troopers there already on here but no offence to the people who made them i want more Crisis Core looking ones. I want Soldier 1st Classes 2nd Classes and 3rd Classes and Zack (guy with spikey black hair) also Angeal (guy with long black hair) and maybe just maybe cloud in Shinra troop uniform oh yea and Reno can't forget Reno coolest FF character ever XD (maybe some of the Turks too XD)

Oh yea sorry for the ungodly amount of text probly not that ungodly but oh well thx and i hope you can help thank you!!

P.S. This Project seems abit big really :/ sorry about that and i know no one will help me because of how much i've asked for and i'll probly be one of the most hated on THW and if you wanna help you don't gotta make all of them you can make a few or just one or whatever. ( I already know, no one will help and i shoulda thought twice before sending and sorry about that just pretty much looking for FF7 Models.

Thx again!!
Kazer :razz:
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
omg...this has to be like the 5 FF7 request ive seen in the past 1 1/2 weeks.
First off, no one will usually make FF7 models since quite frankly, they are hard to make. Kitabake's Crisis core looks bad, but he/she is updating it. the normal Shinra Trooper is actually fairly good in my opinion. The guy that made the Shinra trooper also mentioned he was making SOLDIER 3rd Class.
i wonder where these guys are coming from =.=
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
I think people are in a FF7 frenzy just because it had a few extra games, movies and anime released in the last year. As far as I know all the models are out there somewhere... because the only one people are asking for constantly asking for is tifa, saying they have all the rest. To be honest tho, I really don't like the Shinra Trooper model on this site either.

You might get this done eventually because of the current demand.... but your mopey attitude bout asking for too much and not having a chance of getting these completed kind of cripples you chances. Heres some tips to help you out -

1. GET YOUR MAP INFO UP!! :mad: - honestly you shouldn't request anything until you have a solid base map completed for the models to go into. If you do, then post a few pictures of you map, explain it's basic gameplay and post a link to your main thread. This is the #1 thing that will help you get what you want.

2. ORGANISE YOUR REQUEST BETTER >:-( - Honestly, providing pictures of what you want is one thing... but to just have a bunch of links isn't going to help you much. First off, select most important models and add their images to the post after your introduction and map information. Alongside the pictures explain who they are, why you need them and what sort of animation they require. Only choose about 2-3 models as your most important. After that if you kind of want more models, put them at the bottom and say they are less important so atleast if someone already has them they will let you know.
Level 10
Aug 4, 2008
yeah well that's just your opinion, although for the most part it's agreeable. But there is some decent FF7 projects going on, like Rysis' where even though the requests aren't up to scratch the work on the actual project is looking promising. Besides, the models I'm currently making have a slight anime influence (well, not anime but mgs4 influence) and when I'm done with a reskin and a few vertex tweaks there's a chance they could be used for perfectly good anime and ff models. That's mainly why I'm interested in this FF7 buzz anyhow
Level 4
Nov 24, 2007
Ok guys, thx for that i'll wait till Kita updates his or i might use that other guys/gals models and make a map using FF7 original people but in the meanwhile gonna begin making my terrain and stuff thanks for advice and help ^^
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