Looking for Alpha tester for RealTimeMafia

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Level 2
Jul 30, 2009
Prospective Alpha Testers:

My map, RealTimeMafia ( based of the map mafia of Dark.revenant ) is now finished and i need at least 5 peoples to play with me and try to find out all the bad bug i cant test alone, and i have no doubt their are plenty of it. This is the first "Serious" map i am making so i really need some players to test everything.

in this map , Peoples have to find out who is mafia and get them lynched during a vote every days. If you know the awesome map of Dark.revenant called Mafia (which can be find Here ) then you know the basics of this map, the difference is that its in real time, you control your units and do urself the action... pretty hard to explain so just try it ;)

All i ask is you to host the map but not in battle net because its definitly not ready yet for it. if you are ready to test it with me just send me a pm and if i can find 5 others players ill host on any american realm.

Another detail, as you will see, the text message are for now, listed on the chatlog, and that is a problem i am actually trying to solve, i dont know how Dark.revenant managed to make the chatlog empty, but ill find ! xD

Here is the map, Alpha tester will , of course, have credit and reputation.

Thank you everyone

EDIT : Put a more recent map with less bug... still testing, screenshot will come coon


  • RealTimeMafia AlphaTest.w3x
    665.6 KB · Views: 44
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