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[Trigger] Locked cameras

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Level 10
Jul 10, 2004
Once again, ive been trying to get this done myself but i cant figure it out. I need triggers that lock the camera when a unit enters a region, and the player is not able to zoom out while its locked. Now I have the locked camera part, but I dont know how to make it so it stays lock even when the player presses the keys to zoom out from that camera, also, I need it so it works for every player.
Thanks in advance
Level 9
May 27, 2006
  • Camera
    • Events:
      • Time - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • Player Group - Pick every player in (all players) and do:
        • Camera - Lock target camera to [point]
        • Camera - set camera as necessary to Angle of [already placed camera]
        • Camera - set camera as necessary to Height of [already placed camera]
        • Camera - set camera as necessary to... etc etc
This should work.
Level 10
Jul 10, 2004
Thats what i figured but the problem is that it can be different camers, for example, in my map instead of the normal camera players use where they can look around, they have a single unit, and as they enter regions the camera view changes, so if players are in different spots thats a different camera for every player, the way you gave me would mean every player would see the same spot

Level 9
May 27, 2006
Then u'd have to do triggers for every place where camera changes and arrayed variables for every player. For example:

  • Change
    • Events:
      • Unit - A unit enter Region 001 <gen>
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • Set CameraAngle[(Player number(Owner of(Triggering unit)))] = [value]
      • Set CameraHeight[(Player number(Owner of(Triggering unit)))] = [value]
      • etc etc

And then the trigger i already wrote, but a little changed:

  • Camera
    • Events:
      • Time - Every 0.04 seconds of game time
    • Conditions:
    • Actions:
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to [max number of players] do:
        • Set TempPoint = (Position of (PlayerHero[(Integer A)]))
        • Camera - Lock target camera to Temp Point
        • Custom script: call RemoveLocation( udg_TempPoint )
        • Camera - set camera as necessary Angle to CameraAngle[(Integer A)]
        • Camera - set camera as necessary Height to CameraHeight[(Integer A)]
        • Camera - set camera as necessary to... etc etc

Of course you'll have to use arrayed variables, there is no other way to do this in GUI...
Level 6
Feb 12, 2008
humm sorry, but try not to use several cameras as they generally bug maps and you get critical errors... i would recommend to use them the least possible... good triggering!
Level 9
Oct 24, 2007
.04 periodic camera triggers can really slow down maps in multi. If it's in solo the method described is fine. I'm guessing your trying to create a 'resident evil' style locked camera as was used in 'zombie island', this sites first custom map. It only worked then because zombie island was, well, solo.

You can try to get this to work, but in the end you'll probably find it causes slowdown/lag.
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