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[JASS] Local Integer Variable error

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Well, JASS makes my head explode. I'm using it more and more and learn more and more, but I'm only using it as functions and custom script, not 100% fully JASS triggers.

Anyway, since a while back I've started to use local variables, because they're awesome so I don't have to declare 100 global ones. But I've encountered a problem, as always...

The thing is I get this error: "Expected a variable name" with this trigger:

  • JassTest
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 2.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: local integer c = 0
      • Set p_group[0] = (All players controlled by a User player)
      • Player Group - Pick every player in p_group[0] and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Custom script: set c = c + 1
      • Custom script: call DestroyForce(udg_p_group[0])
What I've understand from my own knowledge, the
  • Custom script: set c = c + 1
is outside the "bounds" of the trigger, because the "Player Pick" action creates a new function. So how the hell do I declare a local variable inside a Player Pick and use it even after the Player Pick?!
  • Jass Test
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 2.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: local integer c = 0
      • For each (Integer A) from 1 to 12, do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • ((Player((Integer A))) controller) Equal to User
            • Then - Actions
              • Custom script: set c = c + 1
            • Else - Actions
This is the same :]

P.S. I would also add this condition: "((Player((Integer A))) slot status) Equal to Is playing", but I don't know what you want it for.
This one works too:
  • Jass Test
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 2.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Player Group - Pick every player in (All players) and do (Actions)
        • Loop - Actions
          • Custom script: local integer c = 0
          • If (All Conditions are True) then do (Then Actions) else do (Else Actions)
            • If - Conditions
              • ((Picked player) controller) Equal to User
            • Then - Actions
              • Custom script: set c = c + 1
            • Else - Actions
I know, but then I can't use it after the player pick :) Anyway, I'll stick with a loop. May you tell me how to do an "and"-if with JASS? In most programming languages they are using "&&" as an "and"-if, but how do I use it in JASS? This isn't working:

  • JassTest
    • Events
      • Time - Elapsed game time is 2.00 seconds
    • Conditions
    • Actions
      • Custom script: local integer i = 0
      • Custom script: local integer c = 0
      • Custom script: loop
      • Custom script: if (GetPlayerController(ConvertedPlayer(i)) == MAP_CONTROL_USER) then && ( GetPlayerSlotState(ConvertedPlayer(i)) == PLAYER_SLOT_STATE_PLAYING ) then
      • Custom script: call DisplayTimedTextToForce( GetPlayersAll(), 5.00, "Player " + I2S(i+1) + "detected playing." )
      • Custom script: endif
      • Custom script: set i = i + 1
      • Custom script: exitwhen (i <= 12)
      • Custom script: endloop
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