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- Mar 25, 2008
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So, i got this loop using a local integer (C)
Is this even possible or do h have to use a global variable for that?
set C = 1
exitwhen C > 8
set x = ( x + 45.00 )
set div_cross_ball_pkt_create = PolarProjectionBJ(divine_cross_caster_punkt, 500.00, ( x + 45.00 ))
call CreateNUnitsAtLoc( 1, 'o01Q', GetOwningPlayer(GetTriggerUnit()), div_cross_ball_pkt_create, bj_UNIT_FACING )
set judgement_blitz_anfang[C] = GetLastCreatedUnit()
set divine_cross_ball_punkt[C] = GetUnitLoc(judgement_blitz_anfang[C])
set C = C + 1