Lightsaber Form

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Determination (Shii-Cho)​

KotORII Form Determination.png

The Determination Form, also known as Shii-Cho or Form I, is a defensive style that is ideal when heavily outnumbered. This Form has the following effects:

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net +0 Defense against your current target, but +3 Defense against enemies that are not your target).

This is granted to all level 11 Jedi.

Contention (Makashi)​

KotORII Form Contention.png

The Contention Form, also known as Makashi or Form II, was specifically developed to combat other lightsaber users. This form has the following effects:
This is granted to a level 12 Jedi Guardian, a level 13 Jedi Consular and a level 14 Jedi Sentinel. Bonus damage is increased by a critical hit.

Saves vs Force Powers bonus actually decreases enemy Force power Difficulty Classes rather than increasing saves.

Resilience (Soresu)​

KotORII Form Resilience.png

The Resilience Form, also known as Soresu or Form III, is a defensive style developed by the Jedi specifically to counter blaster weapons. This form has the following effects:
This is granted to a level 12 Jedi Sentinel, a level 13 Jedi Guardian and a level 14 Jedi Consular.

Weapon Threat Range: -1 decreases critical threat chance by 5%, to a minimum of 5%, after any Keen or Critical Strike bonuses: without these bonuses, a Double-Bladed Lightsaber is unaffected (still Critical Threat: 20-20,x2 or 5% chance) and the range for a Keen Lightsaber with Master CS only decreases from 11-20 (50%) to 12-20 (45%).

Aggression (Ataru)​

KotORII Form Aggression.png

The Aggression Form, also known as Ataru or Form IV, is best against a single opponent and is especially weak against blaster fire. This form has the following effects:

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net +3 Defense against your current target, but -2 Defense against enemies that are not your target).

This is the first lightsaber form learned by a Jedi Guardian, Jedi Weapon Master or Sith Marauder, or the second learned by a Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin.

Weapon Threat Range: +1 increases critical threat chance by 5%, after any Keen or Critical Strike bonuses: for example, the range for a Keen Lightsaber with Master CS only increases from 11-20 (50%) to 10-20 (55%).

Perseverance (Shien)​

KotORII Form Perseverance.png

The Perseverance Form, also called Shien or Form V, is an aggressive form that does not sacrifice protection from blaster fire. It is most effective when facing blaster-wielding opponents or when outnumbered and least effective against a single foe. Using this form has the following effects:

(Note that improvements to Attack Modifier also aid in Blaster Bolt Deflection, so this form has a net Blaster Bolt Deflection bonus of +4).

This is the second lightsaber form learned by a Jedi Guardian, Jedi Weapon Master or Sith Marauder, or the first learned by a Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin.

Critical Multiplier increases Critical Hit x2 to x3. It also adds to the Critical Multiplier of Power Attack, resulting in Critical Hit x4.

Moderation (Niman)​

KotORII Form Moderation.png

The Moderation Form, also known as Niman or Form VI, is strong in all situations, but has no dramatic strengths. This form has the following effects:

(Note that improvements to Attack Modifier also aid in Blaster Bolt Deflection, so this form has a net Blaster Bolt Deflection bonus of +2).

This is the final lightsaber form learned by a Jedi Sentinel, Jedi Watchman or Sith Assassin.

Saves vs Force Powers bonus actually decreases enemy Force power Difficulty Classes rather than increasing saves.

Ferocity (Juyo)​

KotORII Form Ferocity.png

The ferocity Form, also known as Juyo or Form VII, is a very precarious fighting style that is best against single powerful opponents. This form has the following effects:

(Note that Defense bonuses are cumulative, so this form provides a net -2 Defense against your current target).

(Note that the Critical Hit Attack Modifier increases the likelihood that a critical threat will result in extra damage). The only indication this has an effect in the Threat Breakdown is if there's threat success with Attack < Defense (for example, threat success with Attack 40 vs Defense 44; without this Form, success would require at least Attack = Defense, or 44).

This is the final lightsaber form learned by a Jedi Guardian, Jedi Weapon Master or Sith Marauder.

Saves vs Force Powers penalty actually increases enemy Force power Difficulty Classes rather than decreasing saves.

Maximum 6 attacks per round are possible with this form (+1), Flurry (+1), Master Speed or Fury (+2), and an off hand or double-bladed weapon (+1). Floating numbers on the screen may only display up to five at a time, but all six attacks (five main hand and one off hand) occur and are recorded in the Combat section of the Journal screen's Messages Log.

Information take from: ""

Lightsaber Form 1 - Shii-Cho (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 2 - Makashi (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 3 - Soresu (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 4 - Ataru (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 5 - Shien (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 6 - Niman (Icon)

Lightsaber Form 7 - Juyo/Vaapad (Icon)
