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  • ✅ The POLL for Hive's Texturing Contest #33 is OPEN! Vote for the TOP 3 SKINS! 🔗Click here to cast your vote!

Lich King.BLP

This is a basic Skin of Arthas as the lich king, without his helmet on.

This is a skin ive been working on for a while.

v1.1 Added more shading and definition to the face. Fixed up the alpha channels and removed pupils and book.
v1.2 Fixed the face and some minor alpha channel issues
v1.3 Added Volume to the face and more skin tone. Also Shaded eye and eyelid. Made more "frosty"
v1.4 Completley Redid the face added wrinkles and a dark pit in the eyes. made even more frosty
v1.5 Redid Face
v1.6 Finally finished Frosty stuff

Lich, King, Arthas, Master, Frostmourne, Blade, Skulls, Undead

Lich King (Texture)

10:50, 20th Jul 2009 Hawkwing: The fur is a bit bright, but I'm sick of constantly moderating this. I'll approve it. The skin lacks definition and there are still some serious colour problems, but if such changes were made it would probably end up...




10:50, 20th Jul 2009
Hawkwing: The fur is a bit bright, but I'm sick of constantly moderating this. I'll approve it. The skin lacks definition and there are still some serious colour problems, but if such changes were made it would probably end up ruining the skin.
Level 16
Jul 16, 2007
fur looks fine. What you'd like to change is the face looks a bit blurry, i know you made this according to the concept but yet better highlights and shadow to the face will make it better.
Also if you could change the sword a bit it would be great! (like make it lil blue or aqua colored :p like the concept pic).
Level 38
Jan 10, 2009
If alphaing out sections aren't working and you set up the alpha channels correctly, you can set those channels to work through triggers. if you set up a trigger to target the unit you skinned, and go to Animation->Change Unit Vertex Coloring. Set it to 1%, and that should work :)

Of course, then you'll have to take all your screenshots in game XD

Though something tells me the eyes should defiantly be susceptible to alpha channels,
you should review some tutorials about working with them :/ - I'm not so sure about the book.

I agree with Hawkwing. You definatly need to work on the face. Just go crazy on it and it and see what works :)
Level 15
Mar 8, 2009
he has a face of a statue atm. try adding wrinkles (like here) and/or darker/rotting eyesockets (like here). also, make it a bit bluish/purplish (mildly).
Level 6
Apr 8, 2009
Well this can be very useful though i would prefer a model with helmet on XD But i think the skull under right shoulder should be a bit smaller. It fills pretty much of the torso :p
The only Lich King SKIN.


Well this can be very useful though i would prefer a model with helmet on XD But i think the skull under right shoulder should be a bit smaller. It fills pretty much of the torso :p

General Frank's model has one with a helmet on. and the skull can be changed but it is a 3D object on the model. making it look wierd if i resise it.

Prety ok, mb eyes could glow or something.

Glow looks weird. it looks too painted on. if i were doing a model it would be possible but otherwise...

I love the shoulders, but i don't like the skulls. They look way too drawn-on to be taken seriously.

On the kneepads? if so, i sorta think so too. its just the wrap that makes em look really weird. other than that, i thin i should add more volume to the skulls on the chest and knees. ill see what i can do.
Level 11
Dec 13, 2008
i feel as if the whole skin is a bit blurry..... it seems rushed as well (to me). try to sharpen stuff better and give it better color. it seems too monotone. there is definitely potential however.
Level 9
Jan 23, 2009
This is an interesting skin, whatever may be said of it. Although, I liked the fact that it was different from the average skin for the DK, I also disliked that it sometimes seemed too far from the base.

Whatever may be said, it's a great skin, whatever anyone says.'
Keep on producing,