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Legion of Heroes ORPG v2.6c

This bundle is marked as useful / simple. Simplicity is bliss, low effort and/or may contain minor bugs.
「Legion of Heroes v2.6c」

By Druk3nPanda

Start with Man/Woman. Finish dungeons with your teammates. Promote to Master/Legendary Class and defeat the World Boss : " DIABLO " , and become the Heroes that saved the Human Race from Demons.




Ap0calypse , HappyTauren, Ergius, Frankster, Vermillion Edict, WolfmanArc, Tranquil, donut3.5, Levigeorge1617, Elenai, Urkdrengi, Kitabatake, GluKoBug, CloudWolf, Lioness, NFWar, Destructor, kola, -Berz-, InfinityNexus, Stefanstan95, Mc !, Palaslayer, Static, KelThuzad, Paladon, erwtenpeller, bigapple90, HappyTauren, Walle, Rmx , Xazuki , Callahan, eubz, Dark_Paladin, Medivh, Flood.

Legion of Heroes v2.6c:
-Balanced Heroes Spells
-Fixed Floating Text Place
-New Quest(Secret Quest)
-New Item(You can get it if you finish the secret quest)
-Nerfed Lifesteal Pet Aura
-A lot of bugs fixed
-New Boss
Legion of Heroes v2.6:
-New Class(Necromancer)
-New Loading Screen
-New Minimap Preview
-Fixed Archer Headshot Bug
Legion of Heroes v2.5b:
-New Spell to Legendary Samurai
-Fixed Spell Bug
-Fixed Spell Hotkey Bug
-Diablo Model Size Increased
-Pet Lifesteal Aura Nerfed
Legion of Heroes v2.5 :
-Reduced Spells Cooldowns
-Increased Damage Spells
-New Item
-New Pet
-Fixed Quest Bug
-Fixed Pet Food Bug
Legion of Heroes v2.4c :
-Fixed Spell Pet Bugs
-Fixed No Food Bug
-New Potions
-Fixed Quest Skill Bug
-Changed Names to some Heroes
-Archer New Skill
Legion of Heroes v2.4b :
-New Pet
-Friendlyfire disabled
-Changed Look
-New Quest
-Changed quest rewards
-Increased Creep Respawn Time
Legion of Heroes v2.4a :
-Mage skills damage increased.
-New Item
-Fixed Pet Skill Bug
Legion of Heroes v2.4 :
-New Items
-Changed City Look
-New Quest
-Pet System
Legion of Heroes v2.3b :
-Deleted Bodyguard system(I will return it when i fix all bugs)
-No Hero Respawn Bug Fixed
-Some Mobs Nerfed
Legion of Heroes v2.3a :
-Bodyguard System Bug Fixed
-New Skill Samurai
-Weather Bug Fixed to some places
-Quest Rewards Changed
Legion of Heroes v2.3 :
-Bodyguard System Added
-New Awsome Look
-Weather Added to All Creep Spawn/Duengons
-New Quest
Legion of Heroes v2.2 :
-Creeps Level Bug Fixed
-New Duengon
-New Item
-New Quest
Legion of Heroes v2.1b :
-Some Creeps Damage Increased
-Diablo Duengon Bug Enterance Fixed
-Assasin New Skill
-Some Creeps Level Changed
-Increased Maximum Level from 150 to 200!
Legion of Heroes v2.1a :
-Some Quest Changed
-Diablo Duengon Bug Fixed
-Assasin Skill Bug Fixed
-Some Creeps Level Changed
Legion of Heroes v2.1 :
-Visual Changes to City
-New Quest
-Fixed Quest Bug
-New Minimap Image
-Increased DIABLO Damage
Legion of Heroes v2.0 :
-Visual Changes
-Fixed Quest Bug
-Fixed Spells Bugs
-Fixed Boss Bugs
-New Class(Assasin)
Legion of Heroes v1.9:
-Visual Changes
-New Quest
-New Item
-New Models
-Hotkey to Spells added
-Teleport Bugs Fixed
-New Spells
-Some Bugs Fixed
Legion of Heroes v1.8a :
-Fixed Some Bugs
-Quest Bugs Fixed
-Hero Spell Bugs Fixed
Legion of Heroes v1.8 :
-Promote Bug Fixed
-Visual Changes
-New Quest
-Added story to Quest
-New Skills
Legion of Heroes v1.7 :
-Promote Bug Fixed
-Visual Changes
-New Quest
-New Item
-Save/Load System Bug Fixed
-Teleport Added (From City to City)
Legion of Heroes v1.6 :
-Promotion System
-New Loading Screen
-Fixed Quest Bugs
-Fixed Items Bugs
-Fixed Duengons Bugs
-Some Visual Changes
-New Quest
-New Duengons
Legion of Heroes v1.5 :
-Fixed Items Bugs
-Fixed Duengons Bugs
-Some Visual Changes
-New Quest
Legion of Heroes v1.4 :
-Player Leave Notification
-Changed Some Spell Damage's
Legion of Heroes v1.3 :
-All Spells Damage Reworked
-All Spells Tooltip Reworked
-All Spells Names Reworked
Legion of Heroes v1.2 :
-New Load System ( Now Save Code Automatically saves inside your Warcraft 3 Folder / Legion of Heroes )
-Fixed Some Bugs with Spells
Legion of Heroes v1.1 :
-Reworked Quests
-Reworked Items
-Fixed Bugs
Legion of Heroes v1.0 :

League of Heroes ORPG

Legion of Heroes ORPG v2.6c (Map)

00:21, 26th Jan 2014 Hell_Master: You already submitted a map of same type that is in rejection. Please do update it instead of uploading one again. PM/VM me if you want to set your old map to Pending so you may update it to this new version. But...




00:21, 26th Jan 2014
Hell_Master: You already submitted a map of same type that is in rejection. Please do update it instead of uploading one again.

PM/VM me if you want to set your old map to Pending so you may update it to this new version. But I would delete this.