KnnO's TD

KnnO Presents

KnnO's Tower defence
Created by Me

Map Info

-Team Tower Defence:

Heroes are chosen to defend a lost island, They travel by a ship to there and start building towers, well, there isn't a story for this, it is "just another" TD with great features.


There are many heroes to choose, those heroes are inspired by a map called DotA:

-Shadow Fiend
-Goblin Techies

You can find commands info in map quests F9.

Commands that can be used to start map (leading player only writes these stuff):
  • {toggle} "-wtf" (removes cooldown of spells and mana needs for whole map units/buildings)
  • {integer} "-l" or "-lives" (sets the lives that your team have e.g. "-lives 0" means no lives)
  • {integer} "-m {inc|dec}" (increases/decreases starting money e.g. "-m inc" to increase money)
  • {toggle} "-d" (enables attachments mode where you can type -d and add attachments to your builder [ made just for fun ] )
  • {toggle} "-fun" (enables effects mode where you can type -effect <effect> and create effect at your position [ made just for fun ] )
    (Use "-effect list" to see a full list of what you can spawn)
  • {choose} "-p"/"-r" (choose either pick mode or random mode)
  • {once} "-start" (after you done with those settings start the game)
  • {ingame} "-night/-day" (this can be written even after the game has started [after -s] )

Commands that can be used by any player:
  • "-water <color>" (changes your water color, you can write: <blue, red, yellow, green, pink, off> and -water without anything to restore it to normal)
  • "-weather <weather>" (same thing: <snow, rain, off>
  • "-kills {1,2,3}" (1. show your kills (bounty) and allies kills (floating $ sign), 2. only yours, 3. all hidden)
  • "-anim <anim>" (if -FUN mode is ON, you can make your hero play an animation looping or not, see -anim list)
  • "-music <filename or off>" (plays music with the file that is in "Sound\Music\mp3Music\<filename>.mp3", see -music list)

Added "=" Command (it means the last thing you entered [more like chat system I made] ).

There is a shop to buy skills to use on the enemies.

  • I will not mention towers, but as a note they are most likely an elemental set (not limited to that).

Some other stuff about map

This isn't only a tower defence map, it is more like a demonstration of alot of commands so press F9 and see those commands, and try them all

Opening Map:
You can view it's content but if you want to copy something, please PM me.

Screenshots and Videos

Just a screenshot to show you how to start the game

and the path the enemies take to reach their goal

Image Description:
Mana and health doesn't matter.
1. Ability to change camera's height to what it is in the screenshot.
2. Yet another blink ability to go anywhere.

Image Description:
You can go to the shop when a wave finishes and buy skills to use.


Change Log

  • Creeps movement bugs (some units don't know their way)
  • AoE towers damaging trees.


Thanks to:
  • Hiveworkshop
  • -kobas- (description template)
  • Gottfrei
  • tee.dubs
  • Ampharos_222
  • BloodElf300
  • zadelim
  • Amigurumi
  • Dentothor
  • Fingolfin
  • Gottfrei
  • DonDustin
Author's notes
Towers are like a surprise because I didn't mention anything about it.
Just try your own way of discovering the map, use F9 for help.
Tower defence, TD, Template, Map, Hero, Build, Defence, Warcraft

KnnO's TD (Map)

20:22, 3rd Aug 2014 Orcnet: The game has a fresh and unique sorts of commands and strategy for a Tower Defense, the idea of your tower builder to gain spells and release new sets of damaging towers are cool and awesome, however one cannot...




20:22, 3rd Aug 2014


The game has a fresh and unique sorts of commands and strategy for a Tower Defense, the idea of your tower builder to gain spells and release new sets of damaging towers are cool and awesome, however one cannot stand long for it is required to have atleast a co-op in play.

No much problem with the terrain due to being the gameplay as more value than atmosphere detail. In short this map is a must for TD players or be enjoyed with friends or have a game online
Level 8
Sep 18, 2011
I am not sure what black screen, I think you mean when you type game commands...
have you typed: "-start", "-s" or "!start"? (see commands in description)
If so, please tell me so I can try to find out what is the problem... :/


What is "Reason: missing map category"? I guess this is a tower defense map so it's the proper category
Oh I didn't even see that command in the quest.
I'll check it again then.
Also add a map category for it here on the hive.

edit: Aight, I've tested it, but you're gonna have to post a full list of the credits here and in the map(in a quest), for the authors of the custom resources you've used.
And also add a map category.
Until then, it'll stay rejected.
Just post a thread in once you've done these things.
Level 2
Jul 6, 2010
This game can not be run in "-opengl".
It results in a totally white screen ingame (except hud).

Game seems to be working properly without.