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Kinda simple model request (I hope)

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Level 5
Apr 21, 2008
Hi everyone!
I am new on this page, have been around for a while but not written any posts yet until now.

I would want to request a model that is quite simple(I hope)
It is for a quite big RPG project that me and my friend has began working on just a couple of hours ago.
The request is a orc grunt(the green one) with the orc raiders sword
instead of that crappy axe. I just need it attached, and with the same colors.
I can repaint it and make it bigger and stuff myself. I just don't know how to put it there:cry:

Is there someone that can make this for me please, I would really appreciate it:cute:

The request again:
A orcish green grunt, with the green orcish raiders sword attached instead of the standard axe.

Sorry if there is any bad english, I am from sweden:cool:
Level 5
Apr 21, 2008
I want that sword specifically for the orc traits in its design.
I don't want an attachement beacause the triggering will be unnecessarry if it is done properly.

I can't post any pictures of the map beacuse the map has not been made yet.
It is just a precaution so that I know that is can be done, and it feels a little better to have it done from the beginning:thumbs_up:
Level 5
Apr 21, 2008
you dont need triggers to attach stuff, and making models for a map that doesnt exist yet is a waste of time for modelers, because it might not even get finished, usualy you are supposed to request models at the END of your map so we know you are gonna finish it.

That's it. I am of this forum.
Thanks for your kind treatment(that was sarcasm it you did not notice)
It was a simple request that I think would not take more than about 20-30min to get done. I just wanted to test this forum, but scew you guys:thumbs_down:
Level 22
Jun 23, 2007
AHEM, ASH, a MOD, just came and had a little talk with you man. such talk from YOU could lead to a ban. we did not pick the fights, you did.

Originally Posted by FF7 project-G
you dont need triggers to attach stuff, and making models for a map that doesnt exist yet is a waste of time for modelers, because it might not even get finished, usualy you are supposed to request models at the END of your map so we know you are gonna finish it.

That's it. I am of this forum.
Thanks for your kind treatment(that was sarcasm it you did not notice)
It was a simple request that I think would not take more than about 20-30min to get done. I just wanted to test this forum, but scew you guys
and btw, it is true that most modellers will not create a model for you if it turns out your map never finishs, or your map turns out to be crappy.
why the hell would you test this forum? go look at some other request instead of sparking flame wars.
i hope this leads to a temporary IP ban in my opinion
good day.
when did "usualy" become a demand word? anyways i really dont care if people like me because thats not why i came to this, i came to help people that will accept it, i ama not gonna post anymore on this thread because i WILL activate mecheon mode(new users wont know what this is), and if i do then no one will be happy and that includes me and i never demanded you to do anything, those were all suggestions, and they were stated in rules/suggestions i just quoted them so dont get all mad because i took the time to read them
EDIT- as ard posted i was simply trying to make suggestions but you took them the wrong way
Level 14
Oct 27, 2007
Sigh, in an attempt to make all parties happy, I am going to prove to you that using the attachment found here will work as well as a model edit.

I remade the weaponless Grunt. The one I linked looks terrible in-game. Then I downloaded the attachment pack and attached, via Item Abilities, the wolfrider (raider) weapon to it.

And then I took in-game screen shots of the Grunt WITH the new weapon.

They are the attached files. I also attached the Grunt that I made and the sword which was made by xXm0rpH3usXx.

EDIT: And yes I know the grunt looks like shit in WE, but it looks fine in-game (as the screenshots prove) and that's really all that matters. Also, if you do decide to use this then give credits to xxm0rph3usxx. I don't care about me.


  • grunt1.jpg
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  • grunt2.jpg
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  • grunt3.jpg
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  • grunt4.jpg
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  • grunt_weaponless.mdx
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  • Wolfrider_sword.mdx
    1.7 KB · Views: 67
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