Besides, it's called joking around.
Ya, cmon people thats all I was doing in the first place, my god....
Of course I'm guessing if we were both girls you wouldn't mind, you hypocritical b@57@rd e.e
Forget this site, it can go to pieces, because it seems I can't even try and make sum1 laugh without gettin flamed. I'm not a hypocritical b@57@rd e.e, and sorry again, if u were girls i still would mind. I'm a christian, I don't think that that stuff is really right.Heterosexual=OK. Homosexual=Wrong. in my mind anyway.
I get instantly judged for one comment I make, not even a serious comment at that. If it makes you feel better I'll walk out my door right now and kill myself. I doubt theres anyone I know in my life that would miss me, not my parents, not my girlfriend, not my family, and I think my friends would probably even be happy that I would be finally gone. Will that help?