12th Dec 2015
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.
4th Jul 2011
Set Kamehameha_Location = ((Position of Kamehameha_Caster) offset by 10.00 towards (Facing of Kamehameha_Caster) degrees)
- Leaks (Position of Kamehameha_Caster)
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by (50.00 75.00)) facing Default building facing degrees
- Leaks ((Position of (Triggering unit))
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by (50.00 150.00)) facing Default building facing degrees
- Leaks ((Position of (Triggering unit))
IcemanBo: For too long time as NeedsFix. Rejected.
4th Jul 2011
Set Kamehameha_Location = ((Position of Kamehameha_Caster) offset by 10.00 towards (Facing of Kamehameha_Caster) degrees)
- Leaks (Position of Kamehameha_Caster)
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by (50.00 75.00)) facing Default building facing degrees
- Leaks ((Position of (Triggering unit))
Unit - Create 1 Dummy for (Owner of (Triggering unit)) at ((Position of (Triggering unit)) offset by (50.00 150.00)) facing Default building facing degrees
- Leaks ((Position of (Triggering unit))