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K.O.T.H (King of the Hill) A rough Idea

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Level 1
Sep 10, 2006
I've been thinking that a highly adaptable, and fun K.O.T.H style game is in order on B-Net, only problem is I'm god awful at making triggers, great at TERRAIN an CINEMATICS but I fall short on triggers...

I remember I made my own version of the wildly popular 13attleships map, it took me over a month to work out all the bugs and get it into smooth, professional form...Point is I'm a terrible scriptwright...okay who cares...lol I know I'm rambling so here goes...

I was just wondering if anyone had any ideas on how I would come about making a KOTH map...I had a few Ideas, Namely AGGRO spawn in the Hill(s) and attack players in the hill, another idea a friend and I had was to have moving hills, once one hill has been captured I want to make a new random location become the hill, I think that would really spice things up, and add to the "randomness."

I know a map of this depth is far out of my level of expertise - well mediocre level of expertise - but nonetheless if someone could make a KOTH map that'd be awesome, or if someone could float me suggestions that'd be even better, because I'd like to learn, not rely on other peoples talents...

Okay thanks for all those who read this...
And to the Owner of this site, "GREAT THING YOU GOT HERE, VERY USEFUL..."
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
To create a KOTH game you will need a region for your hill.

One trigger you might want to use would be similar to this:
Player Enter Hill
Unit - A unit enters My Hill <gen>
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to Neutral Hostile
Wait 30.00 game-time seconds
Region - Center My Hill <gen> on (Random point in (Playable map area))
Wait 1.00 seconds
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All players) at (Center of My Hill <gen>) for 5.00 seconds
Game - Display to (All players) the text: The hill has been moved!

That trigger will move the hill after a player steps in it. If you want to add it in so a player gains a point for being the first to the hill, you might want the trigger to be more like this:
!!!!Note: This will require you to create a varaible for the players scores. To create a variable go to the trigger editor, then go to variables (Ctrl+b) Create a new variable, name it whatever you want. (I used PlayerScore) Set the Variable type to integer and check array in the box. Change the number on the right to 12 (this will allow you to store 12 different vaules under 1 variable name)!!!
Player Enter Hill
Unit - A unit enters My Hill <gen>
(Owner of (Triggering unit)) Not equal to Neutral Hostile
If ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 1 (Red)) then do (Set PlayerScore[1] = (PlayerScore[1] + 1)) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 2 (Blue)) then do (Set PlayerScore[2] = (PlayerScore[2] + 1)) else do (Do nothing)
If ((Owner of (Triggering unit)) Equal to Player 3 (Teal)) then do (Set PlayerScore[3] = (PlayerScore[3] + 1)) else do (Do nothing)

!!!Continue this pattern through player 12(I didnt want to overwhelm you by posting it all)!!!

Wait 30.00 game-time seconds
Region - Center My Hill <gen> on (Random point in (Playable map area))
Wait 1.00 seconds
Cinematic - Ping minimap for (All players) at (Center of My Hill <gen>) for 5.00 seconds
Game - Display to (All players) the text: The hill has been moved!

Hope this helps you with your triggering problems. :wink:
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