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The thing is that when I test my scenario on Firefox, it will either freeze or refuse to execute it. Anyone have any ideas why?
Code below(the problematic one is the code within the <head> tag):
Edit: Something is messed up from if (am > 100 ) and on till the end of the script , and it doesn't show darkblue letters anymore.Hope this is not my error in coding.
<title>Game of Thrones:Genesis</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="MainpageCss.css" />
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="3-thing.ico" />
<script type="text/javascript">
/*Javascript code so I can keep the values where I want them*/
/* Contents needed:
3. The amount one wishes to buy
4. The credit card number of the buyer
I will try to make a script to check them all and to execute some functions if these things are correct, else
to alert the user of it*/
//Below we create the window for the confirmation and completion of purchase
function CreateWin(cctype, am, cn) {
var contents = "<html><body bgcolor='#445566'><h1 style='font-family: Calibri;'>You have requested to buy: <font color=\"#55FF44\">Game of Thrones: Genesis</font> " + " <br/><hr/>which costs:<font color=\"#55FF44\"> 39.99</font>" + "€ per unit bought<br/><hr/> and at amount: <font color=\"#55FF44\">" + am + "</font><br/><hr/>via <font color=\"#55FF44\">" + cctype + "</font><br/><hr/> with credit card number: <font color=\"#55FF44\">" + cn + "</font><br/><hr/>" + "Total Price is: <font color=\"#55FF44\">" + (am * 39.99) + "</font> €<br/>" + "Your item will be delivered to you in a few days" + "<br/>" + "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Close\" onClick=\"javascript:window.close()\" style=\"width: 192px\"/>" + "</h1>" + "</body>" + "</html>";
var options = "toolbar=0,status=0,scrollbars=1,resizable=1,width=600, height=385,menubar=no";
//Here we open the window using these options and contents
win = window.open("", "purchasewindow", options);
function Validate(am, ccnum) {
//Here we validate the given data
//Name of Product is already given by the developer (myself) and so is skipped
//Still it is needed so it can be passed from one function to another.
//Price of Product is also skipped for the same reasons
var Temp = document.getElementById("Visa").checked;
var CCtype = "";
if (Temp == true) {
CCtype = "Visa";
else if (Temp == false) {
Temp = document.getElementById("Mastercard").checked;
if (Temp == true) {
CCtype = "Mastercard";
else {
alert("You must select a credit card type");
//Amount check
if ((isNaN(am) == true) || (am == 0)) {
alert("Amount is invalid.");
if (am > 100) {
alert("Amount number overflow.Please choose a lower number.");
//Credit Card Number check
if ((ccnum.length != 16) || (isNaN(ccnum) == true)) {
alert("Your given credit card number is invalid.");
if ((ccnum.length == 16) && (isNaN(ccnum)==false) && (!((isNaN(am) == true) || (am == 0))) && (CCtype!="")) {
//Means everything is correct
CreateWin(CCtype, am, ccnum);
function LoadData() {
var Amount = document.getElementById("Amount").value;
var CreditCard = document.getElementById("CCNum").value;
Validate(Amount, CreditCard);
<body text="red">
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<div class="comment"> You are now at:</div>
<span><a href="GameHiveMain.html">Gamehive's Main Page</a> -><a href="GameReleases.html">Released Games</a> -><span class="comment">Game of Thrones:Genesis</span></span>
<h1>G A M E O F T H R O N E S : G E N E S I S</h1>
<li><div class="comment">Game type: Strategy, with a heavy political decision-making involved</div></li>
<li>Status:<font color="green" style="font-size: 15pt;">Released</font></li>
<li><iframe width="560" height="315" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/c3LPwUJOW4o" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe></li>
<li><div class="comment">Price:<div style="background-color: #332211">39.99 €</div></div></li>
<li><div class="formchar">In order to purchase this item, you must fill in the following form with your <b>real</b> information</div></li>
<li><form action="GotGenesis.html" onsubmit="LoadData()"><!-- Source of the problem -->
<div class="formchar">Product Name:</div><input type="text" id="Product" value="Game of Thrones: Genesis" readonly="readonly" style="background-color: Black; color:Blue; border-color: #332211;" />
<div class="formchar">Price:</div><input type="text" id="Price" value="39.99" readonly="readonly" style="background-color: Black; color:Blue; border-color: #332211;" /> €
<div class="formchar">Amount:</div><input type="text" name="Amount" /><br />
<div class="formchar">Credit Card type:</div><br/>
<div class="formchar">Visa</div><input type="radio" name="cctype" id="Visa"/><br/>
<div class="formchar">Mastercard</div><input type="radio" name="cctype" id="Mastercard"/><br/>
<div class="formchar">Credit Card Number:</div><input type="text" name="CCNum" />
<input type="submit" value="Submit"/> <input type="reset" value="Reset Data" />
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