- Joined
- Feb 17, 2007
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Can someone fix the issue in this part of this Jass spell? Whenever I save my map I get the error: "Line 39623: Identifier redeclared X. And it has this line highlighted: local real x = GetLocationX(l2)"
function Chidori_Condition takes nothing returns boolean
return GetUnitAbilityLevel(GetAttacker(), 'B01J') > 0
function ChidoriLoop takes nothing returns nothing
local timer t = GetExpiredTimer ()
local unit u1 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),1)
local unit u2 = LoadUnitHandle(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),2)
local real x = LoadReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),3)
local real y = LoadReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),4)
local string Effect1 = LoadStringBJ(6, GetHandleId(t), udg_t2)
local string Effect2 = LoadStringBJ(10, GetHandleId(t), udg_t2)
local real MaxDistance = LoadReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),7)
local integer distance = LoadInteger(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),5)
local integer Speed = LoadInteger(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),8)
local real Angle = LoadReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),9)
local location l = GetUnitLoc(u2)
local location l2 = PolarProjectionBJ(l, Speed, Angle)
local real x = GetLocationX(l2)
local real y = GetLocationY(l2)
call SetUnitPosition(u2,x,y)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(Effect1,x,y))
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect(Effect2,x,y))
call RemoveLocation(l)
call RemoveLocation(l2)
if distance >= MaxDistance then
call FlushChildHashtable(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t))
set t = null
set u1 = null
set u2 = null
call DestroyTimer(GetExpiredTimer())
call SaveInteger(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),5,distance+Speed)
set t = null
set u1 = null
set u2 = null
function Chidori_Actions takes nothing returns nothing
//Don't touch it
local timer t = CreateTimer ()
local unit u1 = GetAttacker()
local unit u2 = GetTriggerUnit()
local integer distance = 0
//Set it as you wish
local real DamagePerLvl = 75.00
local real MaxDistance = 400.00
local real Intervival = 0.03
local integer SpellID = 'A04I'
local integer BuffID = 'B01J'
local integer Speed = 7
local string Effect1 = "Abilities\\Weapons\\AncientProtectorMissile\\AncientProtectorMissile.mdl"
local string Effect2 = "Abilities\\Weapons\\Bolt\\BoltImpact.mdl"
local string Animation = "Spell Two"
local attacktype AttackType = ATTACK_TYPE_MAGIC
local damagetype DamageType = DAMAGE_TYPE_LIGHTNING
//Don't touch it
local real damage = DamagePerLvl * I2R(GetUnitAbilityLevel(u1,SpellID))
local real x = GetUnitX(u2)
local real y = GetUnitY(u2)
local location l3 = GetUnitLoc(u1)
local location l4 = GetUnitLoc(u2)
local real Angle = AngleBetweenPoints(l3, l4)
local real DeafultMoveSpeed = GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(u1)
call SetUnitMoveSpeed(u1, DeafultMoveSpeed)
call SetUnitAnimation(u1, Animation)
call UnitRemoveAbility(u1,BuffID)
call UnitDamageTarget(u1,u2,damage,true,false,AttackType,DamageType,WEAPON_TYPE_WHOKNOWS)
call DestroyEffect(AddSpecialEffect("Abilities\\Spells\\Human\\ThunderClap\\ThunderClapCaster.mdl",x,y))
call SetUnitMoveSpeed( u1, GetUnitDefaultMoveSpeed(u1) )
call SaveUnitHandle(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),1,u1)
call SaveUnitHandle(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),2,u2)
call SaveReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),3,x)
call SaveReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),4,y)
call SaveInteger(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),5,distance)
call SaveStringBJ(Effect1, 6, GetHandleId(t), udg_t2)
call SaveReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),7,MaxDistance)
call SaveInteger(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),8,Speed)
call SaveReal(udg_t2,GetHandleId(t),9,Angle)
call SaveStringBJ(Effect2, 10, GetHandleId(t), udg_t2)
call TimerStart(t,Intervival,true,function ChidoriLoop)
call RemoveLocation(l3)
call RemoveLocation(l4)
set t = null
set u1 = null
set u2 = null
function InitTrig_Chidori_Hit takes nothing returns nothing
local trigger hit = CreateTrigger( )
call TriggerRegisterAnyUnitEventBJ( hit, EVENT_PLAYER_UNIT_ATTACKED )
call TriggerAddCondition( hit, Condition( function Chidori_Condition ) )
call TriggerAddAction( hit, function Chidori_Actions )
set hit = null