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- Feb 18, 2005
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i posted an itemcombo system a few days ago. Now i have enhanced it and came over some optimizing ideas.
here the link to the old system
Now i would like you, to go through the code and see what parts you think can be optimized (and how)
in adition to that, i need a (maybe rekrusive) function or part of a function that goes through my Items[1..6] and checks whether there is any combination of 2-6 of those items (none twice, starting with the combo that needs most items). It shall return the "result" item.
i stored the several combos in the gamecache using this format:
this is seen in the last function.
Plase help me improving the code.
I left a blank space in the "HasItemCombo" function - in there i need either the function call, or better the code for checking whether a function exists.
I wrote this code for the check previously:
as you can see, it's quite inefficient. That time i had the itemcombos stored like this:
Now here is the code, as i changed it until now...
i posted an itemcombo system a few days ago. Now i have enhanced it and came over some optimizing ideas.
here the link to the old system
Now i would like you, to go through the code and see what parts you think can be optimized (and how)
in adition to that, i need a (maybe rekrusive) function or part of a function that goes through my Items[1..6] and checks whether there is any combination of 2-6 of those items (none twice, starting with the combo that needs most items). It shall return the "result" item.
i stored the several combos in the gamecache using this format:
call StoreInteger(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "Combo:" + I2S(the summ of all itemtypes of the combo), ResultItem)
this is seen in the last function.
Plase help me improving the code.
I left a blank space in the "HasItemCombo" function - in there i need either the function call, or better the code for checking whether a function exists.
I wrote this code for the check previously:
// Check for combo
set a = 0
set b = a +1
loop //b-loop
set c = b +1
set tempS = CheckItemCombo(Items[a],Items[b],0,0,0,0)
set ComboItems[0] = Items[a]
set ComboItems[1] = Items[b]
set ComboItems[2] = 0
set ComboItems[3] = 0
set ComboItems[4] = 0
set ComboItems[5] = 0
exitwhen StringLength(tempS)>1
if StringLength(tempS)<=1 then
loop //c-loop
set d = c +1
set tempS = CheckItemCombo(Items[a],Items[b],Items[c],0,0,0)
set ComboItems[0] = Items[a]
set ComboItems[1] = Items[b]
set ComboItems[2] = Items[c]
set ComboItems[3] = 0
set ComboItems[4] = 0
set ComboItems[5] = 0
exitwhen StringLength(tempS)>1
if StringLength(tempS)<=1 then
loop //d-loop
set e = d +1
set tempS = CheckItemCombo(Items[a],Items[b],Items[c],Items[d],0,0)
set ComboItems[0] = Items[a]
set ComboItems[1] = Items[b]
set ComboItems[2] = Items[c]
set ComboItems[3] = Items[d]
set ComboItems[4] = 0
set ComboItems[5] = 0
exitwhen StringLength(tempS)>1
if StringLength(tempS)<=1 then
loop //e-loop
set f = e +1
set tempS = CheckItemCombo(Items[a],Items[b],Items[c],Items[d],Items[e],0)
set ComboItems[0] = Items[a]
set ComboItems[1] = Items[b]
set ComboItems[2] = Items[c]
set ComboItems[3] = Items[d]
set ComboItems[4] = Items[e]
set ComboItems[5] = 0
exitwhen StringLength(tempS)>1
if StringLength(tempS)<=1 then
loop //f-loop
set tempS = CheckItemCombo(Items[a],Items[b],Items[c],Items[d],Items[e],Items[f])
set ComboItems[0] = Items[a]
set ComboItems[1] = Items[b]
set ComboItems[2] = Items[c]
set ComboItems[3] = Items[d]
set ComboItems[4] = Items[e]
set ComboItems[5] = Items[f]
exitwhen (StringLength(tempS)>1) or (f > cnt)
set f = f + 1
exitwhen (e > cnt) or (StringLength(tempS)>1)
set e = e + 1
exitwhen (d > cnt) or (StringLength(tempS)>1)
set d = d + 1
exitwhen (c > cnt) or (StringLength(tempS)>1)
set c = c + 1
exitwhen (b > cnt) or (StringLength(tempS)>1)
set b = b + 1
set a = a + 1
exitwhen (a > cnt) or (StringLength(tempS)>1)
as you can see, it's quite inefficient. That time i had the itemcombos stored like this:
set ComboString = (the I2S() itemtypes of the combo items seperated by a "|" - no leading "|" and no ending)
call StoreInteger(udg_gc_Cache, "ItemCombo", "Combo:" + ComboString, ResultItem)
Now here is the code, as i changed it until now...
// gamecache udg_gc_Cache
// trigger udg_tg_Trigger
// Item-Combo-Script
// uses
// gamecache udg_gc_Cache
// trigger udg_tg_Trigger
// Return-Bug functions
function Unit2String takes unit u returns string
return u
return null
function Item2String takes item i returns string
return i
return null
function String2Unit takes string s returns unit
return s
return null
function String2Item takes string s returns item
return s
return null
// system constants
function GetItemComboEffect takes nothing returns string
return "Abilities\\Spells\\Items\\Also\\SoulGem.wav"
function GetItemComboEffectDuration takes nothing returns real
return 1.00
function GetItemComboXP takes nothing returns integer
return 5
function GetItemComboGameCache takes nothing returns gamecache
return udg_gc_Cache
function GetItemCombinationTrigger takes nothing returns trigger
return udg_tg_Trigger
// functions for better compatibility with other scripts
function GetLastCombinedItem takes nothing returns item
return String2Item(GetStoredString(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "LastCombinedItem"))
function GetLastCombiningHero takes nothing returns unit
return String2Unit(GetStoredString(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "LastCombinatingHero"))
function SetLastCombinedItem takes item i returns nothing
call StoreString(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "LastCombinedItem", Item2String(i))
function SetLastCombiningHero takes unit u returns nothing
call StoreString(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "LastCombinatingHero", Unit2String(u))
function RegisterItemCombinationEvent takes code f returns triggeraction
return TriggerAddAction(GetItemCombinationTrigger(), f)
function UnregisterItemCombinationEvent takes triggeraction t returns nothing
call TriggerRemoveAction(GetItemCombinationTrigger(), t)
// this function adds some eye-candy and xp to the hero/unit that combines the item
function ItemComboEffects takes unit u returns nothing
local effect e
call AddHeroXP(u, GetItemComboXP(), true)
set e = AddSpecialEffectTargetUnitBJ("origin", u, GetItemComboEffect())
call TriggerSleepAction(GetItemComboEffectDuration())
call DestroyEffect(e)
set e = null
function HasItemCombo takes unit Hero returns boolean
local integer array CarriedItems
local integer Counter
local integer Counter2
local integer NumberOfItems
local integer int_temp
local string ComboString
//Get Items
set Counter = 0
set Counter2 = 0
set Counter = Counter + 1
set int_temp = GetItemTypeId(UnitItemInSlotBJ(Hero, Counter))
if (int_temp > 0) then
set Counter2 = Counter2 + 1
set CarriedItems[Counter2] = int_temp
exitwhen Counter >= 6
set NumberOfItems = Counter2
// Check whether a combination exists
// Add the combination and return whether one was found
if ((int_temp > 0) and (int_temp != null)) then
set int_temp = GetStoredInteger(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "ComboResultItem")
call UnitAddItemByIdSwapped(int_temp, Hero)
call SetLastCombinedItem(GetLastCreatedItem())
call SetLastCombiningHero(Hero)
call ItemComboEffects(Hero)
return true
return false
function AddItemCombo takes integer FirstItem, integer SecondItem, integer ThirdItem, integer FourthItem, integer FifthItem, integer SixthItem, integer ResultItem returns nothing
local integer Combo
set Combo = FirstItem + SecondItem + ThirdItem + FourthItem + FifthItem + SixthItem
call StoreInteger(GetItemComboGameCache(), "ItemCombo", "Combo:" + Combo, ResultItem)