Item "pickup circle"

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Level 2
May 27, 2013
Hay all.

I have on my the map im creating a big problem.
I created some custom items. Now i saw, when i tested
the map that the items if i put them on the gorund the
items cant get picked up again or the pickup circle is very small.
I tryed to find the value in the objekt editor but without results.
Anyone knows how i can make that pickup circle bigger?
Level 2
May 27, 2013
I have no "selection scale" at the item editor.
Only "Scaling Value" and "Selection Size - Editor".
But both dont work. "Scaling vale" is only the model
size and "Selection Size - Editor" looks to do nothing.
And yes, im using custom models from this page here.
Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
I thought the selection circle does not care about the model?
Actually it only cares about model. Selection circle is just a visual.

I have no "selection scale" at the item editor.
Only "Scaling Value" and "Selection Size - Editor".
But both dont work. "Scaling vale" is only the model
size and "Selection Size - Editor" looks to do nothing.
And yes, im using custom models from this page here.

Selection size - editor is how big the selection is in editor. Selection circle being purely graphical for showing what you have selected.

On a custom model you have to click the model itself and that can not be changed. There is a certain thing called "extents" which on most occasions do not reach outside the model.
If the model itself was never meant for an item, then it can't be selected as well as it should(attachment != item)
Level 2
May 27, 2013
If the model itself was never meant for an item, then it can't be selected as well as it should(attachment != item)

The moddel is meant for an Item. THIS is one of the models i used for the items.

Some of the items got a circle, but very very small and not at the middle of the
model. And other dont got a circle and cant get picked up or klicked.
I realy dont know how i can fit this problem... =(

I just tryed to figure out if the model is realy the problem. Well... looks like it is.
I just changed to model and woooops the pickup circle worked.
Im realy pissed of that the model that was meant for items didnt worked. >.<

Anyone knows how to get the custom item models to work? It would be realy
sad if that couldnt get fixed any way. Hope its simple like "you need to list them on
that *path* list, noob!" xD
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Level 21
Mar 27, 2012
The moddel is meant for an Item. THIS is one of the models i used for the items.

Some of the items got a circle, but very very small and not at the middle of the
model. And other dont got a circle and cant get picked up or klicked.
I realy dont know how i can fit this problem... =(

This is an attachment model, not an item model.
The difference for weapons is angle(3D) and how big the selection orb is.
In your case the problem is obviously about the selection orb.
Level 2
May 27, 2013
This is an attachment model, not an item model.
The difference for weapons is angle(3D) and how big the selection orb is.
In your case the problem is obviously about the selection orb.

Well... fuck. That realy sucks. Okay. I think i start to give a fuck on
the item model and just use a treasure or anythink like that for them.

Thanks for your help dude! :goblin_yeah:
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