Shop priority

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Level 2
Aug 31, 2009
Hi Community :)

I am working with the WcIII world editor for quite some time and the tutorials and other threads in this forum helped me out a lot .)
But now i have a problem which i can't solve without help:

I want to create an item shop and a circle of might as seen in dota to be able to buy items even if no hero is around.

I created a trigger which automatically drops the purchased item at the position where the circle is and everything works as i expected but one thing.
When my hero is near to the item shop i want the purchased item to be transfered into the inventory of the hero and not to the circle of might but it doesn't matter where the hero is, the item is always purchased by the circle (hope you understand what i mean ;) )

i need a way to set up purchasing priorities so that the item goes only to the circle if no hero is around.

please excuse my not perfect English :)

any hints or tips are welcome

greetings holzkopf
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