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Item makeing REAL

Level 9
Apr 14, 2008

How hard:Easy

Allot of people don’t know how to make your Owen item. Like example damage +
or attack speed+ or just adding a bunch of stuff to 1 item.

Why do this. Well you would do this for something new and cool
and you can also make it for recipes and stuff like that but you would
need know what you want first.

What you will learn.
[1] You will learn how to add abilities to items
[2] Changing abilities for the items
[3] Attachment points when you hold an item

Hopefully that is all you will need to know when you want to make
a good or advanced item.

What you have to do!!
You will need to go to object editor and then go to items, name your
item do what you want with it, after that go to abilities and Delete all of them.
After you have done all that you will need to go too abilities when your there
look for Special and then go too abilities and there you will find allot of item abilities one you have found what you want go too it and change what the
item dose If you want more to your item just add more abilities and don’t forget that you can (Ctrl+C) then (Ctrl+Z) to copy and paste your ability.
Once you have done all that you go back to your item and then add all the custom abilities, when you open abilities crate new and then it will come up with unit - abilities but you change that to item, and then you go to custom abilities and add all the ones you have made.


If you want a attachment to your item example ( Normal human ) you want fire on his hands.

First you want to go to abilities and go to ( Units - Human ) and look for the ability called Sphere and copy and paste it You dont have to make it a item ability because you can still choose between both of them!!

Once you are there you can rename it and all that stuff if you want i would just change the name. Now look for Attachment points!! If you can see that it says it has 3 Attachment points you now want to change it to what you want ill make it 2. Then there would be something at the top saying sprite, first just delete all of them I want it on my left hand so on the top one ill write in (Hand, Left) there are many ways you can do this Over head Left, Foot / Right, Foot and the same with hands Chest as well!!! then after you have all that done go to Art- Target And change it to what you want ill pick fire. Then copy and paste it on Art - Missile art.

Then add it to your ability when that is done test it then WOW there is fire on my guy that is so cool.

This has being a update!!
Last edited:
Level 22
Feb 26, 2008

1. What is with all of the colors? I think that needs to be toned down.
2. The font is way too big in places. I feel like your tutorial is really disorganized.
3. Don't ask for rep. That's a sure way to get some -rep.
4. What in the world are you doing with all of those smilies? They don't add anything to this.
5. Your explanations are also rather vague... they don't adequately explain what needs to be done.