Item Attack Fire Bonus - Change Sound (Combat System)

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Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
Hello there!

I am creating a combat system where you can equip different weapons and each weapon have it's own set of animations. It's turning out way greater than I could have expected and now I am in need of your help!

I've been researching Sounds this past week and found that the best way to do different combat sounds for different weapons is to use different orb effects.

Orb of Fire has an ability called "Item Attack Fire Bonus" which uses the Archmage fire attack projectile. The projectile model has a sound attatched to it that it plays when doing one of it's animations (death.)

Could you please help me assemble nine projectiles like this?
I need (any) projectile/specialeffect to be edited so that it doesn't have a model (it's transparent or just not shown) and have a different sound attatched to it.

What I need is this:

Projectile/SpecialEffect 1)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyBashFlesh1

Projectile/SpecialEffect 2)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyBashFlesh2

Projectile/SpecialEffect 3)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyBashFlesh3

Projectile/SpecialEffect 4)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyChopFlesh1

Projectile/SpecialEffect 5)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyChopFlesh2

Projectile/SpecialEffect 6)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavyChopFlesh3

Projectile/SpecialEffect 7)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavySliceFlesh1

Projectile/SpecialEffect 8)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavySliceFlesh2

Projectile/SpecialEffect 9)
Sound --> Units --> Combat --> MetalHeavySliceFlesh3


+4 rep, a special loadable ingame gift and an invite to the beta testing team of Bosses of Warcraft 2.0 to whoever that helps me get these files and/or anyone who points me to a person that can!

Thank you for reading!
Last edited:
Level 12
Jan 25, 2017
Heyo Sverkerman,

So if I understand what you're trying to do- you have a few options. I have sort of the same thing going on in my map too (animation change with weapon pickup). The simplest in terms of sounds and animation is to copy your hero multiple times and then change all the necessary data- (sounds, attack damage, default animation tag, etc) and just have it morph into those units on weapon pickup. Of course you'll still trigger a fair bit and it comes with its own problems, but if you were to do this method search for 'passive hero transformation' for the best way.

If you were more lazy, like me, or simply have too much weapon types and such to change all that and make an ability for each 'transformation' you can just do 'add animation tag to unit' on weapon pickup etc. and not give a damn about backswing and attack point.

You know all this, I'm sure. But now we come to sounds, which to be honest is something I hadn't looked into that much for myself. If you want to go your route the way you're asking- I'm of no help in identifying which projectiles have sounds BUT what you are asking for can be accomplished with custom models. You can just add any death sound you want to any model... so essentially you/I/someone could just make a bunch of dummy sfx models and attach whatever death sound you wanted (are not using) and then import the needed sounds over those sounds.

Oh. Wait. That may be what you were asking for all along. Sorry, slightly inebriated atm. Yeah- those sounds you asked for can't be attached to models in magos (I don't know if that is something hardcoded or not- but they're not located there as far as I remember- so you'd have to choose from the sfx sounds/death sounds/special attack (ie catapult attack sound) that you don't plan to use and overwrite them in the sound editor. All of this sounds like a big pain. So I'm sorry there's no simple answer that I can think of right now.


Hosted Project: BoW
Level 17
Feb 28, 2010
@Alethos Hello and thank you for replying!

but they're not located there as far as I remember- so you'd have to choose from the sfx sounds/death sounds/special attack (ie catapult attack sound) that you don't plan to use and overwrite them in the sound editor.
Bad Magos! Bad, bad Magos! Shame!
search for 'passive hero transformation' for the best way.
This piece of information was EXTREMELY helpful to me. It also seems that the ability cooldown is transfered! I can't thank you enough for this piece of information!
Once we've got the code generation system up and running I've got a little something for you. I've also sent you an invite link to the beta testing discord. At the moment it's mostly just Swedish jibberish but if you put notifications off and return to it in late November - December you'll be able to join us in beta testing if you'd like.

Thank you once again ;) +rep

Thread should be closed now, this works perfectly.
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