[Wurst] issuePointOrderId failing on some spells

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So I got a spell which I want to be dummyCasted, the dummycast was failing, upon further investigation and testing other abilities, by creating a unit, give him the abilities and using issuePointOrder to cast, I realized some of them ended up in failure.

This actually happens on a big ass map I am working on, which hum, currently got 1010 custom abilities, so I guess it might cause some issue orderId wise.

I tested the spells on a empty map, all the dummycast/issueOrder worked w/ problems.
Following spells that didn't work on big ass map : blizzard, cloud of fog, death and decay.

I thought it might be related to spell being channeled, however rainoffire, volcano and earthquake worked so I am kinda clueless, maybe I should weed out unused abilities.

So far I didn't have any relatable issues with other spells in the game.

Note that sometime the spell works, then I edit the map to change a small details unrelated to the spell, runmap with wurst, then it stops working. I also used ChannelAbilityPreset to generate alot of spells, more than 50, some of them had conflict with orderId and I had to set it in the abilityDefinition.

Currently looking for clue to further my investigation.

Sorry if this isn't really clear, thank by advance.

Dr Super Good

Spell Reviewer
Level 64
Jan 18, 2005
I thought it might be related to spell being channeled, however rainoffire, volcano and earthquake worked so I am kinda clueless, maybe I should weed out unused abilities.
Yes it is related to channel. You must not change the target type of an ability order string. For example the blizzard order string can only be used be point targetable channel abilities. If the channel uses blizzard with a unit castable or point and unit target mode then it will break blizzard and triggers trying to cast the normal Blizzard ability will no longer work despite one still being able to cast it from the command card.

The solution is with channel to use order id strings that match the target mode. So blizzard can be used with point targetable while stormbolt can be used with unit targetable, etc.
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