IsAngleBetweenAngles(real match, real max, real min)
by Zacharias
by Zacharias
This is a function to check if an angle is between two other angles. It returns true if max>match>min.
The function it self is not complex, but full of math added some comments for those who want to study this function
function IsAngleBetweenAngles takes real Match, real Max, real Min returns boolean
// note: all operations do only modify the interval of match, min and max
// set match, max, min to interval [0,2*PI)
set Match = ModuloReal(Match,2*bj_PI)
set Max = ModuloReal(Max,2*bj_PI)
set Min = ModuloReal(Min,2*bj_PI)
// bring min under match, even if min gets negative
// min e (-2*PI,2*PI)
exitwhen Match >= Min
set Min = Min - 2*bj_PI
// bring max over min (max is positive (modulo))
// max > min, max e [0,2*PI)
exitwhen Max > Min
set Max = Max + 2*bj_PI
// as min is over -2*PI, max cant get negative through the following function
exitwhen (Max-Min) < 2*bj_PI
set Max = Max - 2*bj_PI
// result:
// max > min
// min e (-2*PI,2*PI)
// max e [0,2*PI)
// match e [0,2*PI)
return (Max>=Match)