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is there a Tifa model here?

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Level 2
Dec 5, 2007
my requests and stuff

[OPEN] - active, request is still ongoing, not yet fullfilled, waiting for reply
[CLOSED] - request is no longer active, trashed or its has been

[edited] i want to put all my recent posts here so it would be easy to find(because this thread is getting longer and longer)..

#1 is there any other finalfantasy models here like tifa,squal??? aside from cloud,sephiroth,barret.... pls give me some links on where to find them.. thanks..[CLOSED]

[update] no results

#2 i need more help, im currently creating my own alexandria castle( from finalfantasy 9) and im not satisfied with how it looks, because its far from the real alexandria castle Model, im currently editing the Human Castle from wc3 as my base, but after all attempts it still looks so damn ugly.. so here it is, is there a WHITE castle model out there, and WHite castle walls?.. or maybe just a white castle skin for the human caslte?.. thanks to anyone who would help..[OPEN]

[update] since nobody granted my last request yet, i tried on my own to create a custom model of alexandria, still a wip atm.. and my progress..........is very bad... i dont like what i have done so far.. wel this is my fist time modelling anyway.. here is one screen shot of what i have done so far.. dont mind the skin, i still dont know how to make a proper skin.. good/bad criticisms will be accepted( cozi know im not that good of a modeler yet).. and i also included some images taken ingame from ff9..

[update] having trouble on image attachments at the moment

#3 and oh yeah, ill include this on my post,, does anyone know how to make an omni-slash spell? the one that yurnero juggernaut in dota uses? if there is one already created, links would be very much appreciated.

[update] alright i already found a link on making that spell http://www.thehelper.net/forums/show...=final+fantasy [CLOSED]

#4 requesting a little bit of help, is anybody here familiar with the modeling program WINGS 3D, i think its kind of decent.. i found a link in wc3campaigns and i recently downloaded it. here's the link http://www.wings3d.com/ . so heres what i need, can anyone provide me with easy to learn tutorials?(coz im having trouble accessing their link tutorials, any working links would be helful) and is there a file converter for this? because it uses formats such as .NDO, AI, obj, 3ds, and many more(except .mdl).. positive and negative comments about this program is requested.
thanks this program might improve my modeling because its hard to use oinkerwrinkle tools alone..[OPEN]

[update] i have this new animating software called warshape, i forgot the link on where i found it.. and i have no clue on how to use it

#5 im requesting some anime models those which im already qualified to request(bleach= 3 rep, sephiroth 3= 3 rep).. thanks! [OPEN]

[Update] im being ignored


  • alexandria.jpg
    20.5 KB · Views: 221
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Level 2
Dec 5, 2007
thanks for the info

Dont double post and the reason for why no one creates gundam models is becuase not friggin everyone wants to create fandom shit. Really.. there are alot of fan/anime/cartoon..stuff..and...no one is going to create a specific model for each one..really =/
sorry for my double post.. thanks anyway for the info..
sorry sorry sorry
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Level 2
Dec 5, 2007
i apologize regarding my previous post

im kind of new to this hive forum and was not previously aware of it.. due to the effort of people for reminding me of the rules and helping me, i thank you..
Level 34
Jul 4, 2007
For a first WIP fase stage it looks véry nice, actually. Just need to find someone to help with the texture, maybe General Frank or Elenai.

If you finish it I will give a 8/10, to be honest. :)
Level 2
Dec 5, 2007

thanks a lot for that nice compliment,, i didnt expect that i would recieve one.. i thougth al im going to recieve are realy bad criticisms.. yeah it needs a good texture and more castle details.. im having trouble bcos i dont have a really close up view of what im trying to copy.. heheh thanks again..:wgrin::wgrin:
Level 2
Dec 5, 2007

im having trouble attaching files here..:cry::thumbs_down:

anyway, mechanical man, you have a point there.. heheh but for me, i can look at her anytime, whenever i want to, because i already have a tifa model, too bad my model is not wc3 compatible.. its from another game.. thats why i want a tifa model for wc3!!!!!^___^

thanks mechanical man and frankie!
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Level 2
Dec 5, 2007
awww im having trouble finishing my alexandria model.. ill put it on hold for now until i get more info about it.. ---next project gundam!

wahahah im half finished with my gundam!!! happy holidays everyone..

wahhhh i want some modern stuff.. like robots/mechs and heavy hi-tech tanks.. i wish there are more of those models here in the hive..
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