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Is it possible to make?

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Level 3
Nov 9, 2005
I am trying to figure out how to get a custom spell and add in the traits you want. I am trying to recreate Unholy Armor from WCII:

conditions are set as:

+ armor or invincible
(frost armor vs. divine shield)

half health or subtract health while spell is in effect.
(none i know that halfs health vs. unholy frenzy)

but i cant figure out what to pick to get those. buffs were only graphic effects...

can anyone enlighten me on this matter?
Level 3
Oct 21, 2004
I'm not sure exactly of everything you posted, but you need variables to do the half health.

Set Variable> Caster_Health to Arithmetic( .5 x (Health of Triggering Unit)

Then you can Unit> Set health to that variable or whatever the action is.

I'm not sure what your getting at with the armor thing. Is it supposed to be a 50/50 chance that either Divine Shield or Frost Armor will be added?
Level 3
Nov 9, 2005
Yes, that variable will work, i was looking for either one of those states if one or the other is not add-able or something... most likely half health.

right now i went to some tutorials on how to add abilities... all i got was one telling me to download MPQ extractor and suppose to look for ".slk" file of some sort... i didnt see any .slk files...

was i looking at the right tutorial?

i know people dont like these questions if the item is obviously there but i scanned and looked around here, at campaincreations, and some other warcraft 3 place and none had what i was looking for.. atleast not by title...
Level 3
Oct 21, 2004
I never learned by tutorials. I find them.. confusing. It's better to learn on your own because each person might make a spell different from the next. The likely that 5 people will create a spell with the exactly same triggers and conditions is fairly low.

Your best bet is to go into the spells section and download some spells. Then open them up in Warcraft 3 Map Editor and look at how they do certain things.

Or you can ask in this forum, that's what it's used for.

If you want some real-time 1 on 1 help just instant message someone using whatever messanging services they list. (I use AIM for example).

Oh and, never think something isn't possible, not to sound too cliche but, the only limit on what can be done in the editor is limited by your imagination, the quality of your PC, and the amount of lag your willing to live with.
Level 3
Nov 9, 2005
The way i make spells right now is by copying a already existing spell and then changing its values. but there is no way i can find a way to ADD in stuff in Data, ex. stats to half health and also have invincible effect.
i dont understand other than that path so i need a tutorial... i could always ask for someone to make a spell for me but i find it a more "simple" task and not nessesary.. i rather learn this.
but how do i get what i want into the spell category? unless there is a spell with ALL the options open... something i an use as an universal foundation or base for all other spells i wish to create, then i need to learn somehow... can you explain how YOU make spells? i dont care who it is from, i want to try it and see if i can get it...
Level 3
Oct 21, 2004
I'm not sure I totally get what you're asking for...

Alot of the things you need are actions from a trigger. Like to be invincible, make the unit invulnerable. Or say you want a time-stop ability, you use the Pause action. For half health do Unit> Set Health to (.5 x (Life of (Triggering Unit))) or something.

I'm not sure what you mean by spell category or options.

Now, how do I make spells? First I need a clear example of what the spell has to do, my latest spell was an escape spell. My friend and I discussed and decided that the spell would be based on blink (the escape part), then all units in a range around where the unit WAS would be cycloned. On top of that, all units that were cycloned would take damage. Once we got down those basics of what I was able to do with the editor and what we wanted done, I was able to go in and mess around.
Mind you, that spell took me 2 hours maybe to get perfected. I must of have made 4 copies of it before I got one that worked.

What you need to understand is that 9 times out of 10 the spell you click is not the actual spell that is performed on a map. It is a dummy unit that is created with the actual spell in its arsenal, then the created unit is told to cast, then after it casts, it is destroyed. That's how most spells are made. That and alot of special effects.

As far as tutorials go? I have no idea. I didn't use tutorials, I opened unprotected maps, took a look, then recreated to the best of my ability. That and alot of mess ups and retries put me where I am now, which is probally just above the amateur level.

The best thing you can do, is try to make an ability using each of the events, conditions, and actions. Make sure each works, and then you have a clear example of what everything does. Or how it works. That's the best way to do things.
Level 3
Nov 9, 2005
Your telling me i need to set these custom triggers for my spell? ... i wish there was a way to add in data for the spells...

your know how a spell says


and after it says something like damage, range, etc.
well, i thought there might be a stat or data i can add to give invicibility and half health on those who recieves it.

Unholy Armor from WCII works like this:
the caster cast it on an unit. That unit's health is halfed.. reduced by 1/2. The unit becomes invincible for a certain amount of time until the magic wears off...

I want to create something like that.

but using Divine armor will work except i cant seem to find anything that will add in the "half health on casted" part... (not to mention that spell cast on himself and not others)

Frost armor is another one usuable. it can be casted on yourself or others. but instead of giving invicibility and taking 1/2 health, it only has options to change its armor value...

what are the steps i must take to make one of those spells work?

also, the spell Frenzy can change its target.. meaning what i can cast on.. when i try to change it from basily "self" to the same thing as bloodlust which can cast on everyone and yourself, it didnt work (i can use bloodlust as the base to solve that problem; but the problem is that changing those settings didnt change ANYTHING..
i just started to use the map maker.. i know how to make stuff out of existing spells, import models and skins... but not how to make new abilities from scratch into the spell i want...
what do i have to do then?
and there is NO TUTORIAL on this!?
Level 3
Oct 21, 2004
What you want would have to be done using triggers (so yes, a custom spell) and would actually be fairly complicated, but not impossible.

If you want I can show you how to start.

And, unfortunately, if you want to do custom spells, you're going to have to learn the Trigger Editor.

Also, with your Frenzy problem, I'm not sure. Since I can't look at your editor to see what you did, here's what I would do (untested):
Change Stats - Targets Allowed, check Friend, Player Units, and Hero.
I think, if it still doesn't work I'll play around with it and test it as best I can.
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