Hey everyone found this site while looking for a model for a campein i am trying to make.
Currently in Iraq, so i wanted to do something with my time.
So far i have the first map up, and depending on what models i can get working (currently working on General Frank i beilive) King Arthas.
Just can't figure it out ATM.. I suppose sence the new update with Blizz they might have add'd something?
But the unit is invisable when i start it up.
I have windows vista and.. the most current version of War3 TFT.
But there is no ( Model - Portrait )
SO i'm not sure how to load the KingArthas_portriat.mdx..
Any tips?
Currently in Iraq, so i wanted to do something with my time.
So far i have the first map up, and depending on what models i can get working (currently working on General Frank i beilive) King Arthas.
Just can't figure it out ATM.. I suppose sence the new update with Blizz they might have add'd something?
But the unit is invisable when i start it up.
I have windows vista and.. the most current version of War3 TFT.
But there is no ( Model - Portrait )
SO i'm not sure how to load the KingArthas_portriat.mdx..
Any tips?