In need of undead models

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Level 5
Apr 6, 2008
Well, hello dear modelers, It would be very cool if some of you could help me, you know I could find a use for some models matching the ones on the images below, for my WoW-Naxxramas based map (It's a Necropolis with Kel'Thuzad and loads of undeads inside), I think making them would be very entertaining, though I have never tried modeling myself :p


1. A huge undead giant, with one of his hands replaced with a toxic injector, and mechanical parts attached to his body.
LINK to the creature itself inside WoW-Naxx:

2. A huge undead dog, with his mouth made of bloody metal, his stomach opened, and his poisonous blood and insides falling out of it.
LINK to the creature itself inside WoW-Naxx:
(though not a good image ((still the best I could find)), and it doesn't show too much of his insides falling out of him- its still an image)

3. They say this guy looks like frankeinstein's zombie, I dunno, never saw the film, what's important is that is is COOL :grin:
LINK to the creature itself inside WoW-Naxx:

4. A kind of a cool undead monster. Can't really describe it, so here's the image from WoW:

5. A huge undead-mushroom like giant.

6. Alright, this is not an undead model, but I'm really in need of it, and I think many other ppl would find it useful. So: webs :)
Like the ones on the "Rocks Webbed" doodad :)

If any of you, dear readers, are interested in making one of them, and would make them... well... I can offer sexual service and/or my neverending thanks :) Kk, just joking about the service :ugly:

Thanks for the attention
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Level 5
Apr 6, 2008
Hmm... then should I wait till I have some "rep", and post stuff just after that? Will that change anything?

No, it's a wight. Anyone who has eyes could realize the "freaking" differences "!" "-.-"
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Level 5
Apr 6, 2008
@ike_ike Well, atm I'm using an Owlbear with special effects (mushrooms), but that's not that good.

I would like to point out some of the contents of my post, that you somehow weren't paying attention to.

"If any of you, dear readers, are interested in making one of them, and would make them"

I didn't say anything like: HEY U FUXS ouT THere i wunna ghet teh XY models, so cum on, make dam fur me at 1ce, and I KNUW thet no1 payz, but HU cerz!!!44!

No, I was just asking if any of you are interested in making one of them, and in helping me improving my map. I didn't even ask. Just "if you're interested" (!), then here's an idea, here's a guy who would be very thankful for them, if you have some free time, and wanna help... And before you get mad again, I know that modeling takes time, and it isn't an easy stuff, but hope you won't die in the effort......

And anyway, I still don't see the reason of jumping so aggressively on a newcomer.
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