Hello, friends! Who's up for making a campaign screen? (for those who don't know what I mean: the bit in a Custom Campaign with all the buttons you click to start levels. I'm looking for an animated screen like the ones used in Blizzard's campaigns, rather than the motionless screens used for single-level loading screens. *whew* that was long!) I need an icy wasteland, or something like the TFT scourge campaign screen has, but with a Tuskaar/Tuskarr (please, how do you spell it?) instead of Arthas. If you do a good job then I add a lot to your reputation, if you do poorly (or do a good job but end up with something somehow unsutable for my campaign) but at least try, small reputation plus. I hope you can come up with something good, and have fun making it too! Thanks in advance to all who are willing to try, and thanks to everyone else on hive for being awesome!!