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Importing files

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Level 2
Mar 9, 2007
Okay, i know that this is done for very often but i can not use imported files in my map and i don't know why. I get the with in the import manager but i do not understand what the paths do and what they are and from their how to use the model/skin/spell.
I have obtained a model from online and a spell that i need desperately in my map. The problem is that after reading every tutorial and post about "importing" I have used all these methods yet i may be doing something wrong CAN SOMEONE PLEASE POST STEP BY STEP PROCESS IN ORDER TO IMPORT MODELS, SKINS, AND SPELLS I NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE!
I appreciate that you take the time to read this and help me thank you.
Level 13
Aug 31, 2005
For importing a skin/model you can usually just go to the import manager and click import. Then select the skin (SkinName.blp) and click import. It should look like this

Then just remove the war3mapImported part from the front leaving only the original name.


do the same thing for models. Only it would look like this.

Note: The name of the model would not be ModelName.mdx it would be the name of the model you are importing (same thing with the skin)

For importing spells go into the object editor. Select the spells tab. Then from inside the spells tab go to File - import custom spell data and import the spell file. (Note: This will not work for spells that involve triggers/JASS)
Level 2
Mar 9, 2007
ty ty ty
Well theirs a spell that im using does require jass/triggering and i have uploaded the trigger and such but i dont get whats wrong.

http://wc3sear.ch/index.php?p=Spells&ID=1639&sid= (thats the spell)
I have uploaded the trigger and the other files but i get this error message when i tried to enable the file because when i first saved it disabled itself.
"The trigger can not be enabled because the variable "Mirror_Caster" does not exist"
I also noticed that the file on the spell map were i had uploaded it from said that the "conditions are equal to Demonic Mirrors, but when i open it to my map it says that the .... equal to XXXXX (not realy what it says) but it is a custom spell that i made. Mind you the spell that was made was not a trigger nor did i change anything. Any help anyone can give me?
Level 2
Mar 9, 2007

DAMN! im still getting that message and im getting annoyed i think i have added all the variables that were missing. I changed the incorrect scripted, added the dummy units, added the units that were required for the spells and the models and such grrr..... this is very frustrating
I still am getting the same message as before what is this mirror_caster i mean i get that the hero thats considered a caster of the spell if he/ she cast a spell but... maybe am i fine and the only reason its not working is because the unit is not in the map? because if so should i not "enable the trigger and take off the initally on" because the hero needs to be built from an alter and should not spawn from the map. or am i just really far off?
Level 32
Oct 23, 2006
Spells are tricky, keep at it. Be sure that you have each variable properly set up.


Any unit using the spell (initally on the map or not) must possess the ability Demonic Ice Mirrors.
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